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Fortune, of Martival, New Humberstone, Leicester, was given a month jail sentence, suspended for two years. The constable suffered a fractured skull and other injuries which have caused ongoing problems including partial deafness in one ear and continuous tinnitus. Judge Philip Head said the brave officer's life had been "devastated" and it was unclear whether he would be able to resume working full time as he had only, so far, returned to light duties. The year-old was acquitted of attempting to murder the officer or causing him grievous bodily harm with intent. The incident, which was captured on police dash cam footage, happened when the officer and another armed colleague were trying to stop the defendant driving away from his home address, at 4.

Adam, who denied the offences, claimed during the trial he drove off after mistaking the officer for a criminal gunman out to hijack his car. But a year-old boy and his year-old sister, who lived there, knew nothing about the hidden haul. They were at home with a male friend when the year-old called round asking for their relative's telephone number at 11am on March 14 last year. Lynsey Knott, prosecuting, said it gave the five-man gang, laying in wait, the chance to burst in wielding two axes and three knives.

The sentence will run consecutively to a three-year jail term imposed last July for two counts of possessing class A drugs, with intent to supply.

A fraudster stole thousands of pounds from his victims by creating fake identity documents in their names and raiding their bank accounts. Julian Mabbutt obtained driving licences and passports with his victims' name and address details on them but then added his own photograph. He visited more than 80 banks and building societies, including a number in Leicester , and presented the fake documents to staff.

Ben Gow, prosecuting, said police executed a search warrant at an address in Malsbury Avenue, where the defendant had been staying, on December 15, Inside a bag in a kitchen cupboard was a loaded, fully working antique French MAS double-action revolver with three rounds of.

The drugs were found in various locations in the house including the airing cupboard, behind the microwave oven and concealed inside an extractor fan.

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Mr Gow said the defendant's DNA was on the drug and gun wrappings and also on the trigger and handle of the revolver. The defendant pleaded guilty to unlawfully possessing the revolver and two counts of possessing ammunition. The judge jailed Chambers for a total of 10 years. A crook kept five stolen shotguns and a cannabis stash hidden in a neighbour's derelict garden. James Tresoldi was seen by undercover officers as he carried one of the firearms into his home wearing distinctive purple latex gloves. Ben Gow, prosecuting, said another man then emerged from the defendant's house, in Ingold Avenue, Beaumont Leys, Leicester, walking in "a most peculiar way, with a significant limp".

He said the unknown man's odd posture must have been because he had a shotgun concealed down his trousers, on January 9. Drug related paraphernalia - a dealers list, small amount of cannabis and a set of scales - were found inside the defendant's home, along with a box of purple latex gloves. An uninsured driver smashed into the back of a car at such high speed the year-old passenger was flung from the vehicle and killed — despite having a seatbelt on.

Raymond Goode was in a Vauxhall Agila being driven by his wife, Cathryn, when Tony Owens, who had been driving along the M42 at an estimated mph, slammed into the back of their Vauxhall, catapulting it into the air. Retired soldier Mr Goode died at the scene and Mrs Goode, then aged 74, suffered life-changing injuries in the crash including 13 broken bones. After washing and changing his clothes, the year-old handed himself in and told investigators Mrs Goode was to blame for the crash, which happened on the M42 between junctions 11 and 10 at 8. However, he changed his mind again and finally entered guilty pleas.

He also admitted failing to stop and having no licence or insurance. The year-old's pledge convinced the judge who postponed sentencing for six months to allow Johnson time to come up with the money. A gang's get rich quick plan to raid a wealthy family's home was thwarted by the police who swooped to arrest them en route to commit armed robbery. Some of their incriminating text messages on their phones included enthusing about "never being poor again". Their plan was to use a ruse to gain entry to a substantial property in a leafy suburb of the Woking area in Surrey, housing a large amount of money and valuables.

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Suleman 48 , of Uppingham Road, Leicester, and formerly The Fairway, Oadby, and Craig Whetstone 45 , of Stonesby Avenue, in the city, denied conspiracy to commit robbery, but were found guilty after a trial by jury. Fullerton was jailed for a total of six years and four months. Whetstone and Hayes each received five year jail sentences for their part in the robbery conspiracy.

Serial liar, Susan Geary, who had a one bedroom flat in Bisley Street, near Narborough Road, Leicester, gave her gullible victim repeated sob stories about being destitute; claiming to urgently need to borrow cash on a daily basis for multiple bogus reasons. The excuses included funds for bed and breakfast accommodation, food and other expenses, to replace money and clothing that was stolen, to repair a car for a friend to take her to medical and other appointments, to pay legal fees for three non-existent civil claims - and she even received money for taxi fares to go to the victim's home to dishonestly obtain even more money from him.

Leicester Crown Court was told that the somewhat naive victim, in his sixties, first met year-old Geary when she was feigning homelessness, whilst regularly begging on the street near his local shop in the Narborough Road area. He took pity on her and began helping her out with small amounts and after a month agreed to lend her larger sums of money from his ISA savings account.

