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Milk is a biographical film with an outstanding performance by Sean Penn. The film is based on the life of the gay rights activist and politician Harvey Milk, who eventually became the first openly gay man in the United States to be elected to political office. Not only is this an informative political film, but it also narrates the relationship between Milk and his partner Scott Smith. This film, set in , narrates the story of George Falconer played by Colin Firth, a gay English professor struggling after the death of his partner eight months earlier.

On the day that the film is set, George has decided to get his affairs in order before he will commit suicide. The film takes us on a journey of his life, and we meet various people who influence George and bring his stories to life. The film is a sombre yet witty coming of age drama about two teenage boys growing up in a working-class neighbourhood. The film narrates the story of the boys becoming aware of their homosexuality and the difficulties of coming out.

It is a brilliant and heart warming triumph in gay cinema. Latter Days is a American romance about a gay relationship between a closeted Mormon missionary and his openly gay, party-loving neighbour. The stark opposites of the characters and the narration of their journey dating in a small town make this a really interesting film. The film also explores gay rights as it outlines the struggles of being gay in the Mormon religion. The journey that the two men go on is one of regret, loss, perseverance, and love. This film narrates the story of a forbidden and secretive gay relationship between two men and their lives over the years.

The two men, a Wyoming ranch hand and a rodeo cowboy, meet in the summer of sheepherding in the grasslands of Wyoming. The film narrates the development of their unorthodox yet life-long bond which is both conflicted and loving. Weekend Weekend is a film about a drunken one-night stand that becomes something more.

In February , Jill Esmond agreed to divorce Laurence Olivier, and Leigh Holman agreed to divorce Vivien, although they maintained a strong friendship for the rest of Leigh's life. Esmond was granted custody of Tarquin, her son with Olivier. Holman was granted custody of Suzanne, his daughter with Leigh.

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After viewing Leigh's screen test, David Selznick noted that "she doesn't seem right as to sincerity or age or innocence", a view shared by Hitchcock and Leigh's mentor, George Cukor. Selznick observed that she had shown no enthusiasm for the part until Olivier had been confirmed as the lead actor, so he cast Joan Fontaine. He refused to allow her to join Olivier in Pride and Prejudice , and Greer Garson played the role Leigh had wanted for herself.

The Oliviers mounted a stage production of Romeo and Juliet for Broadway. The New York press publicised the adulterous nature of the beginning of Olivier and Leigh's relationship and questioned their ethics in not returning to the UK to help with the war effort.

Critics were hostile in their assessment of Romeo and Juliet. Olivier are handsome young people, they hardly act their parts at all. With the United States not yet having entered the war, it was one of several Hollywood films made with the aim of arousing a pro-British sentiment among American audiences. Roosevelt and, on its conclusion, addressed the group, saying, "Gentlemen, I thought this film would interest you, showing great events similar to those in which you have just been taking part. The Oliviers returned to Britain in March , [68] and Leigh toured through North Africa that same year as part of a revue for the armed forces stationed in the region.

Leigh was filming Caesar and Cleopatra when she discovered she was pregnant, then had a miscarriage. Olivier later came to recognise the symptoms of an impending episode—several days of hyperactivity followed by a period of depression and an explosive breakdown, after which Leigh would have no memory of the event, but would be acutely embarrassed and remorseful.

With her doctor's approval, Leigh was well enough to resume acting in , starring in a successful London production of Thornton Wilder 's The Skin of Our Teeth ; but her films of this period, Caesar and Cleopatra and Anna Karenina , were not great commercial successes.

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All British films in this period were adversely affected by a Hollywood boycott of British films. She became Lady Olivier.

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By , Olivier was on the board of directors for the Old Vic Theatre, and he and Leigh embarked on a six-month tour of Australia and New Zealand to raise funds for the theatre. The tour was an outstanding success and, although Leigh was plagued with insomnia and allowed her understudy to replace her for a week while she was ill, she generally withstood the demands placed upon her, with Olivier noting her ability to "charm the press".

Members of the company later recalled several quarrels between the couple as Olivier was increasingly resentful of the demands placed on him during the tour. An exhausted and exasperated Olivier screamed an obscenity at her and slapped her face, and a devastated Leigh slapped him in return, dismayed that he would hit her publicly.

Subsequently, she made her way to the stage in borrowed pumps, and in seconds, had "dried her tears and smiled brightly onstage". Olivier told a journalist, "You may not know it, but you are talking to a couple of walking corpses. The success of the tour encouraged the Oliviers to make their first West End appearance together, performing the same works with one addition, Antigone , included at Leigh's insistence because she wished to play a role in a tragedy.

Nevertheless, she believed strongly in the importance of the work. Priestley denounced the play and Leigh's performance; and the critic Kenneth Tynan , who was to make a habit of dismissing her stage performances, [82] commented that Leigh was badly miscast because British actors were "too well-bred to emote effectively on stage".

Olivier and Leigh were chagrined that part of the commercial success of the play lay in audience members attending to see what they believed would be a salacious story, rather than the Greek tragedy that they envisioned. After performances, Leigh finished her run, and she was soon assigned to reprise her role as Blanche DuBois in the film version of the play. She'd have crawled over broken glass if she thought it would help her performance.

