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This was a landmark case in Britain, where Section of the Criminal Justice Act was utilised in sentencing the killers. This Act empowers courts to impose tougher sentences for offences motivated or aggravated by the victim's sexual orientation in England and Wales.

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Dobrowski was born in Stroud , Gloucestershire. A few weeks prior to his murder, Dobrowski was offered an assistant manager position at the Camden Lock branch of the club. In an interview with The Times , the bouncer for the club that Dobrowski worked at said, "if you had met this gentleman, you would know him to be a fresh-faced young man who never said a nasty word to anyone, even to the drunks who came in off the street.

That was his way: a kind, sweet guy.

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The last hours of Dobrowski's life are not totally clear. On Friday 14 October it is reported that he visited friends in Clapham where he had worked prior to moving clubs for his promotion. He left friends at around His killers had been roaming Clapham Common after a night of drinking. The judge, Brian Barker, said that the pair had gone to Clapham Common specifically to commit acts of "homophobic thuggery". Dobrowski crossed paths with the two men who automatically assumed he was gay, as Clapham Common is a well known cruising site for gay men.

Police say there was a short exchange of words before Pickford started to throw punches at Dobrowski.

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Walker then joined in the attack. One witness who intervened was warned off and told, "We don't like poofters here and that's why we can kill him if we want.

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He died in hospital from severe head, neck and facial injuries. In court today, the judge told the attackers: "I am quite satisfied that aggression was uppermost in your minds. As it continued and increased in ferocity, there was an intention to kill.

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He suffered considerably before his death. Outside the court, the victim's mother, Sheri, described his death as "an outrage". It was an act of terrorism," she said. This is unacceptable. We cannot accept this.

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No intelligent, healthy or reasonable society could. For struggling to become who he was - an intelligent, funny, hardworking and beautiful man, whose life was brutally and mercilessly punched and kicked from him. Jaswant Narwal, the district crown prosecutor at the Old Bailey trials unit, said afterwards: "We believe this is the first instance where the judge has been able to use motivation based on sexual orientation as an aggravating feature when sentencing for murder.

Mr Dobrowski was beaten so badly that a pathologist was unable to say how many times he had been hit. The pathologist identified 33 areas of injury to his head, face, ears and neck. He suffered a swollen brain, a broken nose and extensive bruising to his neck, spine and groin.

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The pathologist concluded that Mr Dobrowski's death was a result of the combination of the brain injury, extensive bleeding, the inhalation of blood and a severe crushing injury to the larynx. His family could not identify his body because of the severity of his injuries, and identification was made through fingerprint comparison.

After the attack, the killers returned to their hostel where Pickford, who punched his victim so hard that he cracked bones in his hands, told fellow resident Kevin Hanlon: "I've just kicked the crap out of someone. The session ended with her and others praying over me, calling out the demons.

She really believed things like homosexuality, transsexualism and addiction could be fixed just by prayer, all in the name of Jesus. Whether the noise around this story leads the broadcasters to belatedly pick it up or whether the open party political support for the campaign from Alastair Campbell and Labour's Twitter presence is somehow counterproductive he and the BBC do have history , after all is going to be interesting to see. But philippastroud will — in some newsroom or other — have been noticed.

While it is true that Twitter is a minority pursuit in the country as a whole, that's less true for the politicians and media types who hold it close.