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Robin Thomas 48, London. Prisoners were taken, including the ship's purser and two foreign gunners. Under threat of torture they confessed that within fifteen days, three other carracks would arrive at the island.

Madre de Deus was the largest of the fleet, a thirty-two gun vessel of 1, tons and was one of the Portuguese crown's greatest and one of the largest sailing ships ever built. With the news, the English ships waited and raided the villages on Corvo for supplies. On 3 August Dainty sighted a large ship heading directly towards them and as it drew nearer, its enormous size became apparent. The carrack was far larger than Santa Cruz , fully three times the size of England's biggest ship.

Around midday Newport's Golden Dragon , followed by Roebuck - bigger than Dainty , but only a fraction of the Madre , joined the fray. The Dainty had her foremast shot away and was out of the battle for five hours. The English hoped to avoid sinking their opponent and to prevent her from running aground. With her bow rigging all but disabled, Burrough sent Roebuck which then crashed into Madre de Deus , followed by Foresight.

Both moved directly under her main guns. Golden Dragon , Sampson, and Tiger and the repaired Dainty came up in support. The English took the ship after a bloody hand-to-hand combat. The bloody decks of Madre De Deus were strewn with bodies, especially around the helm. Sailors were stripped of "stolen" goods; however, this proved only temporary.

The carrack was quickly repaired, heavily guarded by all ships, and the expedition set sail for England. Among these riches were chests filled with jewels and pearls, gold and silver coins, ambergris , bolts of the highest-quality cloth, fine tapestries, tons of pepper , 45 tons of cloves , 35 tons of cinnamon , 3 tons of mace and 3 of nutmeg , 2. The spices were pepper, cloves, maces, nutmegs, cinnamon and greene ginger : the drugs were benjamin, frankincense , Galangal , mirabilis , aloes zocotrina, [16] camphire : the silks , damasks , taffatas , alto bassos, that is, counterfeit, cloth of gold , unwrought China silk, sleeved silk, white twisted silk, [17] curled cypresse.

The calicos were book-calicos, calico-launes, broad white calicos, fine starched calicoes, course white calicos, brown broad calicos, brown course calicos. There were also canopies, and course diapertowels, quilts of course sarcenet and of calico, carpets like those of Turky ; whereunto are to be added the pearl, muske , civet , and amber-griece. The rest of the wares were many in number, but less in value; as elephants teeth , porcelain vessels of China , coco-nuts , hides, ebenwood as black as jet, bested of the same, cloth of the rind's of trees very strange for the matter, and artificial in workmanship".

There was also a rutter and a document, printed at Macau in , containing valuable information on the China and Japan trade. Hakluyt observed that it was "enclosed in a case of sweet Cedar wood , and lapped up almost an hundredfold in fine Calicut-cloth, as though it had been some incomparable jewel". Madre de Deus entered Dartmouth harbor on 7 September, towering over the other ships and the town's small houses as it sailed by. The only vessel guarding the great ship was Roebuck , as the other vessels had slipped off to Portsmouth to sell off some of the plunder.

The breadth at the broadest deck , was just over 46 feet and her draft was twenty-six feet at her arrival in Dartmouth. Her several decks; consisted of a main orlop , three main decks, and a forecastle and a spar deck of two floors each.