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The changing structure and organisation of male sex work alongside rapidly changing cultural, academic and medical discourses provide new insight but also new challenges to how we conceive the sexualities of men and male sex workers. Public health initiatives must reflect upon and incorporate this knowledge.

Aging and sex hormones in males. In men the slow, physiological decline of serum testosterone T with advancing age overlaps with the clinical condition of overt, pathological hypogonadism.

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In addition, the increasing number of comorbidities, together with the high prevalence of chronic diseases, all further contribute to the decrease of serum T concentrations in the aging male. For all these reasons both the diagnosis of late-onset hypogonadism LOH in men and the decision about starting or not T replacement treatment remain challenging.

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At present, the biochemical finding of T deficiency alone is not sufficient for diagnosing hypogonadism in older men. Coupling hypogonadal symptoms with documented low serum T represents the best strategy to refine the diagnosis of hypogonadism in older men and to avoid unnecessary treatments. The article reviews past and recent research on male sex work to offer a context to understand violence in the industry. It provides a critical review of research to show, first, the assumptions made about male sex workers and violence and, second, how such discourses have shaped thinking on the topic.

The article presents a case study and…. This study tests whether or not there are sex differences in judgments of the success of various male and female lifestyles, and if so, what differential standards are applied to males and females.

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The most interesting result of this study is that college men and women use the same standards to judge the success of male lifestyles but different…. Is higher risk sex common among male or female youths? There are several studies that showed the high prevalence of high-risk sexual behaviors among youths, but little is known how significant the proportion of higher risk sex is when the male and female youths are compared. A meta-analysis was done using 26 countries' Demographic and Health Survey data from and outside Africa to make comparisons of higher risk sex among the most vulnerable group of male and female youths.

Random effects analytic model was applied and the pooled odds ratios were determined using Mantel-Haenszel statistical method.

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In this meta-analysis, 19, male and 65, female youths who reported to have sexual intercourse in a month period were included. The overall OR demonstrated that higher risk sex was ten times more prevalent in male youths than in female youths. The practice of higher risk sex by male youths aged years was more than fold higher than that of their female counterparts.

Similarly, male youths in urban areas, belonged to a family with middle to highest wealth index, and educated to secondary and above were more than ninefold, eightfold and sixfold at risk of practicing higher risk sex than their female counterparts, respectively. In conclusion, this meta-analysis demonstrated that the practice of risky sexual intercourse by male youths was incomparably higher than female youths.

Future risky sex protective interventions should be tailored to secondary and above educated male youths in urban areas.

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Sex mosaics in a male dimorphic ant Cardiocondyla kagutsuchi. Gynandromorphy, or the development of organisms with a combination of male and female morphological features, is common in Hymenoptera. The underlying mechanism is likely associated with the sex -determination system, and studying this phenomenon should lead to a deeper understanding of both embryonic development and sex determination. The reproductive capabilities of gynandromorphs hereafter, sex mosaics remain unclear.

We studied gynandromorphy in the Malaysian ant Cardiocondyla kagutsuchi, which has sex mosaics of queens gynandromorphs; mosaic of queens and winged male and workers ergatandromorphs; mosaic of worker and wingless ergatoid male. These sex mosaics were classified into seven morphological categories. Most individuals had more male than female body areas. Relative DNA quantities showed that both female and male regions contained haploid and diploid nuclei, irrespective of their phenotypic appearance, indicating that external appearance did not reflect internal tissues.

Nearly one third of the adults were sex mosaics and they were not infected with Wolbachia. Our results suggest that the production of sex mosaics in this species does not pose a substantial cost to colonies and that the underlying causes are therefore not strongly selected against.

The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of gossypol administration on sex hormones and biochemical parameters of male subjects.

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Twelve male subjects receiving 20mg daily gossypol at the family planning clinic of University College Hospital, Ibadan were studied. Blood samples collected from the subjects Male lifespan and the secondary sex ratio. Literature speculating on the fetal origins of later life morbidity often invokes the "damaged cohort" theory, i. A rival, or "culled cohort," theory posits that exogenous shocks to gravid females induce spontaneous abortions of frail male fetuses, leaving relatively hardy survivors who enjoy, on average, lifespans longer than males in less stressed birth cohorts.

