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William Norreys. Berkshire death. Reading —72 , Oxfordshire death. William Thomas. the Largest indepedent Escort directory

Caernarvonshire death. High Sheriff of Anglesey and Caernarvonshire Died from wound received at Battle of Zutphen. Shrewsbury —84 , Kent — Master-General of the Ordnance death. Cornwall — John Hawkins. Plymouth — Treasurer of the Navy death. Died of dysentery at sea off Panama, on same expedition as Hawkins. Bossiney —85 , Plymouth Killed in attack on Cadiz during Anglo-Spanish War. Lichfield death.

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Thomas Baskerville. Carmarthen Boroughs Oxfordshire Killed at the Battle of the Yellow Ford. Anglesey — Killed in Battle of Curlew Pass. Pembroke — President of Connaught death. Henry Norreys. Berkshire and — James Wriothesley, Lord Wriothesley. Died of fever in Netherlands during Eighty Years' War. Callington —22 , Winchester February death.

Tewkesbury , Lancashire —26 , Tavistock Robert Pooley. Queenborough —25 and death. Lieutenant-Colonel Sir. Edward Vere.

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Died of wounds at siege of 's-Hertogenbosch during Thirty Years' War. Newcastle-under-Lyme February—April Arthur Tyringham. Died of disease or wounds received commanding defence of Lisburn during Irish rebellion. Brackley Custos Rotulorum of Anglesey death. Killed during the Battle of Edgehill during the Civil War. Buckingham —25 , New Romney —26 , Aylesbury , Wycombe death. Lieutenant Colonel. William Herbert. Killed during the Battle of Edgehill.

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Cardiff death. Died of wounds after Battle of Edgehill. Bedfordshire — Died after retreat from Launceston in Civil War. St Germans , Saltash —29 , Cornwall , Fowey death. High Sheriff of Cornwall Thomas Smith or Smyth. Bridgwater —29 and August , Somerset Stafford — Robert Greville, later 2nd Baron Brooke. Killed by a sniper in Lichfield during the Civil War. Warwick Ludlow — Robert Pierrepont, later 1st Earl of Kingston-upon-Hull. Captured by Roundheads at Gainsborough , then killed by friendly fire when boat transporting him to Hull was fired on by Royalist artillery.

Nottinghamshire — High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire Lucius Cary, 2nd Viscount Falkland. Newport Isle of Wight — Scottish peer so could sit in English Commons; Secretary of State death. William Brooke, later 12th Baron Cobham. Died of wounds received on Roundhead side at First Battle of Newbury. Rochester — Killed at Bridgeford during the Civil War. Tamworth death.

Killed during the Battle of Lansdowne during the Civil War. Cornwall —25 and —42 , Launceston —29 and Nicholas Kendall. Lostwithiel and Plympton Erle , Penryn — Grampound , Lostwithiel death. Helston —29 and death. Grampound , Wendover —29 , Buckinghamshire death. Helston , Buckinghamshire High Wycombe —24 , Aylesbury , Buckinghamshire death.

William Pennyman, 1st Baronet. Richmond, Yorkshire — Edward Noel, later 2nd Viscount Campden. Rutland John Fenwick. Morpeth — John Mill. Died after capture by Roundhead forces at Christchurch, Hampshire. Lymington William Savile, 3rd Baronet. Yorkshire , Old Sarum — Michael Warton.

Beverley — Richard Hutton. Knaresborough — Killed at Battle of Naseby during Civil War. Lichfield — Thomas Aston, 1st Baronet. Struck on head attempting to escape Roundhead captivity in Stafford and died of fever it and other wounds caused in the Civil War. Cheshire High Sheriff of Cheshire Thomas Lowther. Died of tuberculosis at Newark during the Civil War. Berwick-upon-Tweed —28 , Appleby — Steyning — William Croft. Killed after attempted raid on Stokesay Castle in Civil War.

Launceston , Malmesbury — Aldeburgh — Killed at the Siege of Newark in the Civil War. Pontefract , Nicholas Kemeys, later Sir Nicholas, 1st Baronet. Killed leading defence of Chepstow Castle in Civil War. Monmouthshire — East Retford —death.

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Killed at siege of Pontefract during Civil War. Droitwich death. Died of fever in Ireland during Irish Confederate Wars. Liverpool death.

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Died of wounds at Battle of Worcester. Portsmouth , Died of fever after Siege of Limerick. Appleby death. Lord Deputy of Ireland death.

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Minehead — William Widdrington. Killed at the Battle of Wigan Lane. Northumberland — Died at sea from wounds received in Anglo-Spanish War en route to Plymouth. Bridgwater , , Taunton death. Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports death. Lost at sea on Goodwin Sands returning from Flanders. Tewkesbury death.

Killed during the Battle of Lowestoft along with Earl of Marlborough and the Earl of Portland when a chain shot decapitated them. New Romney — Edward Montagu. Sandwich death. Edward Montagu, later 1st Earl of Sandwich.