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John Rede or Reed, clk. Edmond Everyngham, of Bampton or Brampton, Oxon, g. Roger Hergest, of Pencombe and Walterston, Heref. Trye or Trie, of Hardwyke and Radwike, Glouc. Henry Elys alias Mason, of Salisbury , freemason or brewer, 6 May. Lenne, of Tregony , Cornw. John Dyson, of Lichfield, and Walsale, Staff.

Richard Yong or Yonge, of London, grocer, 6 Nov. John Coke or Cooke, clk. Peter's, Monks Soham, Suff. Thomas Blande or Bland, of Skawton, Yorks. Peter Duffe or Duff, of London, labourer, "waterlagger," y. Wrothe or Wrothee, of Laukynhorne, or Laukynhornee, Cornw. More of More in St. Ive's parish, Cornw. Richard More, Moore or Moor, clk.

Master Matthew Laung, clk. Robert Cowper, of Shelfanger, Norf. Richard Fisshe or Fissh, of Braybroke , Ntht.

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James Leye, of Ruarden, Glouc. Twigge or Twygge, late of London, and of Putteneth, Surr. Lawnder or Lavynder, junior, of Pensford in Publowe parish, Soms. Potter, of Lyfton , Devon, gent. John Lambert, late bailiff, Wm. Lambert, butcher, Robert Wodeward, Thomas Lychefeld, gent. Yeuan or John ap David, of Northop, co.

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Flint, and Holt in Bromfeld, in Wales, g. Slyke or Sleke, of Poole , Dors. Robert Fryvell, of Little Shelford, g. Swalowe, clk. Henry Elberd or Elbert, of Yarmouth, Norf.

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  6. Clysston or Clyffton, late of St. Neot's, Hunts, and Keteryng, Ntht. Walter alias Wm. Roger Coke or Cooke, of Leicester, weaver, 4 Feb. Michael Water, of the city of Corkys in Ireland, merchant, 28 Feb. Humphrey Walker, of London, "founder," 20 Feb. Oswald's parish in the town of Duresme, Yorks. Bodham, of Burnham and Lenn, Norf. John Cok, of Beteley and Sparham, Norf.

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    Henry Thornton or Thorntone, of Playstrete, Soms. Thomas Speyght, Speght or Speight, m. John, the abbot, and the convent of Miravale, Warw. Robert Tessh, minister, and the convent of St. Robert beside Knaresburgh, 7 May. John Boteler or Butler, of Coventry, g. Malerbe, late of Fyneton, gent. John Iwardby, of Ewell , Surr. Eyman or Eyeman, of Edyngthorp , Norf. Henry Goodewyn, clk. Peter's, Stowemarkett, Suff. Hamlet Ardern, of Tympurley, Chesh. Hugh Willey, groom of the Chamber.

    Grant, during pleasure, of the "tollerships" of the towns of Prestende, Bilth, and Elvell, in the marches of Wales. Greenwich, 24 March 4 Hen. Sir Charles Brandon, knight for the Body. To be, for life, steward of all possessions in Warw. Thomas bp. Grant, for 70 years, of the manor of La More alias La More and Bacheworth, Herts, Middlesex, and Bucks, with the park and other appurtenances, at an annual rent of 62 l. Livery of lands in right of the said ladies as sisters and heirs of Thomas, son and heir of John Harwell, which Thomas died temp.

    Frideswide's, Oxford. Assent to the election of John Burton as prior vice William Chedill, resigned. Green wich, 24 March 4 Hen. Petition of the president and convent for the above. Grant, in survivorship, of the office of auditor for the castles, lordships, and manors of Middelham, Richmond, Barnardes Castle, and Shireffhoton, parcel of the earldoms of Warwick and Salisbury. Also appointment of John Toley as auditor, for life, for the castles, lordships and manors of Wakefeld, Sandehall, Connesburgh, Hatfeld, Thorne, Cotyngham, Penrith, Dancastre, Chestrefeld parcel of the duchy of York and of the said earldoms , and of the town and castle of Berwick upon Tweed, and of the revenues assigned to Berwick for payment of soldiers there; with the same fees as John Luchyngton, John Clerc, and William Mistilbrok.

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    Greenwich, 29 March 4 Hen. Protection, according to the Statute of 3 Hen. Greenwich, 18 Feb. Commission to Wm. Chapman and John Wattys to provide cheese and oats in Essex for the army. Sir Richard Wentworth, of Netlisted, Suff. Greenwich, 14 March 4 Hen. Canterbury, 4 April. Sir Wistan Browne.

