Cover of the first English edition of Benjamin Franklin 's autobiography, Saint Augustine of Hippo wrote Confessions , the first Western autobiography ever written, around Portrait by Philippe de Champaigne , 17th century. Eminent Victorians set the standard for 20th century biographical writing, when it was published in James Boswell wrote what many consider to be the first modern biography, The Life of Samuel Johnson , in Consider asking it at the Wikipedia reference desk.
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Reuters 22 November — German federal election Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer , who replaced German Chancellor Angela Merkel as leader of the Christian Democratic Union , threatens to stand down as a chancellor candidate if her centre-right party continues to disagree over support. As both he and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to form one, Israel will likely face a third election in two years.
The Straits Times 12 November — Hong Kong protests After police shoot a protester with live ammunition, Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam speaks out and labels the protesters as "selfish" for "paralyzing" the city and urges all students not to take part in protests. This follows the failure to reach an agreement last summer and the rise of the far-right party Vox. Archive — More from Wikiquote. Human sexuality. Blackburn Frank Bladin James G. Boyce James E. Branham John C. Breckinridge Political career of John C. Brown John Y. Crittenden Ben Crosby C.
Davies George Andrew Davis Jr. Urner Goodman George H. Ron Hubbard Thomas J. Hudner Jr. Royal Artillery -I again recognise the business-like manner in which Lieutenant Colonel Hall, commanding RA, carries out his duties in the field. Major Bannatine Allason performed splendid work, and assisted greatly in checking enemy on right of our attack. Coldstream Guards- Lieutenant Colonel Codrington, commanding, though wounded, insisted on remaining in command of his battalion till nightfall.
Major the Honourable W Lambton refused to be carried because the bearers were exposed to fire. He remained on the ground 37 hours without food or water. Major the Marquis of Winchester was killed whilst displaying almost reckless courage.
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Sergeant Wilkinson, 2nd Battalion, showed courage in collecting ammunition. Corporal Bartlet, 2nd Battalion, under a very heavy fire went 1, yards to get a stretcher for Major Milton. Corporal Webb, 2nd Battalion, showed great courage in taking messages. Scots Guards- Captain the Master of Ruthven performed, as on several other occasions, valuable services. Royal Highlanders- Corporal Gayner, rallying men, and by his example encouraging his comrades.
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Captains Richardson and Wolfe Murray were wounded, but remained in the front with their companies. Captain and Adjutant Cowan, DSO, gallantly led and rallied has men, and was killed at close quarters. Sergeant Major Stevens rallied men. Sergeant McDonald's gallant behaviour specially brought to notice for carrying messages to guns and to medical officer under heavy fire. Captain Shaul brought to notice for several specific cases of bravery when in charge of stretcher bearers of battalion. Privates Peat, Richmond, and Stewart did excellent service and set a good example to their comrades.
Seaforth Highlanders- Captain Honourable Forbes Sempill rallied and led his men straight up to the front in a conspicuous and gallant manner. Lieutenant Grant did good service, taking messages to the front from Colonel Hughes-Hallett under a heavy fire. Lieutenant Lindsay, very gallant and conspicuous behaviour when in charge of Maxim gun. Band-Sergeant Hoare, conspicuous for his coolness and gallantry during the day in helping Dr Ensor to succour wounded; personally carried Captain Fetherstonhaugh wounded on his back some yards to dressing station.
Gordon Highlanders- Captain K B Towse recommended for special reward by his commanding officer for his gallantry and devotion in assisting the late Colonel Downman when mortally wounded in the retirement, and when close up to the front of the firing line; he endeavoured to carry Colonel Downman on his back, but finding this not possible supported him till joined by Colour Sergeant Nelson and Lance Corporal Hodgson; the conduct of these non-commissioned officers is described as admirable.
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders- Captain A Campbell displayed great coolness throughout the day, and helped to dress the wounds of Captain Gordon under a hot fire. Lance Corporal Ray and Private Phipps specially mentioned by Major General Babington as having helped him to rally men and take them into the firing line. Private Johnson helped to remove a wounded Highlander from the front under a heavy fire. Lieutenant Douglas showed great gallantry and devotion, under a very severe fire, in advancing in the open and attending to Captain Gordon, Gordon Highlanders, who was wounded; also attending to Major Robinson and other wounded men under a fearful fire.

