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It comes as a great shock around the age of 5, 6, or 7 to discover that the flag to which you have pledged allegiance, along with everybody else, has not pledged allegiance to you. It comes as a great shock to see Gary Cooper killing off the Indians, and although you are rooting for Gary Cooper, that the Indians are you. A small ripple of laughter coursed through the Cambridge fellows at that moment. A laugh not of amusement, but recognition. I am speaking very seriously, and this is not an overstatement: I picked cotton, I carried it to the market, I built the railroads under someone else's whip for nothing.

For nothing. The Southern oligarchy which has still today so very much power in Washington, and therefore some power in the world, was created by my labor and my sweat and the violation of my women and the murder of my children. This in the land of the free, the home of the brave. The final lines of this passage are delivered in some combination of sorrow and disbelief. Baldwin then returns to his theme that black America is not the only group being destroyed by this system:.

Why James Baldwin Beat William F. Buckley in a Debate, | The Education of Oronte Churm

One has to assume that he is a man like me. But he does not know what drives him to use the club, to menace with the gun and to use the cattle prod. Something awful must have happened to a human being to be able to put a cattle prod against a woman's breasts. What happens to the woman is ghastly. What happens to the man who does it is in some ways much, much worse. Their moral lives have been destroyed by the plague called color.

Until the moment comes when we, the Americans, are able to accept the fact that my ancestors are both black and white, that on that continent we are trying to forge a new identity, that we need each other, that I am not a ward of America, I am not an object of missionary charity, I am one of the people who built the country--until this moment comes there is scarcely any hope for the American dream. If the people are denied participation in it, by their very presence they will wreck it.

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And if that happens it is a very grave moment for the West. Baldwin received a standing ovation from the very white, very British audience. Perhaps it was brave of William F. He garners laughs with a clever line or two. From the score, it is clear that Baldwin, at least in this instance, is the superior persuader.

But why? If I am going to talk to my students about persuasion, what am I going to take from Baldwin? From Buckley?

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For one of the alleged historical wise-men of our culture, history has shown Buckley to have been wrong about just about everything, including his stance on civil rights and desegregation. These are just some of the highlights:. They are so unbelievably horrible, so appallingly unmusical, so dogmatically insensitive to the magic of the art, that they qualify as crowned heads of anti-music.

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Buckley was a fine speaker, an intelligent man, a man of breeding and manners, but he was slaughtered by Baldwin that evening. And while Buckley may have changed his mind on these issues, the legacy of his original, unrevised arguments remain in the backlash against Trayvon Martin that suggests, grotesquely, that an unarmed seventeen-year-old boy is somehow complicit in his own shooting death. Even from the grave, Buckley seems to have more pull on the debate than Baldwin. I am growing less pleased with it because I recognize that what I am teaching are techniques, moves, strategies.

These strategies are winning ones, at least as measured by their effectiveness, the need to secure agreement among the audience. Rush Limbaugh remains successful because he understands and speaks to the attitudes of his audience, attitudes people like me find somewhere between distasteful and disgusting. By preaching division they gather believers around them, finding some strength in their numbers.

My guidance is not complete. In digging around the Internet for this piece, I stumbled across a site that collects the famous quotes of famous people, including both Buckley and Baldwin. Now we are told we must collectivize the nation because the people are so rich. She is there, but people must want her, and seek her out. In these lists, I believe I see a difference between these men.

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Why was Buckley so wrong so often? Buckley opposed desegregation because he believed that white culture was civilized and superior, that black Americans were savages. Although that remark proved to be prescient. Baldwin was consistently critical of John F. This was the general attitude within the civil rights movement at the time, yet history has nonetheless remembered the Kennedy Administration has a great promoter of civil rights. There is an edge to his voice now, a kind of controlled anger. However, as moving and emotive and sharp as the preceding critiques undoubtedly are, there is a clear pinnacle of his brilliant remarks.

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For nothing. This is the beating heart of his argument. He removes the lens through which we look at the world and offers us his own, and through his lens there is breath-taking clarity. When Baldwin is finished, and he has received his ovation, Buckley stands, and the difference between the two men is immediately apparent. Buckley is dressed in a full dinner suit and bow tie, as was required by the Cambridge Union. Baldwin had ignored this requirement.

His mannerisms display a manifest sense of superiority, from the smirk on his face to the pointed finger he waves in the air. He speaks in a lazy drawl, as though such a facile debate requires him only to use a fraction of his capabilities.

The Baldwin/Buckley Debate Of 1965, And How Baldwin Won It

This article will not go into depth on his arguments. They are too poisonous to merit the publicity. There are a few remarks, however, that usefully display the bankruptcy of his position. It is perhaps a sign of his desperation that Buckley resorts to personal attacks on his opponent. Bizarrely, he even accuses Baldwin of adopting an English accent to ingratiate himself to the audience. This is demonstrably false, and is a particularly ironic accusation given that Buckley himself was well-known for speaking in a transatlantic tone. He moves on to demonstrate his complete ignorance of the problems faced by black Americans in society.

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