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  • Obituary content by year - Wits University.
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Your support is more crucial than ever, please consider donating: saatchigallery. Opening hours: Saatchi Gallery is currently closed. JR French, born Installation image. Postgraduate courses. Pre degree courses. Caption Collage by Clara Finnigan. Integrated Masters courses.

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Business and Innovation Arrow Right. Graduate Futures. Student Life. Arcadia Group has gone into administration - what does this mean for the high street? He served as a Senator of the College of Medicine of South Africa for more than 15 years and as its Honorary Registrar for three years. He chaired the College's Examinations and Credentials Committee at the time of his death.

A pioneer in the field of osseointegrated implants, Prof. Lownie contributed significantly to the profession. He trained a generation of maxillo-facial and oral surgeons, initiating transformation through training black students in this field before it became an official requirement. Lownie was a man of principle and high standards. He led from the front, doing what he expected of others. He was an ideal academic, combining clinical practice with research to produce evidence on which to base patient care, an activity that produced a steady output of publications, including one in when he was very ill.

He was a longstanding Honorary Research Fellow in the now-defunct Dental Research Institute, jointly supervising 16 Masters degrees and publishing 12 scientific papers with colleagues. His booming voice and infectious laugh will be missed. Born in Sweden, Luck relocated with his family to Kenya in He returned to Sweden at the age of 12 to be an apprentice to a blacksmith and carpenter, received a Swedish matriculation and then came to Wits to study medicine, thereafter specialising in physiology.

Luck married in and took up the Chair in Physiology in the new pre-medical course for students at Fort Hare University. Three years later he took up the chair of physiology at Makerere University Medical School in Uganda. Here he became increasingly involved in animal physiology as big game parks in western Uganda were being established and the efficient tranquillising of game was required. Luck established a research team that undertook drug-darting experiments that culminated in the use of M99 and its antidote, a breakthrough in large animal tranquillisation.

In the s, Luck developed his vision for a mobile field laboratory, the first of its kind in East Africa, drawing researchers from the USA, Scandinavia, Germany and Britain.

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In the late s, Luck took up the chair of physiology at Wits Medical School. He moved later to the Wits Dental School, where there was more scope for the animal research he sorely missed. Here he pursued studies of fruit bats, keeping a roomful of them in his department! So enthusiastic was he that five PhDs on the unique metabolism of these creatures were produced by his department. Luck maintained his interest in carpentry and wrought-iron work throughout his life. In his fifties he learned Spanish in order to hone these skills under a Spanish master smith.

He retired at 60 and set up a forge and carpentry shed from which he produced doors, balustrades and gates. He established a carpentry school and took on apprentices in wrought-iron work. Active in his forge until the age of 80, he was still working in copper at the age of To the end of his life he remained a teacher, ever willing to share his knowledge and enthusiasm with anyone who truly wished to learn.

Ashley Callie was tragically killed in car accident on 15 February After graduating in , Callie appeared in a number of television productions including Uninvited Guest, Homeland and Natural Rhythm. In she played in the Pieter Toerien production of Things You Shouldn't Say Past Midnight for which she was nominated for best actress in a comedy.

In , she appeared in the international film. The Surprise. Callie is survived by her parents Graham and Claire, sister Lauren and brother John. Born 12 November , Conacher studied geography and sociology.

He held a teaching diploma and dedicated his life to education. He is survived by his three children.

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Cowan was born 9 April He died at the age of Three years later he studied medicine and married Edna Ostrowiak after graduating. He joined State health in and then studied anatomical pathology. He was senior pathologist at the SA Institute of Medical Research for thirty years and discovered the endemic nature of a particular disease. This was the focus of his PhD. In he and his wife founded the Readucate Trust to continue the work of the Rebecca Ostrowiak School of Reading established by his wife and her mother in Freinkel is survived by his wife and four children, three of whom are Wits alumni.

Born 27 April , Gavronsky was awarded the Henry St. Heime Geffen 3rd. August , passed away on the 27th October, , at the Hospice Niagara, in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, having fought bravely and to the end, against leukaemia. Geffen graduated from Wits. He set up a Family Practice in Springs, providing service to all patients across the racial divides, and also administered anaesthesia at the Geduld Hospital. Because of his liberal and progressive political outlook, at times outspoken, he felt, and was threatened, by the ruling apartheid authorities.

When the opportunity arose in to migrate to Canada, Dr. He quickly established a thriving Family Practice at the Community Group Health Centre, and became known widely for his thorough, excellent and accurate medical skills, as well as for his quiet, calming demeanour. Geffen participated in local and regional medical administrative organizations, and rose to be the President of the Lincoln County Academy of Medicine, the Chairman of the Department of Family Medicine at the Hotel Dieu and St.

Catharines General Hospital and then the Niagara Health System, when 7 regional hospitals merged under one administration. He was also instrumental in setting up Pain Management Clinics, was a guiding force and fund-raiser in the establishment of a hospice for terminally ill patients, as well as establishing regional sexual assault services and an Urgent Care Clinic. Geffen was an avid golfer and bridge player, and often had his life?