Lieutenant General Gatacre in his report, January 19, , brings the following to the notice of the Commander-in-Chief: -. Royal Field Artillery -Major E M Perceval, 77th Battery, though severely wounded, continued to command his battery till the end of the day. In a despatch from Chieveley, December 16, General Buller brings the following cases of distinguished services in the field to notice At Colenso, on December 15, the detachments serving the guns of the 14th and 66th Batteries RFA had all been either killed, wounded, or driven from their guns by infantry fire at close range, and the guns were deserted.
About yards behind the guns was a donga, in which some of the few horses and drivers left alive were sheltered. The intervening space was swept by shell and rifle fire. Captain Congreve, Rifle Brigade, who was in the donga, assisted to hook a team into a limber, went out and assisted to limber up a gun; being wounded he took shelter, but seeing Lieutenant Roberts fall badly wounded he went out again and brought him in. Some idea of the nature of the fire may be gathered from the fact that Captain Congreve was shot through the leg, through the toe of his boot, grazed on the elbow and shoulder, and his horse shot in three places.
I recommend the above three for the Victoria Cross. I recommend all six for the medal for Distinguished Conduct in the Field. Shortly afterwards Captain H L Reed, 7th Battery RFA, who had heard of the difficulty, brought down three teams from his battery to see if he could be of any use. He was wounded, as were five of the thirteen men who rode with him; one was killed, his body was found on the field, and 13 out of 21 horses were killed before he got half-way to the guns, and he was obliged to retire.
I recommend Captain Reed for the Victoria Cross. W Wright wounded. I have differentiated in my recommendations, because I thought that a recommendation for the Victoria Cross required proof of initiative, something more, in fact, than mere obedience to orders, and for this reason I have not recommended Captain Schofield, RA, who was acting under orders, though I desire to record his conduct as most gallant. Devon Regiment 2nd Battalion - Colonel Bullock behaved with great gallantry; he did not receive the orders to retire; his party defended themselves and the wounded of the two batteries till nightfall, inflicting considerable loss on enemy, and it was only when surrounded that he consented to surrender, because enemy said they would shoot the wounded if he did not.
Colonel T E Stephenson, Essex Regiment, has, on several occasions, rendered me valuable assistance; his leading of the infantry brigade during the reconnaissance in force on January 25 was excellent. Major D Haig, 7th Hussars, Acting AAG and CSO, has shown throughout the same zeal, untiring energy, and consummate ability as have characterised his conduct and bearing since the very commencement of the campaign in Natal , during the whole of which time he has acted in this capacity; I have had occasion to speak of him in a similar sense in former despatches.
Major G O Welch and Captain T D Foster, ASC, DAAG's, have shown untiring zeal and energy in supervising the transport and supply services, which, in a force operating as this has been, on a very wide front, and often many miles from a railway, has been an arduous and difficult task. Captain P A Kenna, VC, 21st Lancers, provost-marshal, has performed his duties with zeal and energy: he has on more than one occasion shown an excellent example of bravery by going personally to the assistance of wounded men.
Lieutenant S L Barry, 10th Hussars, divisional signalling officer, has performed excellent service. Major F S Garratt has at various times shown considerable skill and resolution as squadron commander in the field, and has done valuable service. Major M F Bimington, employed in command of a Corps of Guides, has rendered me much assistance since he has been attached to this command.
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Royal Horse Artillery -Lieutenant Colonel F J W Eustace, officer commanding BA, Cavalry Division, has displayed conspicuous skill and sound judgment in his handling of the artillery, which has played so important a part throughout these operations; he has been of the greatest help to me, and indefatigable when the most severe strain was thrown upon him and his command.
He has received much help from his adjutant, Captain A D'A King, who is deserving of great commendation. Majors Sir J H Jervis-White-Jervis, Baronet, and B Burton deserve the highest credit for the manner in which they have worked their batteries throughout these operations; in face, very often, of a most galling fire from the enemy's well-concealed and protected artillery positions, they have uniformly maintained an excellent practice with most telling effect on the enemy. Royal Field Artillery -Major A E A Butcher, who joined with his battery of field artillery soon after the bombardment of Colesberg was commenced, with great energy and perseverance succeeded in placing two field guns on the top of a steep hill called Coles Kop, ft high, and from this commanding position has inflicted great damage and loss on the enemy.
I am much indebted to him for many services performed, not the least of which has consisted in his maintaining a perfect system of telegraphic and telephonic communication throughout the force on a front of 38 miles.
