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Childhood trauma 0. Compulsive behaviour 0. The First Minister said mainland Scotland will be moved into level four for three weeks amid fears a new variant strain is accelerating the spread of coronavirus.

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The relaxation of the coronavirus rules over the festive season have also been scaled back to Christmas Day only. Schools will also remain closed for most pupils until January 18, with a week of home learning from January Up to three households in Scotland were initially allowed to gather indoors between December 23 and However, the First Minister announced on Saturday at a Scottish Government briefing that the five-day window was now being reduced to December 25 only.

A strict travel ban has also been put in place over the holidays, with cross-border travel between Scotland and the rest of the UK not permitted. Christmas holidays for most Scottish pupils have been extended to January 11 and the majority will begin the new term studying from home until at least January The Prime Minister announced that from Sunday areas in the South East currently in tier three will be moved into a new tier four — effectively returning to the lockdown rules of November. Non-essential shops, restaurants and pubs will have to close while the restrictions are in place, although takeaway food will be permitted.

David Lonsdale, SRC director, called for additional financial support for shops and an extension of business rates relief into This decision comes only a week after the end of the local lockdowns in west central Scotland and slap bang in the middle of peak trading which so many are depending on to power their recovery and tide them over the leaner winter period. Although just 17 cases of the Covid mutation have been identified in Scotland so far, Sturgeon said the government had to act to suppress its spread and to try and stop more of the virus entering Scotland.

Here is an outline of what the new Christmas rules are, and what new restrictions are coming into force. Across Scotland, up to eight people from a maximum of three households will still be able to gather indoors on Christmas Day itself. The plans for a UK-wide relaxation of the restrictions from December have now been scrapped. On Boxing Day, the whole of mainland Scotland will be placed into the level four restrictions — the highest of the five tiers — for at least three weeks.

Non-essential shops, pubs and restaurants will have to shut except for takeaways, drive-throughs and deliveries. The Scottish islands — Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles — will be placed in level three, with greater restrictions on gatherings and hospitality. Schools will continue as normal for the final few days of this term until the start of the Christmas break. The Christmas holiday is now being extended until January 11 for the majority of pupils, although schools will still reopen as scheduled for the most vulnerable and children of key workers.

However, teaching will be done online for at least the first week of the new term, Sturgeon has announced. Current restrictions mean it is illegal to travel into or out of council areas in level three or level four without a valid exemption.

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced London, the South East and East of England will move to a new tier four, effectively returning to the lockdown rules of November, and will not be able to join or form Christmas bubbles. The Welsh Government has announced that lockdown restrictions will come into effect in Wales from midnight on Saturday, while festive bubbles will only apply on Christmas Day. It is understood that there is no immediate plan to change the Christmas Covid restrictions in Northern Ireland, despite rules being tightened in other parts of the UK. Schools will continue to open as normal until the start of the Christmas break, with the holiday being extended until January 11 for most pupils.

Online learning will resume for at least the first week of term, although schools will be open for the most vulnerable and children of key workers. Gatherings of friends and family will be all the more sweeter when this is all over. General secretary of the Educational Institute of Scotland EIS union, Larry Flanagan, welcomed the announcement of online learning from the start of the new term. It would make sense for those schools which are still open to move immediately to remote platforms. A coronavirus cluster at a hotel in the Highlands has been linked to a group of Christmas entertainers at the resort.

The health board said it had become aware of seven cases of Covid at the Macdonald Aviemore Resort relating to entertainers who had been working at the hotel over the past week. Contact tracing is currently being carried out, with all those identified as close contacts being advised to self-isolate.

NHS Highland has written to all guests and staff who have stayed or worked at the resort over the past week to advise them what to do if they develop symptoms. A further 41 people have died in Scotland after being diagnosed with coronavirus, the Scottish Government has confirmed.