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Dual body image pathways to body change behaviors were supported, although three unanticipated interrelationships emerged, suggesting that muscularity and body fat concerns and behaviors may be more integrated for gay men. Internalization of the mesomorphic ideal, appearance comparison, muscularity dissatisfaction, and body fat dissatisfaction were key mediators in the model. Of the sources of social influence, friend and media pressure to be lean, gay community involvement, and partner, friend, media, and family pressures to be muscular made incremental contributions.

Unexpectedly, certain sources were directly connected to body change behaviors. Influences on the Career Development of Gay Men. Relates selected concepts from the general literature of gay and lesbian psychology to the career development of gay men. Specific concerns related to sexual identity development, the management of stigma, and psychological adjustment are reviewed, and suggestions are offered both to practitioners and researchers. Homecoming: the relevance of radical feminism for gay men. Sexual politics in the gay male world would be enhanced by a serious engagement with radical feminist politics, particularly critiques of pornography and the sex industry.

Gay men report unique health disparities and service utilization trends compared to their heterosexual peers including a lack of health-care participation which may lead to chronic health conditions. Limited research has been conducted analyzing group differences among gay men such as the influence of one's age cohort on disparities. The aim of this study was to examine the association age cohort has on health service utilization among gay men.

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A sample of self-identified gay men was collected by the San Francisco Department of Public Health. Age cohort differences in health-care service utilization appear to exist among gay men. This study highlights additional areas for exploration including the impact HIV and socioeconomic status have on health-seeking behavior and health service utilization. Rhodes, Scott D. An academic-community partnership conducted nine focus groups with 88 MSM. Mean age was 27 range 18—60 years. Grounded theory was used. A community forum was held to develop recommendations and move these themes to action.

Anal intercourse is commonly associated with male homosexuality, but not all gay males engage in anal sex. Receptive anal intercourse can cause pain. Little is known about this sexual dysfunction. This study aims to determine the 4-week incidence of anodyspareunia AD in a sample of Belgian men who have sex with men MSM population and to assess the relevance of possible predictors such as age, relationship, and sexual behavior.

A part of the questionnaire was focusing on anal eroticism. The participants, who self-reported being human immunodeficiency virus-positive or not having anal intercourse, were excluded. Female Sexual Function Index questions on pain domain adapted for anal intercourse. A total of 1, Belgian MSM completed the questionnaire. Independent predictors for the presence of AD were age, having a steady relationship, frequency of sex with their partner, number of sex partners, number of sex partners at the same time, and massaging the anal sphincter before anal sex.

The prevalence and severity of AD among the MSM were lower among older participants, the MSM who more frequently had sex with their partner, and participants with a higher number of sex partners. Inadequate lubrication and lack of oral or digitoproctic stimulation prior to penetration were the most important factors predicting pain.

One-third of the participants reported not engaging in receptive nor penetrative anal sex. Introduction Anal intercourse is commonly associated with male homosexuality, but not all gay males engage in anal sex. Aim This study aims to determine the 4-week incidence of anodyspareunia AD in a sample of Belgian men who have sex with men MSM population and to assess the relevance of possible predictors such as age, relationship, and sexual behavior.

Conclusion One-third of the participants reported not engaging in. Social science research as well as a rise in sexually transmitted diseases and new HIV infections among men who have sex with men point to increasing numbers of gay men engaging in unprotected anal intercourse without condoms, a practice called "barebacking.

Condomless sex: gay men , barebacking, and harm reduction. Social science research as well as a rise in sexually transmitted diseases and new HIV infections among men who have sex with men point to increasing numbers of gay men engaging in unprotected anal intercourse without condoms, a practice called "barebacking". There is some evidence that barebacking is linked to the rise of crystal methamphetamine use by men of all races and socioeconomic groups and surfing the Internet to locate sex partners, although these are not the only factors contributing to this phenomenon.

This article summarizes current research findings on sexual risk taking among gay men , discusses psychosocial issues that contribute to barebacking, and suggests a harm-reduction approach to clinical work with gay men who bareback as an effective method of addressing the behavior. Global identification predicts gay -male identity integration and well-being among Turkish gay men.

In most parts of the world, hegemonic masculinity requires men to endorse traditional masculine ideals, one of which is rejection of homosexuality.

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Wherever hegemonic masculinity favours heterosexuality over homosexuality, gay males may feel under pressure to negotiate their conflicting male gender and gay sexual identities to maintain positive self-perceptions. However, globalization, as a source of intercultural interaction, might provide a beneficial context for people wishing to create alternative masculinities in the face of hegemonic masculinity.

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Hence, we tested if global identification would predict higher levels of gay -male identity integration, and indirectly subjective well-being, via alternative masculinity representations for gay and male identities. A community sample of gay and bisexual men from Turkey completed the study.

Our findings illustrate how identity categories in different domains can intersect and affect each other in complex ways. Moreover, we discuss mental health and well-being implications for gay men living in cultures where they experience high levels of prejudice and stigma.