Captain A H S Hart, East Surrey Regiment, and Lieutenant C Saunders, Dorset Regiment attached , on two occasions made valuable reconnaissance sketches of important parts of the enemy's position with very indifferent cover in a nullah down wHich they had crept , from a galling fire. Yorkshire Regiment- Lieutenant Colonel H Bowles has done very good service at critical times in command of his battalion. Captain M H Orr was dangerously wounded during the attack on New Zealand Hill, which post he commanded with great credit. Royal Berkshire Regiment -To Major F W N Mc-Cracken and the four companies serving with this force is the successful attack on Colesberg on January 1 principally due; I cannot speak too highly of this officer's coolness, courage, and intrepidity, or of the gallantry and discipline displayed by his officers and men in making the night assault which he led so well; the regiment have intrenched themselves, and have established such an excellent system of defence that the enemy's fire, although nearly unceasing, is practically harmless.
New Zealand Mounted Infantry -Major A W Bobin, commanding, deserves special mention for the frequent occasions upon which he and his men have performed signal service during these operations. Captain W R N Madocks, RA attached , saw the critical situation of the Yorkshires, and that they were practically without a leader'; with the greatest promptitude he took a few of his men to the west side of the hill, and rallied the troops holding it; be caused them to line their intrenchments and stem the enemy's advance; ho then jumped up, gave the order to fix bayonets, and charge down the hill, upon which the Boers immediately turned; the greatest credit is due to Captain Hadocks and his New Zealanders for their prompt action.
Royal Army Medical Corps -Major H G Hathaway has been attached to my staff since my arrival at Naauwpoort; he has been unremitting in his attention to the sick and wounded; he has on several occasions and at critical times carried messages to commanders of units in the ield, and his services have been most useful. When all men were over, the chesses of the pontoon bridge were so worn by the traffic that I do not think they would have lasted another half-hour.
Royal Hold Artillery -Lieutenant T M Archdale, 78th Battery, specially mentioned for the manner in which he withdrew the battery waggons under a heavy enfilade fire, which struck two out of the three waggons and several horses. Royal Engineers Pontoon Troop -Major Irvine, and the officers, non-commissioned officers and men deserve much praise.
Staff- I wish to place on record the brilliant services of the late Brevet Major local Lieutenant Colonel H S Turner; in him the Army has lost a most valuable officer; he was a great organiser, full of energy, and possessed of real ability and courage; he was the principal organiser of the Town Guards, and acted as my staff officer, carrying out his duties with marked success under great difficulties; Captain local Major W A J O'Meara, RE, my intelligence officer, carried out his many duties to my entire satisfaction, … and is, I consider, a most hardworking and capable staff officer; Lieutenant local Captain D S Maclnnes, RE, worked out most carefully and constructed with marked ability and success the engineer operations for the defence; on Major Turner taking over command of mounted troops, cannot speak too highly of the manner in which he earned out his heavy and very responsible duties.
Royal Garrison Artillery -Major local Lieutenant Colonel G D Chamier commanded the artillery in the siege operations; he has carried out his very responsible duties my satisfaction, and the efficient and mobile condition of the artillery is greatly due to his energy; his advice has always been of the greatest assistance to me. Loyal North Lancashire Regiment 1st Battalion - Major local Lieutenant Colonel W H E Murray was in command of half the battalion and the Infantry Reserve daring siege, and performed his duties with success; also rendered valuable service in connection with supplies.
Captain T H O'Brien was in command of a very important section of the defences; he performed his responsible duties to my entire satisfaction. Lieutenant F W Woodward did excellent work as signalling officer, and after Lieutenant and Adjutant Lowndes was wounded he also took over duties of acting adjutant Lieutenant C de Putron did excellent work as assistant signalling officer; also performed duties of brigade transport officer to my entire satisfaction.
Lieutenant local Captain W Clifford commanded mounted infantry detachment, and had much hard work in connection with patrolling duties in early days of siege; has subsequently performed duties of acting adjutant Kimberley Light Horse with marked success; his conduct in action on many occasions has been most distinguished wounded November Army Service Corps -Captain local Major H V Gorle had an exceedingly onerous task to fulfil in arranging for victualling and supply of garrison and 50, people in the town; I cannot speak too highly of his zeal and resource.
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Corporal F Benwell has done excellent work, and is worthy of special promotion. Cape Police -Commissioner local Lieutenant Colonel M B Robinson assisted me in every way in his power; his duties have been many and various, and he has carried them out to my entire satisfaction. Inspector local Major F H Elliot performed the heavy duties of staff officer to the mounted troops with much tact and zeal; has shown much gallantry in action on numerous occasions. Inspector local Major S Lorimer rendered most valuable services, and has been of the greatest assistance in connection with intelligence and other duties.
Sub-Inspector local Captain J W Colvin most successfully performed duties of quartermaster under most difficult circumstances.