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How can we make our cities dementia friendly? This briefing paper published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation contributes to the emerging evidence base for Dementia friendly communities by drawing out the key messages from independent evaluations of their work programmes in Bradford and York.

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Developing a national user movement of people with dementia This report published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation explores the learning from the Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project DEEP , a national network that engages and empowers people with dementia to influence the services and policies that affect them. Evaluation of the York Dementia Friendly Communities Programme This report published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation identifies the distinctive features of the York Dementia Friendly Communities programme, which promotes a range of innovative projects.

It looks at how people with dementia have been involved in shaping the programme. Accessible Information Standard The Accessible Information Standard tells organisations how they should ensure that disabled patients receive information in formats that they can understand and they receive appropriate support to help them to communicate.

A proposal for a UK dementia eye care pathway This article published in the journal Optometry in Practice introduces a proposal for a UK dementia eye care pathway and outlines the areas that should be covered within a pathway. Living with young onset dementia This video published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence highlights the experiences of younger people being diagnosed and living with dementia. Younger people with dementia This factsheet published by the Alzheimer's Society explores at the types of dementia that younger people under 65 years of age may have, some of the difficulties that they might experience and where support can be found.

Dementia and People with Intellectual Disabilities: Guidance on their Assessment, Diagnosis, Interventions and Support This guidance published by the British Psychological Society aims to promote effective and timely assessment, diagnosis, interventions and support to people with intellectual disabilities who develop dementia. Good to go: A guide to dementia-friendly days out This handbook published by Care UK aims to support carers relatives and friends who want to enjoy a variety of outings and trips with someone living with dementia.

Information about Lewy Body Dementia This handbook published by the Lewy Body Society aims to help people with Lewy body dementia LBD , their families and health care professionals learn more about the disease and find ways and resources to help them cope with it. Creating a dementia friendly workplace: A practical guide for employers This guide published by the Alzheimer's Society is designed to help employers provide support for staff members with dementia.

It may also be a useful resource for people living with, or affested by, dementia in the workplace. Award in Understanding Dementia The Alzheimer's Society and the Royal Society for Public Health have joined forces to create a new qualification to help people understand more about dementia.

Duty of Candour: Information for all providers This document published by the Care Quality Commission sets out how meeting the Duty of Candour regulation will be central to both registration and inspection for NHS bodies and all other care providers regulated by the CQC. Women and dementia: A marginalised majority This report published by Alzheimer's Research UK reveals that dementia has become the leading cause of death among British women and that women are far more likely to end up as carers of those with dementia than men, suffering physical and emotional stress and job losses in the process.

Caring for Carers The Caring for Carers Hub developed by the Royal College of General Practitioners is a web based tool that can help primary care staff to more effectively support carers and the people they care for. Join Dementia Research Join Dementia Research aims to accelerate the pace of dementia research by allowing people with and without dementia to register their interest in studies, helping researchers find the right participants at the right time.

Reading well books on prescription for dementia The Reading well books on prescription for dementia scheme is available in public libraries as part of a national library strategy to support the development of dementia-friendly communities and build understanding and awareness of the condition. No Secrets: guidance on protecting vulnerable adults in care This guidance document published by the Department of Health sets out a code of practice for the protection of vulnerable adults in care.

Collaborative Care and Support Planning: an introduction This animation, commissioned by the Royal College of General Practitioners, sets out the collaborative care and support planning process in a short, easy to understand way. Mental Health Act Code of Practice The revised code of practice shows professionals how to carry out their roles and responsibilities under the Mental Health Act , to ensure that all patients receive high quality and safe care.

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Carers Assessment This factsheet published by Carers UK outlines the Carers Assessment, a legal entitlement which explores how being a carer affects someone, how much caring they can realistically do, and any help they may need. Pain in People with Dementia: A Silent Tragedy This report, published by Napp Pharmaceuticals, draws on a survey of interviews with experts, major providers of care, and on desk research. It quantifies the problem and sets out the issues in recognising, assessing and managing pain in people with dementia.