He was also the Physician Examiner for Boxing Ontario, and had a passion for soccer, attending the World Cup in Germany with his son Martin, for three weeks, in Geffen continued making the headlines, even during the height of his final illness, as he responded, all but miraculously, with an almost two year remission from the leukaemia, following the use of Lifemel, a special brand of honey, from Israel.

Geffen was devoted to his family and his Jewish faith and was an active member of Congregation B? Nai Israel in St. Catharines, where he was interred in it? This was followed later by a ceremony at the General Hospital commemorating his medical career, and at which state of the art equipment was donated and dedicated to the Oncology department in his name. Heime Geffen will be missed by his loving family, colleagues, and wide circle of friends. Born in Ermelo, then Eastern Transv l on 18 June , Goldberg matriculated from Ermelo High before completing his undergraduate and teaching degrees at Wits.

He held teaching posts in Johannesburg and London and was the first male teacher appointed at King David School. He married Musa Katz in and the couple had three children, two of whom are Wits alumni. As executive director of the Board in the eighties, he had the dual challenge of protecting the Jewish community while condemning apartheid.

He retired in A prolific writer, he contributed to several publications and published Portrait of a Community: South African Jewry in After Grant completed Standard 8, he joined the South African Air Force as a fitter and turner, simultaneously pursuing further study and obtaining his matric, a technikon qualification and Wits engineering and applied mathematics degrees by Grant was the founder member and subsequently an honorary member of the engineering section of the Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns Academy for Science and Arts and was involved in the establishment of the South African Council for Professional Engineers, serving as a member on the first Council.

He was awarded the State President? Grant retired to his farm in Mpumalanga in the early s but re-emerged in to work on the vortex separation theory, which he developed over five years to suit the separation of silicon isotopes for the electronics industry. Grant is survived by six children, 18 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

She studied further, eventually qualifying as a psychologist. She specialised in treating children who had lost a parent and published extensively in this field.

Obituaries 2002

Born in Johannesburg, Todes trained as a dentist at Wits but then emigrated to England in objection to apartheid. He retrained as a doctor and worked in Boston and at Harvard, where he held a teaching fellowship. He specialised in psychoanalysis and child psychiatry and did pioneering work in the prevention of illness and the promotion of health.

In he married Lili Loebl and the couple settled in England. Todes worked with Anna Freud in her late father's practice in Hampstead until when they clashed over the best way to treat severely disturbed children. Diagnosed at age 39, Todes devoted the remainder of his life to the pursuit of a cure. In addition to medicine, his curative efforts included the controversial transplant of live foetal cells into his brain, the infusion drug concoctions, acupuncture, spirituality and participating in a trial for a miracle cure at the Opus Dei hospital in Spain.

The last proved so unsuitable a regime that his wife smuggled him out through the laundry before dawn. Todes is survived by his wife and three children. He was born 24 March Vosdick Lindo Webb BSc, , former lecturer in the School of Electrical and Information Engineering from to and assistant in the laboratories until , passed away on 23 June , aged Born in Witbank, Webb matriculated with distinction and then made his way to the Big City in search of a job during the Depression years.

Identity in the 21st Century

He was initially apprenticed as a plumber and tinsmith, but Webb's employer arranged a laboratory assistant position in the Wits Electrical Engineering Department after noticing his passion for all things electrical. His interest in electrical machines together with his exemplary academic record won him a Chamber of Mines scholarship for electrical engineering in Working part-time as a power station attendant and studying in the evenings, Webb graduated as an electrical engineer in Having been unsuccessful in joining active service in the war owing to poor eyesight, he entered the war supplies structure until he was recalled by the University to join Prof.

Goldsmith's secret war projects team. Although Webb never revealed what they were busy with, he regaled his family with tales of how they would stand guard with knobkerries as there were no spare rifles available! With the cessation of hostilities Webb married a Canadian nurse in and then joined Wits as a lecturer in heavy current engineering and machines. Webb was responsible for establishing the Electrical Engineering Department's laboratory facilities to meet the demand for training created by returning ex-servicemen. These laboratories were his baby and he remained a central figure in their development and operation until his first nominal retirement in After a short sabbatical, the University recalled Webb to assist with laboratory supervision and external examiner duties.

He continued until his failing eyesight finally forced him, after 50 years, to bid farewell to his beloved machines in His empathetic style, dry humour and passion for his subject left lasting impressions on most of his students, together with the memory of his hallmark phrase, Now then gentlemen, let's gather round and talk about this Webb was a devoted family man and handled his sons, nephews and nieces with the same educationally empowering approach he adopted with his students.

He contributed practically to his church and community, based on his life philosophy of when in doubt, do something for somebody. His family recalls some of his last words: It is the duty of engineers to help their fellow man, you know. Webb was an accomplished yet humble man devoted to teaching and the service of others and has left an enduring legacy. Born 6 December , Dische emigrated after graduating to specialise in paediatrics. She married pathologist Dr Frederick Dische in and worked part-time in schools and clinics in south London while raising her family.

She had remarkable success in the treatment of nocturnal enuresis nigh bed-wetting , an area in which she specialised. She was a recognised authority on the use of enuresis alarms and was in demand as a teacher and writer.

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