A recent test based on archival data from Sweden supported the culled cohort theory. Several characteristics of the Swedish data, however, raise questions regarding the external validity of the findings. We repeat the test with data from Denmark, Iceland, and England and Wales.

We use time-series methods that control for trends, seasonal cycles, and other forms of autocorrelation that could confound the test. None of the results supports the "damaged cohort" theory. Consistent with the Swedish findings and with evolutionary theory, we find support in Iceland and England and Wales for the "culled cohort" theory. We discuss the implications of our findings for basic research as well as for public health. Chinmo prevents transformer alternative splicing to maintain male sex identity. Directory of Open Access Journals Sweden. Full Text Available Reproduction in sexually dimorphic animals relies on successful gamete production, executed by the germline and aided by somatic support cells.

Female-specific expression of Sex -lethal Sxl causes alternative splicing of transformer tra to the female isoform traF. In turn, TraF alternatively splices dsx to the female isoform dsxF. Loss of the transcriptional repressor Chinmo in male somatic stem cells CySCs of the testis causes them to "feminize", resembling female somatic stem cells in the ovary. This somatic sex transformation causes a collapse of germline differentiation and male infertility.

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We demonstrate this feminization occurs by transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of traF. Consistent with this, we show that both Vir and Fl 2d are required for tra alternative splicing in the female somatic gonad. Our work reveals the need for transcriptional regulation of tra in adult male stem cells and highlights a previously unobserved Sxl-independent mechanism of traF production in vivo.

In sum, transcriptional control of the sex determination hierarchy by Chinmo is critical for sex maintenance in sexually dimorphic tissues and is vital in the preservation of fertility. Reproduction in sexually dimorphic animals relies on successful gamete production, executed by the germline and aided by somatic support cells. Consistent with this, we show that both Vir and Fl 2 d are required for tra alternative splicing in the female somatic gonad.

Full Text Available Visually judging the sex of another can be achieved easily in most social encounters.

Mapping Queer Space(s) of Praxis and Pedagogy

When the signals that inform such judgements are weak e. The present aim was to examine whether this male bias depends on expertise. To that end, Caucasian and Asian observers targeted female and male hand images that were either the same or different to the observers' race i.

It was thus found that: i observers of own-race stimuli were more likely to report the presence of males and absence of females, however ii observers of other-race stimuli--while still tending to accept stimuli as male --were not prone to rejecting female cues. Finally, iii male -biased measures did not track the relative frequency of targets or lures, disputing the notion that male bias derives from prior expectation about the number of male exemplars in a set.

Findings are discussed in concert with the pan-stimulus model of human sex perception. The male handicap: male -biased mortality explains skewed sex ratios in brown trout embryos. Juvenile sex ratios are often assumed to be equal for many species with genetic sex determination, but this has rarely been tested in fish embryos due to their small size and absence of sex -specific markers.

We artificially crossed three populations of brown trout and used a recently developed genetic marker for sexing the offspring of both pure and hybrid crosses. Families with high survival tended to produce balanced or male -biased sex ratios, but SR was significantly female-biased when survival was low, suggesting that males sustain higher mortality during development.

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Our findings have implications for animal breeding and conservation because skewed sex ratios will tend to reduce effective population size and bias selection estimates. Describes mythical beliefs, thinking errors, and faulty attitudes collected from a group of 67 male juvenile sex offenders. Addresses four major thinking errors: pretentiousness, uniqueness, failure to assume responsibility, and distorted values.

Notes that therapists need this information to develop effective treatment strategies for replacing…. Examines the tendency of men to engage in domestic violence and sexual exploitation and presents male sex -role acquisition as a process of psychosocial violence against young boys, which creates a sense of shame, powerlessness, self-alienation, isolation from others, and retaliatory rage and inhibits capacities for intimacy and mutuality.

Sex differences in job orientation found by Manhardt were explored to determine if they still exist, or if a trend toward similarity as found in studies on traits and behaviors prevails. Implications for personnel managers in handling differences on job orientation of males and females are discussed. HIV prevention interventions for young male commercial sex workers. The sex industry, where men sell sexual services to other men or women, has grown in recent years.