Shame, gay men , and HIV disease. Mental health professionals working with people with HIV disease are often confronted by the patients' feelings of shame and should be prepared to recognize and treat what can sabotage the openness crucial to the therapeutic process. Shame is unlike guilt in that instead of being a transgression against some moral code or value, it is the failure to live up to an internal ideal image of oneself; its sanction is rejection or abandonment as opposed to punishment.

Shame can have many triggers, and when faced with these triggers, a strong sense of self can protect a person.

However, most people with HIV find that shame does arise in some situations. In its wake, shame can cause withdrawal, substance abuse, depression, denial, rage, grandiosity, lack of entitlement, and perfectionism. Therapists can help gay men deal with shame and cope better with the indignities of HIV infection.

Therapists must guide patients to an awareness of their true feelings, and help them trust their perceptions of these needs and feelings. Age cohort differences in the developmental milestones of gay men. As the social context in which gay men live changes due to greater visibility, greater acceptance, and easier access to gay subculture, gay males may self-identify and take part in gay social activities at earlier ages than in the past. This study examined whether developmental milestones associated with sexual orientation for gay men have changed over the past several decades.

A large and diverse sample of 2, gay men who responded to a survey published in a national magazine provided retrospective information on the age at which they reached individual psychological, social, and sexual behavior developmental milestones. We found evidence that individual psychological and sexual behavior milestones e. Men as victims: "victim" identities, gay identities, and masculinities. Homosexuality can pose a challenge to conventional masculinities, and for some gay men , being victimized on account of sexual orientation reawakens conflicts about their masculinity that they thought they had resolved.

Being victimized can reinvoke shame that is rooted in failure or unwillingness to uphold masculine norms.

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For some gay men , victimization therefore has connotations of nonmasculinity that make being a victim an undesirable status, yet that status must be claimed to obtain a response from criminal justice or victim services. Men who experience homophobic abuse are helped by accepting a victim identity, but only if they can quickly move on from it by reconstructing a masculine gay nonvictim identity.

This process can be facilitated by agencies such as the police and victim services, provided they help men exercise agency in "fighting back," that is, resisting further victimization and recovering. Some like it mellow: on gay men complicating pornography discourses. Despite the proliferation of writing on pornography generally, much of the literature that focuses on gay pornography specifically conforms to either a pro- or anti-porn framework.

This overly simplistic dichotomy positions pornography as a homogeneous construct, albeit one that is either "good" or "bad. Further, it is not uncommon for researchers to draw conclusions about the effects of pornography consumption without defining exactly what pornography is. This ethnographic research draws on qualitative interviews with 20 consumers' of gay pornography in Toronto, Canada.

By using a thematic analysis to document the ways in which gay men define, distinguish, and conceptualize gay pornography, five definitional categories were developed: Mellow; Commercial; Raunch; Amateur; and Bareback. These broad conceptualizations are discussed in reference to writing on gay pornography. Our research results emphasize the importance of clear definitions of pornography within pornography research.

Gay men 's experiences of surrogacy clinics in India. While growing numbers of Australian gay men are entering into 'offshore' surrogacy arrangements in order to become parents, little empirical research has been conducted with this population. This article reports on a qualitative analysis of interviews with 12 gay men who had entered into surrogacy arrangements in India. The findings outline both positive and negative experiences in terms of support pre-conception, during the birth and post-birth.

Changes to legislation in India mean that gay men can no longer access surrogacy services there, but it is important to understand the experiences of men who had previously accessed those services. The article concludes by highlighting aspects of the data that demonstrate the particular experiences of gay men who undertake offshore surrogacy arrangements, especially with regard to their need for support and involvement in all aspects of the process.

A more thoroughly developed network of care may help to facilitate such support and this may further increase the positive outcomes reported by gay men who form families through surrogacy arrangements. Clubbing masculinities: gender shifts in gay men 's dance floor choreographies. This article adopts an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the intersections of gender, sexuality, and dance.

It examines the expressions of sexuality among gay males through culturally popular forms of club dancing. Drawing on political and musical history, I outline an account of how gay men 's gendered choreographies changed throughout the s, 80s, and 90s.


Through a notion of "technologies of the body," I situate these developments in relation to cultural levels of homophobia, exploring how masculine expressions are entangled with and regulated by musical structures. My driving hypothesis is that as perceptions of cultural homophobia decrease, popular choreographies of gay men 's dance have become more feminine in expression.

Exploring this idea in the context of the first decade of the new millennium, I present a case study of TigerHeat, one of the largest weekly gay dance club events in the United States. Domestic violence can affect anyone in an intimate relationship.

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Trust, commitment, love and sex: HIV, monogamy, and gay men. Research on gay men 's relationships has neglected monogamy. Instead, it has tended to a emphasize HIV risk and relationship agreements between partners regarding sex and condom use with outside partners or b focus on nonmonogamous relationships as emblematic of relationship innovation.