Unaware she had the tenancy of a flat nearby, he offered his spare room - but she fobbed him off by falsely claiming to be staying at Glenfield Hospital's Bradgate mental health unit. None of which was true. In fact, Geary blew all the money on class A drugs for her and her then boyfriend, which the victim would not have knowingly agreed to finance. Geary, who has unrelated previous convictions for theft, pleaded guilty to fraud by false representation, between July and February Geary was sentenced to a 12 month community order, with six months of drug treatment and a five day rehabilitation activity requirement.

She was placed on a 7pm to 7am curfew and made the subject of a five year restraining order, banning any contact with the victim or going to the street where he lives. Following a trial at Leicester Crown Court , the year-old was convicted by a jury of a further three counts of sexual activity with another girl of a similar age.

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He was placed on a 10 year sexual harm prevention order and will have to enlist on a sex offender register for life. Three drug dealers from Loughborough, admitted 33 offences between them and were sentenced to a total of more than seven years. Gareth Clowes, Joshua Gunn and Dominic Hodges were sentenced to a total of seven years and three months in prison, for offences which include the sale and distribution of cocaine and heroin. Clowes, 44, of Selbourne Street, Loughborough, received two years and eight months for two counts of supplying class A drugs on 5 November , attempted burglary and possession of a bladed article in a public place.

He was detained by police minutes after attempting to break into a shop in Nottingham Road, Loughborough, in the early hours of April A bag containing two crowbars, a torch and a screwdriver was located nearby and keys belonging to him, which had been sharpened to resemble a small knife point, were also seized. Gunn, of Queens Road, Loughborough, was given two years and one month for 12 counts of supplying class A and two counts of being concerned in the supply of class A. On the other two occasions, the year-old was present during a deal but did not directly supply the drugs.

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At a court hearing on Monday, year-old Hodges, of Blake Drive, Loughborough, admitted supplying cocaine and heroin 15 times. These occurred on 11 separate dates, from September to January. He was sentenced to two and a half years in prison. A man threatened a sex worker with a knife as he stole her money following an encounter in a hotel.

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Ali Golzari contacted the woman on a website offering sexual services and they arranged to meet in a room she had booked in Leicester city centre. The distressed victim later described holding Golzari's arm "so it couldn't go near my throat". The victim, who suffered bruising to her chest and arms, reported the robbery via a sexual services helpline the next day. Mr Thomas said the year-old defendant told officers he had previously taken back money from escorts when he had received "bad service.

A family's Christmas was ruined by a career burglar who targeted children's presents and made off in their car. The shocked residents returned from a trip away to find their front door swinging open and blood around the house, Leicester Crown Court was told. The culprit, Victor Clelland , also helped himself to sentimental jewellery, including an engagement ring, but also raided a little girl's piggy bank and stole her savings.

Two children's Christmas present money, still inside unopened greetings cards from their grandmother, were also taken, along with toys, an X-Box, computer games, a drone and a laptop. Clelland, 44, described as "a career burglar" cut himself when smashing open the kitchen door. The court heard that Clelland, a drug addict, had 64 offences on his criminal record, of which 28 were for house burglary.

In he was jailed for three years for a burglary and was released on licence early last year.


Mr Bolc said Clelland was originally doing well following his release from custody last year and stayed at a hostel before his sister allowed him to move into her home in Leicester. The judge made an indefinite restraining order banning Clelland from going to Kirkland Road or contacting the victims. A drug dealer was caught with more than wraps of heroin and cocaine on him when stopped by police.

Andrew Manjengwa admitted being in possession of wraps of the class A drugs when arrested by officers. The year-old was detained last month as part of the Leicestershire Police anti-drugs crackdown Operation Lionheart. During a four-month period, between last October and January Manjengwa admitted to supplying drugs on eight separate occasions.

A dad left his children to be rescued by a neighbour as his home burnt due to his cannabis factory. Bashkim Nuredini lived with his wife and two children, aged two and 14, in a rented home in Queensgate Drive, Birstall. Leicester Crown Court heard on Friday how the reckless father's cannabis growing equipment set the roof of the property alight. Passer-by Azan Kara spotted flames leaping from the roof and repeatedly sounded his car horn to wake the occupants of the property. Leicester Crown Court was told that on being advised his roof was ablaze, Nuredini simply went back inside and closed the door, in the early hours of Saturday, April Instead of springing into action to save his family, he "did absolutely nothing," said Priya Bakshi, prosecuting.

James Smith-Wilds, mitigating, said the defendant,was in an "absolute state of shock" when the fire started because he knew he was going to be found out, which was why he went back into the property. Nuredini was "appalled" by his actions which had endangered the lives of others, including his own family. A teenager who tried to carry out a murderous plan to fatally stab a man he met on a gay dating app has been locked up. Chad Gurney , 19, lashed out at the victim's neck with scissors after luring him to a remote spot in the bushes for a sexual encounter through Grindr.

He claimed voices in his head were telling him to kill someone, in the car park of Aylestone Leisure Centre, in Knighton Lane East, Leicester, on the evening of Sunday July Leicester Crown Court was told he had written out a murder plan detailing eight ways he wanted to kill people, including using scissors to slit someone's throat.