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On Wednesday last, a person who was lately committed to our Northgate gaol for a debt which, he said, he never had contracted, and therefore refused to pay, took the desperate resolution of hanging himself. He has left a widow and five small children. Letter from a Coroner:.

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This is what appears by the evidences taken on the inquisition before, SIR,. Your humble Servant,. Nayler, Coroner. The man is committed to our Castle by Mr Nayler, Coroner. Report of the taking of a highwayman, no names.

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Notice re taking of highwayman. Beggar killed at St Nicholas. Upon her examination she confessed, that she was delivered on Saturday the 2nd instant, of a live male child, in the workshop of her own Father, who is a weaver; and that, when she cut the navel-string, the child fell into a hole under the loom, called by the weavers a truddle-pit; from thence she took it, wrapped in her petticoat, into the stable, and in endeavouring to climb into the tallet with the child in her lap, she fell down with it under her, by which means she says it was killed.

She did not seem the least indisposed by her delivery, but went about her business as usual. Unnamed apprentice from Bath drowned at Lydney Park. The dreadful storm which fell on Saturday the 23d past did not extend to this city, but we are told it was very tremendous at a village near Sodbury, in this county, where a young woman [ANN WEBB?

Winchcomb woman dead.

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A shocking accident happened a few days ago near Cirencester, in this county. On Friday last two men coming from Newnham fair, very much in liquor, quarrelled at the Bell in Westbury, in this county, and the one struck the other such a violent blow on the temple as killed him on the spot.

On Tuesday night last the master of a Tewkesbury barge hanged himself on board his vessel, which was waiting at Stone bench for the tide to bring her up the river from Bristol. He was convicted upon the strongest presumptive evidence of committing the horrid fact; a murder attended with the most barbarous, the most unmanly instance of brutality that was ever heard of in any age or nation.

He is to suffer this day. He persevered to the last in obstinately denying the fact. His body was delivered to the Surgeons for dissection.

The History of British Women’s Writing, 1920–1945

Letter from Coroner to Editor. It may not be improper, etc. It having been represented to me by a clergyman of the neighbourhood of Moreton Valence, that a boy [JOSEPH BROWN] , about 12 years of age, was famished to death, I proceeded according to my rules of office, and had the body taken up this day, and held an inquest upon it; and the jury agreed, that the boy, actually died for want of every necessary of life. Upon which I opened the body, and found the abdominal viscera perfectly sound; and upon opening the stomach, found a considerable quantity of coals and ashes, as described by his sister.

His head was covered with lice, which in many places had penetrated even to the skull. His body was so extremely emaciated, that to me it was one of the most dismal spectacles I ever beheld, scarcely skin sufficient to cover the bones. So that, through the neglect of the parish officer, this poor boy must have actually died of hunger, and many poor people, there is too much reason to believe, are dying of the same disease.

I am, SIR,. Your very humble Servant,. Feb 9. The following tragic affair has been transmitted to us by Mr Nayler, one of the Coroners of this county. They were, soon after taking it, seized with all the dire symptoms which usually attend the internal use of that cursed drug, such as violent vomiting, excessive heat in the throat, and intolerable oain in the stomach and abdominal region; and after enduring inexpressible torture for nearly eight hours, they all three miserably expired.

But even in this extremity of distress, the divine goodness seems to have thrown a circumstance of consolation.

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  • I am, Sir, etc. Stroud, Feb 7. His father was drowned some few years ago in the same place. He was waiting for the boat at Rownham Ferry to carry him over to the Hotwells, and dropped down dead as he stood on the bank. This gentleman is a general loss to society, for few men were a greater ornament to it. Jun 1. The body was not discovered till the next morning. As soon as it was noised in the county, suspicion immediately fell on the prisoner, who had paid off some ale scores and boasted that he did not want for money.

    Since his commitment, he affects unconcern, and asserts his innocence. He says he can prove that the watch was his own, and that he bought it at Broadway. He has left a family of twelve children to mourn his loss. After he received sentence, he confessed the fact, and related very circumstantially the manner in which he committed it.

    From the time of his commitment to his condemnation he has behaved so audaciously, that it was judged necessary to handcuff and chain him to the floor; but after sentence was passed his behaviour was very penitential, and at his death he expressed the greatest contrition for the crimes of his past life. He had been supposed by some of the murder of Mr WYNNIAT, but protested in the most solemn manner his innocence, and desired it might be published to the world.

    He was executed on Friday, and the next day his body was conveyed to the Spot where the murder was committed, and there hung in chains. No one could give any account of him; upon which they made a strict search the next day through the wood, and at last found him hanging upon a lofty branch of a tree with his legs tied.

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    The hatchet and the rope which he had taken to cut and bind the furze, were found at some distance. On Thursday an elderly man fell into one of the pits that are so injudiciously dug by the roadside near the New Barn, and perished. Two boys were frozen to death at Cowley, and several others have been lost.

    He first knocked the poor man down with a hammer, and afterwards cut his head almost off. It seems he had frequently for some time past threatened to kill him for opposing his inclinations to marry. The villain afterwards went and told what he had done, to some of his neighbours, and he was immediately apprehended and committed to our castle.

    Jun 6. His body is not yet found, and there being a great fresh in the river he is supposed to be carried into Kingroad, if any of the watermen upon the river Severn, or in the Bristol Channel, should find him, and will give notice to his master, or to his unhappy father Mr LOCKIER, Postmaster at Wotton underedge, they shall be rewarded for their trouble.

    As he was walking by the side of the mill house in a place called the Fair Mile, between this and Horseferry Bridge, he fell down across the rut, and both the waggon wheels went over him, and killed him on the spot. At the Sessions here last week, a person was fined 5 l. On 19th inst. Inquest at Tewkesbury on a Male unknown aged about 50 taken from the river.

    Encyclopedia of British Women’s Writing – | SpringerLink

    This young gentleman, riding home in a dark night, unhappily fell, with his horse, into a quarry, and received Fire at Berkeley; housekeeper burnt. We have an account from several parts of this county, that the severe cold wind on Wednesday evening, the 10th inst. The miller of Ablington, near Bibury, on his return home from Northleach market, lost his life. He was found dead the next day upon his knees, with his face to the ground as if blowing in his hands. Others returning from the same place had great difficulty to reach their own houses.

    Sep 3. He has left a wife and six or seven children quite destitute. Nayler, Gent. Coroner, for the murder of her bastard child. Last week were committed to our castle, On Thursday a man employed in making potash in this city, fell into a pit of hot lye; he was immediately taken out, but died before he could be carried to the Infirmary.