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Hawes, G. Hamilton, F. Waddington, George Clive and H. Bruce on behalf of Sir George Grey relating to convicts. Waddington and T. Baring on behalf of Sir George Grey relating to convicts.

Elliot, Major General Larcom. Waddington, T. Baring and J. Ferguson on behalf of Sir George Grey, S. Walpole and G. Hardy relating to convicts. Elliot, Sir Edward Lugard. Out-letters written by A. O'Liddell and E. Hugessen on behalf of Secretary G. Hardy and Secretary H. Bruce relating to convicts.

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Hugessen on behalf of Secretary H. R registers listing for the county of Middlesex all persons charged with indictable offences, The lists contain the person's name, description, birthplace, the alleged crime, the sentence - whether death, transportation, or a term of imprisonment - and when the sentence was executed. Acquitals are also noted, and in the case of transportation, the date and to whom the prisoner was delivered. Persons charged with indictable offences: shows trial result, sentence, execution date, and personal information. These registers contain similar information to Series I, for all other counties, Middlesex is included only after Pieces are arranged by county and assize, and show: names, trial dates, crimes, deaths, transport, imprisonment, aquittal.

Look under county for City Quarter Sessions, e. Bristol is after Gloucester. Calendar of those prisoners in Winchester Gaol awaiting trial, and report of the convictions, etc. Series of correspondence and papers received by the Home Office from the Admiralty, mainly concerned with the Admiralty's part in transporting convicts - the necessary food and clothing for the convicts and victualling of ships. These may be divided into three groups:.

Letters and enclosures received from the Admiralty and in many instances draft letters from the Home Office to the Admiralty are arranged in chronological order. The Australian Joint Copying Project filmed pieces in full. For other pieces, selected extracts only have been copied. These entry books are composed of out-letters, warrants and instructions from the Home Office to the Admiralty, concerned mainly with the Admiralty's part in transporting convicts.

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They may be divided into two groups:. These are also entered in date order.


Volumes have brief subject headings, vol 4 has only a fragment of a chronological index indicating to whom the letter is addressed, its page and subject matter. Great Britain: Admiralty ; Convicts ; Convicts: transportation. King, Sir Philip Stephens, J. Correspondents include: Evan Nepean, J. Correspondents include: Sir John Barrow, J. Beckett, J. Croker, Henry Goulburn, J. Addington, H. Correspondents include: Sir John Barrow, G. Dawson, J. Croker, H. Hobhouse, S. Phillipps, G. Lamb, James Meck. This Series comprises original in-letters from the Secretary for War and the Colonies to the Home Office and an entry book of out-letters from the Home Office to the War and Colonial Office mainly dealing with convicts, their health and discipline.

Colonial affairs were then taken over by the Home Secretary. A Third Secretary was, however, again appointed in to take charge of matters relating to the war then in progress; to him was transferred in the Colonial business of the Home Office, his title being thenceforward Secretary of State for War and Colonies. The strain of the Russian War of led to the creation of a separate Secretary of State for the Colonies The in-letters and enclosures received are arranged in date order.

The Australian Joint Copying Project did not film the enclosures for volume 5. This Series is largely composed of Orders in Council received by the Home Office in connection with the establishment of the penal settlement in New South Wales, and the transportation of convicts to that Colony.

It may be divided into two sections:.

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  7. Records of the Home Office (as filmed by the AJCP)!

These are arranged in chronological order mostly concerning Orders in Council appointing 'the Eastern Coast of New South Wales or some one or other of the islands adjacent to be the Place to which the said several offenders whose names are contained in the said lists hereunto annexed may be transported. The following lists give the name, sentence, place and date of sentence for each prisoner.

These are neither in alphabetical nor chronological order. From these were copied seven letters, arranged chronologically, mostly from the office of the Committee of the Privy Council for Trade, concerned with agriculture, fishing and coinage for the Colony. Besides separate Correspondence and Entry Books for the Admiralty, Council Office, Treasury and Customs, War and Colonial Office which together cover the period , entry books for Public Offices generally were kept between Letters to these Public Offices are concerned mainly with convicts and the maintenance of law and order in the Colony.

Letters are arranged in chronological order. There is an index at the end of each volume: under the title of each Public Office is a list of the letters addressed to it with appropriate page numbers.