Commissioning for Carers Principles This practical tool is part of a suite of products that will help commissioners to deliver what carers say is important to them in ways that have been shown to work effectively and efficiently in practice. It includes the findings from the regional Carers Evidence Summits and links to over 50 case studies.

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Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice This guidance published by the Office of the Public Guardian explains to people working with or caring for adults who lack capacity to make decisions for themselves the legal responsibilities that must be considered under the Mental Capacity Act Wearing glasses with dementia factsheet This factsheet is about the issues people with dementia who need to wear glasses may face. It will be useful for people with dementia, their families, carers and professionals.

Eye examinations for people with dementia factsheet This factsheet provides information on eye examinations for people with dementia. Dementia Revealed: What primary care needs to know This toolkit written by Dr Elizabeth Barrett is intended as an educational resource for use by GPs and practice nurses to expand their knowledge and confidence.

Cracks in the pathway This report presents the findings of a Care Quality Commission review of the care people living with dementia receive as they moved between care homes and acute hospitals. Dementia assessment and referral This data collection reports on the number and proportion of patients aged 75 and over admitted as an emergency for more than 72 hours who have been identified as potentially having dementia, who are appropriately assessed and, where appropriate, referred on to specialist services in England.

Supporting a person with dementia This Easy Read factsheet published by the the Alzheimer's Society provides advice for someone with learning disabilities who may have a friend or relative with dementia. Improving the delivery of adult diabetes care through integration This report published by Diabetes UK explains how diabetes care can be improved to achieve better outcomes for people with diabetes.

The challenge for commissioners and healthcare providers locally is to make the system work to support that. Grief, loss and bereavement This factsheet published by the Alzheimers Society looks at some of the feelings carers may experience in caring for someone living with dementia and suggests ways to cope.

It also looks at supporting a person with dementia to cope with grief and bereavement. World Alzheimer Report , Dementia and Risk Reduction The World Alzheimer Report , Dementia and Risk Reduction: An analysis of protective and modifiable factors critically examines the evidence for the existence of modifiable risk factors for dementia. Planning for your future care This guidance published by the National Council for Palliative Care explains advance care planning to the public. It outlines the different options available to people when planning for their end of life care.

Listen, talk, connect: Communicating with people living with dementia This handbook published by Care UK is a guide to support carers relatives and friends who want to communicate effectively with someone living with dementia. A vision of care fit for the twenty-first century This report published by the Commission on Residential Care offers a vision of housing with care fit for the twenty-first century, not bound by existing definitions but based on the outcomes that people want and value.

Diabetes sample service specification The service specification, published by NHS England, outlines the provision of high quality care for all those with diabetes. It describes all the services needed to provide a complete care pathway for people with diabetes. Telehealth and Telecare Aware This online information portal provides a news and information service for people interested in telecare and telehealth. Better care for older people This online resource published by the General Medical Council aims to help doctors challenge the stereotypes associated with older people and tackle the most common concerns older people have about their care.

Continence Product Advisor The Continence Product Advisor is a website providing evidence-based guidance on how to select appropriate products for managing incontinence and use them effectively. Dementia-friendly technology charter The Dementia-friendly technology charter gives people with dementia and their carers information on how to access technology.

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It also provides guidance to health, housing and social care professionals on how to make technology work for people based on their individual needs. Improving cancer patient experience: A top tips guide This guide published by Macmillan Cancer Support provides top tips to support professionals make service improvements in response to the National Cancer Survey and deliver improved patient experience. Improving the quality of cancer care in primary care This toolkit developed by Macmillan Cancer Support aims to support the primary care professionals to develop initiatives and programmes which have a positive impact on the care of people daiagnosed with cancer, their families and carers.