Now she's in command of me. Leigh herself had mixed feelings about her association with the character; in later years, she said that playing Blanche DuBois "tipped me over into madness". Shortly after filming commenced, she had a nervous breakdown and Paramount Pictures replaced her with Elizabeth Taylor. As a result of this episode, many of the Oliviers' friends learned of her problems. David Niven said she had been "quite, quite mad".

John Gielgud directed Twelfth Night and wrote, " He dares too confidently Several weeks later, she miscarried and entered a period of depression that lasted for months. After their return to London, her former husband, Leigh Holman, who could still exert a strong influence on her, stayed with the Oliviers and helped calm her.

In , considering her marriage to be over, Leigh began a relationship with actor Jack Merivale , who knew of Leigh's medical condition and assured Olivier that he would care for her. In , she and Olivier divorced and Olivier soon married actress Joan Plowright. Merivale proved to be a stabilising influence for Leigh, but despite her apparent contentment, she was quoted by Radie Harris as confiding that she "would rather have lived a short life with Larry [Olivier] than face a long one without him".

Merivale joined her for a tour of Australia , New Zealand and Latin America that lasted from July until May , and Leigh enjoyed positive reviews without sharing the spotlight with Olivier. She also appeared in the films The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone and Ship of Fools Leigh's last screen appearance in Ship of Fools was both a triumph and emblematic of her illnesses that were taking root.

Producer and director Stanley Kramer, who ended up with the film, planned to star Leigh but was initially unaware of her fragile mental and physical state. On the night of 7 July , Merivale left her as usual at their Eaton Square flat to perform in a play, and he returned home just before midnight to find her asleep. About 30 minutes later by now 8 July , he entered the bedroom and discovered her body on the floor.

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She had been attempting to walk to the bathroom and, as her lungs filled with liquid, she collapsed and suffocated. Olivier paid his respects, and "stood and prayed for forgiveness for all the evils that had sprung up between us", [] before helping Merivale make funeral arrangements; Olivier stayed until her body was removed from the flat. Her death was publicly announced on 8 July, and the lights of every theatre in central London were extinguished for an hour.

Mary's Church, Cadogan Street , London. Her funeral was attended by the luminaries of British stage and screen. Leigh was considered to be one of the most beautiful actresses of her day, and her directors emphasised this in most of her films. When asked if she believed her beauty had been an impediment to being taken seriously as an actress, she said, "People think that if you look fairly reasonable, you can't possibly act, and as I only care about acting, I think beauty can be a great handicap, if you really want to look like the part you're playing, which isn't necessarily like you.

Director George Cukor described Leigh as a "consummate actress, hampered by beauty", [] and Laurence Olivier said that critics should "give her credit for being an actress and not go on forever letting their judgments be distorted by her great beauty. Great beauties are infrequently great actresses—simply because they don't need to be. Vivien was different; ambitious, persevering, serious, often inspired. Leigh explained that she played "as many different parts as possible" in an attempt to learn her craft and to dispel prejudice about her abilities.

She believed that comedy was more difficult to play than drama because it required more precise timing and said that more emphasis should be placed upon comedy as part of an actor's training.

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Her early performances brought her immediate success in Britain, but she remained largely unknown in other parts of the world until the release of Gone with the Wind. She is so perfectly designed for the part by art and nature that any other actress in the role would be inconceivable", [] and as her fame escalated, she was featured on the cover of Time magazine as Scarlett.

In , critic Andrew Sarris commented that the success of the film had been largely due to "the inspired casting" of Leigh, [] and in , wrote that "she lives in our minds and memories as a dynamic force rather than as a static presence". Her performance in the West End production of A Streetcar Named Desire , described by the theatre writer Phyllis Hartnoll as "proof of greater powers as an actress than she had hitherto shown", led to a lengthy period during which she was considered one of the finest actresses in British theatre.

Her greatest critic was Kenneth Tynan who ridiculed Leigh's performance opposite Olivier in the production of Titus Andronicus , commenting that she "receives the news that she is about to be ravished on her husband's corpse with little more than the mild annoyance of one who would have preferred foam rubber. He came to believe that Leigh's interpretation, in which Lady Macbeth uses her sexual allure to keep Macbeth enthralled, "made more sense Known as The Laurence Olivier Archive , the collection includes many of Leigh's personal papers, including numerous letters she wrote to Olivier.

The papers of Leigh, including letters, photographs, contracts and diaries, are owned by her daughter, Mrs. Suzanne Farrington. It is now held as part of the record of the history of the performing arts in Australia. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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British actress. Darjeeling , Bengal Presidency , British India. Belgravia , London , England. Herbert Leigh Holman. Sir Laurence Olivier. Main article: Vivien Leigh on stage and screen. Olivier dismissed it as jealousy; Leigh, however, was adversely affected by his comments. Retrieved 13 October Retrieved 15 January Author not credited.

The Sunday Times , 7 August Password required Retrieved: 27 July Retrieved 18 January Retrieved 4 October Retrieved 25 January Retrieved 6 January Retrieved 11 January Retrieved 7 January Retrieved 4 May Retrieved 29 April Andersen, Christopher P. Bean, Kendra. Vivien Leigh: An Intimate Portrait.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Running Press, Berg, A. London: Sphere Books, Briggs, Asa, ed. London: Book Club Associates , Capua, Michelangelo. Vivien Leigh: A Biography. Coleman, Terry. Olivier, The Authorised Biography. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, David, Catherine.