Table of Contents

The Australian Joint Copying Project filmed selected extracts only from the pieces in this Series, with the exception of piece 10A, which was filmed in full. This Series includes in-letters received by the Home Office from the Treasury , and from Treasury and Customs , mainly concerned with the costs of the transportation of the convicts.

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  • These letters are mainly in reply from the Home Office to the Treasury as to whether certain bills and gratuities should be paid, and concerning the costs of transportation of convicts. The letters are entered chronologically, with a subject index at the end of each volume. The Australian Joint Copying Project filmed selected extracts only from the pieces in this Series, with the exception of pieces 21 and 22, which were filmed in full.

    Guide to the Records of the Home Office (as filmed by the AJCP)

    Most of the documents filmed by the Australian Joing Copying Project comprise correspondence and other papers of the Secretary of State and officials of the Home Office relating to prisons and the transportation of convicts. They include reports on overcrowding in prisons and requests for the removal of convicts; petitions by or on behalf of convicts; proposals for convict settlements in several countries; reports on the convict hulks; lists of convicts under sentence of transportation; estimates of the cost of sending convicts to New South Wales ; reports on the chartering of convict ships; conditions on the ships and incidents on voyages; the proposals of Jeremy Bentham for Panopticon penitentiaries and pardons granted to convicts by governors.

    Other papers deal with the organisation of the First Fleet ; applications for appointments in New South Wales; provisions and stores sent to New South Wales; the expedition to the South Seas to procure breadfruit ; the Pacific-exploring expedition led by Capt. Vancouver ; returns from the governors on expenses in New South Wales; lists of colonial officials and their salaries; and petitions for passages from free settlers including families of convicts.

    The Australian Joint Copying Project filmed selected extracts only from the pieces in this Series, with the exception of pieces , 9, 11, 14 and 18, which were filmed in full. Papers, petitions, letters, lists re convicts under sentence of death including Daniel Magenise, James Smith, Joseph Merchant and under sentence of transportation to Africa. Lists of convicts include details of crime. Report by Duncan Campbell of convicts ordered to hard labour and now on board hulks. Robert Stubbs Westminster to Lord North. Plan to build a fort on Bayonne Point, River Gambia Accounts ordered by House of Commons: Pt.

    Petitions, letters and lists of convicts under sentence of death and transportation including Thomas Harrison, John Sinfield. Petitions for removal of convicts under sentence of transportation due to overcrowding of gaols Winchester, Illchester, Stafford etc. Petitions for removal of transportees and letters re overcrowded state of gaols including Maidstone, Reading, Portsmouth, Worcester etc. Several letters re capture of the convicts. Petitions re removal of transportees and overcrowding of gaols Gloucester, Derby, Oxford, Leicester etc William Cowdry Dunkirk re conditions on board prisonship Dunkirk.

    James Taylor Leigh waiting to learn to where transportees will be sent. To Lord Robert Spencer re problems of overcrowding of gaols and hulks occasioned by difficulty of carryout sentences of transportation. Draft f. To John Nichol Plymouth re removal of transportees to Africa or ' December Problems of sending convicts to Africa, plan to make them useful to the state. Name of writer obscured, John Roberts? Note that Africa Committee objected to this scheme. Appointed to enquire what proceedings have been had in the execution of an Act, passed in 24th year of reign of his present Majesty entitled 'An Act for the effectual transportation of felons and other offenders and to authorise the removal of prisoners in certain cases and for other purposes therein mentioned'.

    Printed 20pp. Enquiry into settlement of convicts in Africa. List of questions on costs 'You know the Endeavour which sailed with Captain Cook - if she was near six months on the voyage how much longer would be the voyage of the ship you describe? List of prisoners under sentence of transportation in the several gaols on the following circuits. Report of Committee [on transportation to Africa], 21 June Appointed to enquire what proceedings have been had in the execution of an Act passed in the 24th year of the reign of His present Majesty entitled 'An Act for the effectual transportation of felons and other offenders and to authorise the removal of prisoners in certain cases; and for other purposes therein mentioned' and to report their opinion to the House what further measures may be necessary to carry the purposes of the said Act into effect: and being empowered to report their proceedings from time to time to the House [re transportation to Africa].

    Crossed out. Re exploration of South Seas; proposed settlement of convicts coast of N. Re grant of licence from South Sea Company to Messrs.