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    Greenwich, 8 March 4 Hen. French Roll , 4 Hen. Robert the abbot, and the Convent of St. Mary, Cerne. Grant, by charter, in frankalmoign, of the free chapel or priory or hermitage called "le Hermytage," in Blakamore. Dorset; on surrender of patent 10 Nov. Charter Roll Baptista Justinian, quondam Jeronimi, merchant of Syo.

    To be consul at Syo. Greenwich, 16 March 4 Hen. Rymer, XIII.

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    James Worsley, groom of the Wardrobe. To be keeper of the lions, lionesses and leopards in the Tower of London, with 12 d. Greenwich, 22 March 4 Hen. Rymer XIII.

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    Victualling the Army. Commissions for Ric. Robert Russell. Request by George lord Roos to the Chancellor for a protection according to the Statute for Robert Russell, going over seas in his retinue to the wars. John Copynger, page of the Wardrobe of Robes. To be, for life, keeper of the change and money in the Tower of London, and of the gold and silver coinage there and elsewhere in England, with the fees attached, as in 51 Edw.

    Sir John Penyngton. Greenwich, 5 April 4 Hen. Thomas Carmenowe, gentleman usher of the Chamber. To be bailiff of the stannaries in the hundreds of Penwith and Kerryer, Cornw. Greenwich, 11 Jan. Guild of Fishmongers of London. Pardon and release for Ralph Thomson. Robert Yeo. Licence to impark acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, and 20 acres of wood, in his manor of Heampton Sachefeld, Devon, and to have free warren throughout the manor. John Sharpe, groom of the Chamber. Commission during six months to John Ricroft, serjeant of the Larder, to provide 20, qrs. Several commissions for Wm.

    Gekyll, Wm. Hortop, Hen. Bryan, and Geo. Colbrond, yeomen purveyors of the Avenary, to provide hay, oats horse-bread, litter, stabling, and carriage for the King's horses for six months.

    Henry VIII: April 1513, 21-25

    Same date. Robert Knollis. Request to the Chancellor, by Richard Tempest, for a protection with cause volumus , according to the Statute, for Robert Knollis, whom he has retained since Christmas last to go with him over sea in the wars. Priory of Holy Trinity, London. Inspeximus and confirmation of:— A. Sir Stephen Jenyns, alderman of London. Mortmain licence to alienate the manor of Russhok next Chadesley Corbet, Worc.

    John the Baptist, London, for maintenance of the grammar school at Wolverhampton, in pursuance of patent 22 Sept. The manor is held of the King as of the barony of Elmeley Castell, and is of the annual value of 14 l. To be for life steward of the lordships of Henley in Arderne and Tonworth, Warwick, and master of the hunt in the parks there; vice William Cope, deceased. Greenwich, 10 April 4 Hen. Christopher Garneys, gentleman usher of the Chamber. Grant in socage of that moiety of the manor of Saxlyngham, Norf. Fogge, deceased, lately held, in tail male, by the King's gift; the manor having been forfeited to the King's father by attainder of Sir Edm.

    De la Pole Earl of Suffolk; also grant of all bondmen of the said manor.

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    Lord Hastynges. By former letters the King, commanded him to be in readiness with 60 archers and 40 bills, apparelled for the wars and to send for money for their conduct and jackets. Now intending speedily to proceed on his voyage against the French King, considering the convenient time of year, intending also to observe the treaties between himself, the Pope, the Emperor, and the King of Aragon, he has appointed the said Lord amongst others to pass over in the "forewarde," under the Earl of Shrewsbury, steward of the Household.

    He is to have shipping for 6 horses for himself; 2 for his captain, 1 for his petty-captain; two carriages for himself, with 12 horses; two sumpter horses; and 1 for a chaplain; all to be provided by himself, and meet at Dover or Sandwyche, before 8th of May next. Greenwich, 13 April. Memorandum that, on 7 May 5 Hen. Sir Adrian and John Fortescu. Appointment to pass the sea, in the middleward, with 50 archers and 50 bills, and instruction that he shall have shipping for 4 horses for themselves, for petty captain, 6 for carriage, and one sumpter horse and must be with their whole retinue at Dover or Sandwich, by 18 May.

    Memorandum that, on 10 June 5 Hen. Sir Richard Sacheverell. Like appointment to pass in the vanguard under the Earl of Shrewsbury, with 60 archers and 40 bills. To be at Dover or Sandwich by 8 May. Greenwich, [13 April]. Writs to the sheriff of Leicester, sued 9 May, 5 Hen. Like appointment.

    To serve under the King in the middleward, with 25 demi-lances, archers, bills, and 75 marispikes; to join the King at the port of..