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Miss Cox said glass was found all over the guildhall and fire extinguishers had been used to smash a window. The crime caused significant disruption to the council which had to close the following morning while the clean-up operation took place. Sentencing the burglars, Judge Carr said a large amount of items were smashed and damage caused for no reason. Addressing Warren, Judge Carr said while he accepted the challenges he has faced, the chances given to him by the courts had now come to an end.

He told Withey that even though he had been out of trouble for 10 years he must take responsibility for getting a younger person involved. Withey was given a month prison sentence suspended for two years whereas a furious Warren was sentenced to four years in prison, reflecting the charge relating to the stun gun. Withey must also complete a day rehabilitation activity requirement and abide by a three-month 7pm to 7am curfew.

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A teenager who stabbed a boy in the back before admitting to the crime on Facebook was finally sentenced. Clemow went on trial in January, when he was convicted of wounding with intent relating to the incident on July 27, The court heard that a year-old boy was lured to a spot in Truro where the masked defendant stabbed him in the back with a knife before admitting to his crime on Facebook. Clemow, who previously lived in Truro, had admitted inflicting the wound and pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of unlawful wounding, but claimed he acted in self-defence after being rugby tackled and that he forgot he was holding the knife when he struck the blow.

However the jury took just two hours to dismiss that version of events. Clemow had originally been protected by an automatic court order meaning that he could not be named however Cornwall Live applied to have it lifted, arguing that the public interest in the case outweighed the rights of the defendant.

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Judge Carr agreed and lifted his anonymity. During the trial prosecuting barrister Brian FitzHerbert told the jury how the incident took place at Trelander estate on the evening of July 27 last year. The person then ran at him and punched him in the side of the head before the victim felt a blow to his back.

The victim, who cannot be named due to his age, then noticed a substantial wound before the emergency services were called to what were initially feared to be life-changing injuries. I did do it, but had my reasons and will stand my ground.

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A man known to Clemow opened his door to him at about 8. Damp clothes were found nearby and the prosecution called on the testimony of a social worker who had a conversation with Clemow in October before he was arrested for a second time. He was also said to have claimed that he had three knives on him on the night of the stabbing, but one folded on impact. The girl who led the victim to his fate was previously given a month intense referral order taking into account all of her offending, meaning she must continue to work with various agencies to address her behaviour.

Her anonymity remains in place. Clemow was given a two-year detention and training order. The order is a custodial sentence for 12 to 17 year olds. It combines detention with training and is used for young people who commit a serious offence or commit a number of offences. Half of the sentence will be spent in custody and the other half will be supervised by the Youth Offending Team out in the community.

Jamie Lee, 25, appeared at Truro Crown Court to be sentenced after admitting an array of crimes which concerned shocking behaviour towards two separate female victims in Bodmin and in Somerset. Lee, of Church Gardens, Glastonbury, stalked one of his former partners and shared revealing photographs after a two-week relationship broke down and was violent and threatening towards the other woman, again posting private images.

He was sentenced by resident judge Robert Linford for stalking, breaching a restraining order, two criminal damage charges, making threats to kill and disclosing a private revealing or sexual photograph. The first stalking offence occurred in Taunton in May of last year after the defendant had a two-week relationship with the victim. Despite the break-up he proceeded to follow her and her friend to the gym, throwing objects at the car as they sat in stationary traffic. Lee then continued to drive around after the victim, calling her at work, throwing stones at her window and smearing barbecue sauce over her car.

He then put an intimate photograph of her on Facebook and sent it to her former boyfriend. Mr Coombe outlined the violent nature of their previous relationship, describing how Coombe assaulted her and dragged her to the floor by her hair, resulting in a restraining order being put in place. Despite the restraining order Lee got in touch with the victim on Instagram in October and sent her a video of him self-harming and threatening to kill himself.