Cancer information factsheets These factsheets published by Macmillan Cancer Support cover a variety of topics relating to cancer, such as chemotherapy drugs, less common cancer types and practical issues for cancer care professionals. Dementia Carer Dementia Carer is a website that provides access to a wide range of video clips featuring carers discussing what helps them cope with issues they encounter in caring for someone with dementia. Making your home a better place to live with dementia This briefing published by Care and Repair England outlines how people might adapt their homes to help better manage the symptoms associatted with dementia.

Duty to Care? Three detailed scenarios were debated to help identify and explore the practical issues involved in being or supporting a carer. Driving and dementia This Alzheimer's Society factsheet explains the legal situation around driving and dementia, and gives some tips on stopping driving. Montreal cognitive assessment The Montreal Cognitive Assessment MoCA is a rapid screening instrument for mild cognitive dysfunction suitable for use in primary care settings. Mini-Cog The Mini-Cog is a brief cognitive function test to screen for cognitive impairment in older adults in the primary care setting.

General practitioner assessment of cognition The General practitioner assessment of cognition GPCOG is a reliable, valid and efficient tool to use to screen for dementia in primary care settings for people with carers. The test takes around five minutes and is widely used, particularly in UK general hospital settings.

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Focus on dementia research The National Institute for Health Research NIHR website Focus on Dementia showcases some of the cutting-edge clinical research that could bring new hope to dementia patients and their families. Initial review following diagnosis This guidance outlines the steps that a practitioner should consider during an initial review with a patient that has received a formal diagnosis of dementia. Blackfriars Consensus on promoting brain health The Blackfriars Consensus, published by the UK Health Forum and Public Health England, explores the potential for incorporation of dementia risk reduction into current approaches for non-communicable diseases.

Referral for a diagnosis This leaflet produced by the Lewy Body Society highlights the importance of practitioners identifying the main symptoms of Lewy body dementia early to enable referral to a specialist at a memory clinic for correct diagnosis to be made. Are you worried about Dementia?

This leaflet produced by the Lewy Body Society explains the main symptoms and causes of dementia. It also outlines the distinct symptoms associated with Lewy body dementia. What causes dementia? Dementia is the result of brain cells being damaged in an ongoing way.

It is not an inevitable part of ageing. How common is dementia? According to the Alzheimer's Society there are around , people in the UK with dementia. One in three people over 65 will develop dementia, and two-thirds of people with dementia are women. This resource will help practitioners to understand that dementia is more than just difficulties with memory. Dementia is not a single disease but a term used to describe a group of symptoms. Be head strong This guidance published by the Alzheimer's Society contains tips to help people reduce the risk of developing dementia.

AT Dementia AT Dementia is web-based information resource on assistive technologies including telecare for people with dementia. Choosing your hospital Most patients can choose which hospital they are seen in according to what matters most to them, whether it's location, waiting times, reputation, clinical performance, visiting policies, parking facilities or other patients' comments.

Diabetes care planning review Practitioners should provide an annual care planning review to all people with diabetes to ensure that each patient gets the right support for managing their diabetes. This short film produced by Diabetes UK aims to help patients to understand what care planning is, and how they can get more involved in their diabetes care. It also outlines the process for getting authorisation for a deprivation of liberty and how to get it reviewed. Advance decisions Advance Directives also referred to as advance decisions to refuse treatment, ADRTs, or living wills may be drawn up by any person with capacity to do so who is over the age of 18, to determine what treatment they might receive in the event of them losing capacity to make decisions under the Mental Capacity Act Mental Capacity Act The Mental Capacity Act came into force in and affects all those working in health and social care involved in caring for people over the age of 16 who are unable to make some or all decisions for themselves.

The dementia guide This guide produced by the Alzheimer's Society is for anyone who has recently been told they have dementia. Can dementia be prevented? These web pages on the NHS Choices portal give advice on leading a healthy lifestyle to help lower your risk of developing dementia when you are older. Life After Death: Six steps to improve support in bereavement This briefing paper published by the National Council for Palliative Care identifies six steps to address bereavement as a major public policy issue.