He then became obsessed with her ex-boyfriend Elliot, slapping her four to six times during one grilling about him. The victim was then slapped in the face again, this time while wrapping Christmas presents, before Lee took her phone warning that either her or Elliot was going to die. Sentencing Lee, Judge Robert Linford made reference to the fact he had an extensive criminal record and committed the offences in breach of a suspended sentence and, in the case of the second victim, while on bail. She admitted being in contact with you but was scared of you and for good reason.

You have had a large number of difficulties in your life, some of which are not your fault. You have come off the drugs that have blighted your life for so long and accepted that you have issues to address. Caroline McNeill, 51, of Market Street in Hayle , appeared at Truro Crown Court on Friday, March 9, to be sentenced after previously admitting one charge of arson being reckless as to whether life was endangered on August 10, Prosecuting barrister Ian Graham told the court how the defendant and her daughter lived on the same floor in the Chy Tree block of five flats spread across three floors.

On going to bed one resident heard a smoke alarm and when he went upstairs to investigate the defendant came out covered in black soot with burns on her feet.

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The two areas of burning were no more than one square metre and a plastic stool was found that it is suspected was used by McNeill to disable the smoke alarms. Sitting as judge, Martin Meeke, QC, said the offence was aggravated by the fact that the other occupants in the block of flats were in bed when the fires were started and the incident could have led to a loss of life.

A courageous woman who was subjected to a torrent of sickening sexual abuse between the ages of 7 and 15 at the hands of a former Army corporal has spoken of the torment of having to carry a secret that ate away at her for decades.

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The sentence will begin to run once the peadophile completes an existing eight-year sentenced handed to him at Swindon Crown Court for abusing a seven-year-old girl and taking pictures of the acts on his mobile phone. Rowe, formerly of Bodmin , previous admitting charges of rape, three indecent assaults and indecent activity with a child in the s and s.

For the last 20 years I would never know when he would come home from overseas and pretend to be my friend to everyone else. It affects your whole life. It is hard and I convinced myself that I never would get justice. I feel a totally different person. She said she learned to adopt a "hard exterior" and caught Rowe looking at her out of the corner of his eye during the hearing before he quickly looked away.

He abused me for nine years and in my adult life I started drinking heavily. These sick men need locking up.

She described how the abuse started when Rowe, now 45, was 14 or 15 and continued over an extended period of time. Miss Hope explained how on one occasion Rowe put his hand in her underwear and touched her vagina. She became introverted and shy as a result of the abuse. When he was 16 Rowe joined the Army, giving the defendant temporary respite, but he returned following training, telling her that he loved her and wanted to have sex with her.

Rowe told the girl the sexual activity must remain a secret. Further sexual activity included when he made her masturbate him and perform oral sex on him. You told her you loved her and that you wanted to marry her. None of your family want anything to do with you. She says you stole her innocence.

A court heard the year-old threatened the man with a knife before punching him and then beating him with the wooden bat. Mr Annetts was treated in hospital where it was initially thought he had a fractured skull, although this since proved not to be the case.

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He appeared at Truro Crown Court for sentence having been convicted of the offence. You have a problem with alcohol, that you have recognised, and that caused you to offend. It seems to me it was a sustained assault. That is a stated factor in increasing the seriousness of the offending in this case. Bicknell was also sentenced for driving while under the influence of cocaine and cannabis and driving with no insurance as the bizarre details of the case were read to the assembled court room.

Prosecuting barrister Philip Lee told the court how Bicknell was stopped in Newquay while driving a Vauxhall Astra van in August of last year. A summons for the offences was sent to Mr Rickard who knew nothing about it so contacted the police.

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The defendant gave the officers his own phone number during processing so was subsequently tracked down and arrested before he admitted his guilt. It was a silly mistake he made. You exposed your friend to that risk. Judge Carr said that as Bicknell had no insurance, was on the phone when stopped and over the drug drive limit he had to pass a deterrent punishment. A drink driver ignored police as he d rove more than eight miles the wrong way along the A30 before ploughing head-on into an oncoming car leaving two of its occupants with life-changing injuries.