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They were both arrested on suspicion of murder after the body of Mr Murphy was found in a 17th-floor flat in Battersea, south-west London, on June 4 Pictured: Dancer Mr Murphy. Both Osei and Cristea were also accused of one count of administering a poison or noxious substance so as to endanger life, two counts of theft and eight counts of fraud. The jury returned a majority verdict on all counts for both defendants on Friday.

He also pleaded guilty to an alternative charge of administering poison, with intent to injure, aggrieve, or annoy, and seven counts of fraud. Cristea admitted one count of fraud and two counts of handling stolen goods, but was also convicted on all counts. Mr Murphy was found dead in his flat on June 4 of last year. He was laid to rest in his native County Kilkenny beside his parents on July He was laid to rest in his native County Kilkenny beside his parents on July 17 last year.

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Cristea burst into tears and Osei stared at the floor when the verdict was announced. In the past two years cases have been reported in Spain, France and the US. The drug, also referred to as Burundanga in its native Colombia, is almost impossible to detect, as it disappears from the blood stream in two to six hours and can only be found in urine samples within When he came back, he found Remy had poured him a drink. My legs felt like they had been injected with solid rock or something. He entered the building and took the lift to the 17th floor at and was again picked up by CCTV as he left the flat with a Louis Vuitton holdall.

A laptop was also missing. From these, the toxicologist identified traces of a drug called Scopolamine. Both were found to have traces of Scopolamine. Ashcroft maintained her leading place in British theatre for the next 50 years. Always attracted by the ideals of permanent theatrical ensembles, she did much of her work for the Old Vic in the early s, John Gielgud 's companies in the s and s, the Royal Shakespeare Company from the s and the National Theatre from the s. While well regarded in Shakespeare , Ashcroft was also known for her commitment to modern drama, appearing in plays by Bertolt Brecht , Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter.

Her career was almost wholly spent in the live theatre until the s, when she turned to television and cinema with considerable success, winning an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress and several British and European awards. According to Michael Billington , her biographer, Violetta Ashcroft was of Danish and German Jewish descent and a keen amateur actress. She attended Woodford School, East Croydon, where one of her teachers encouraged her love of Shakespeare, but neither her teachers nor her mother approved of her desire to become a professional actress.

Ashcroft was determined, however, and at the age of 16, she enrolled at the Central School of Speech and Drama , run by Elsie Fogerty , from whom her mother had taken lessons some years before. While still a student, Ashcroft made her professional stage debut at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre in a revival of J. Barrie 's Dear Brutus opposite Ralph Richardson , with whom she had been greatly impressed when she saw him in Charles Doran 's touring company while she was still a schoolgirl. He later described the marriage as "a sad failure: we were much too young to know what we wanted Nowadays Peggy and I lunch together perhaps once or twice a year in a Soho restaurant and have a lovely nostalgic-romantic talk of shared memories of long ago.

She is a lovely person and the best actress living. The production was not well received, but Ashcroft's notices were excellent. The production prompted a political awakening in Ashcroft, who was astonished to receive hate-mail for appearing onstage with a black actor; she was angry that Robeson was the star at the Savoy Theatre but was not welcome at the adjoining Savoy Hotel.

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Priestley , put an end to her first marriage. Among those impressed by Ashcroft's performance as Desdemona was John Gielgud , recently established as a West End star. He recalled, "When Peggy came on in the Senate scene it was as if all the lights in the theatre had suddenly gone up". Ashcroft as Juliet and Edith Evans as the nurse won golden notices, although their director, already notorious for his innocent slips of the tongue, referred to them as "Two leading ladies, the like of whom I hope I shall never meet again.

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Ashcroft joined the Old Vic company for the —33 season. The theatre, in an unfashionable area of London south of the Thames , was run by Lilian Baylis to offer plays and operas to a mostly working-class audience at low ticket prices. It was, in Sheridan Morley 's words, the place to learn Shakespearean technique and try new ideas. During her professional and personal relationship with Komisarjevsky, whom she married in and left in , Ashcroft learned from him what Billington calls "the vital importance of discipline, perfectionism, and the idea that the actor, even during passages of emotional stress, must remain a thinking human being".

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  5. After appearing in the Hitchcock film The 39 Steps , and a succession of stage failures, Ashcroft was once again cast as Juliet by Gielgud, this time in a West End production that attracted enormous attention. Critical opinions differed as to the relative merits of her leading men, but Ashcroft won glowing reviews. The recent collapse of her marriage to the director made rehearsals difficult, but the critical reception was ecstatic.

    After playing briefly and without much pleasure in New York, Ashcroft returned to London in for a season of four plays presented by Gielgud at the Queen's Theatre. Billington considers that this company laid the foundations of post-war ensembles such as the Royal Shakespeare Company and the National Theatre. The Munich crisis and the approach of the Second World War delayed for a decade the further development of such a company. In Ashcroft met and married the rising lawyer Jeremy Hutchinson.

    They had a daughter the following year, and Ashcroft did little stage work while the child was young. She won excellent notices, but the productions were thought to lack flair and were unfavourably compared with the exciting work of the rival Old Vic company under Richardson and Olivier's leadership.

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    In the second of these, according to Billington, "she scaled the austere peaks of Greek tragedy". Through the rest of the decade, Ashcroft's career switched between commercial productions in the West End and appearances in the nascent subsidised theatres in Shakespeare and experimental works.

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    The last of these was not a success, but Ashcroft was credited with courage for taking the role on. In , Peter Hall , who had been appointed to run the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, approached Ashcroft with his plans for a permanent company, with bases in Stratford and London, and a regular, salaried company, presenting a mixture of classical and new plays. Ashcroft immediately agreed to join him, and her lead was, in Hall's view, key to the success of the new Royal Shakespeare Company RSC. Ashcroft, then aged fifty-six, played Margaret of Anjou , ageing from blithe youth to ferocious old age as the plays progressed.

    The critic Philip Hope-Wallace wrote of:. At about this time Ashcroft's third and last marriage was beginning to fall apart. According to Billington she found solace in her work, and threw herself into classical and avant garde works "with ever greater fervour".

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    In the s, Ashcroft remained a pillar of the RSC but when Peter Hall succeeded Olivier as director of the National Theatre in he persuaded her to appear there from time to time. She also appeared at the Royal Court in Duras's The Lovers of Viorne in the role of a schizophrenic killer, a performance that the young Helen Mirren found so accomplished that "I just wanted to rush out and start all over again".

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    Ashcroft later made occasional, but highly successful, television and film appearances. She was the grandmother of the French singer Emily Loizeau. Ashcroft died from a stroke in London at the age of She was awarded honorary degrees by eight universities and was an honorary fellow of St Hugh's College, Oxford. Ashcroft is commemorated with a memorial plaque in Poets' Corner , Westminster Abbey. The Ashcroft Theatre in Croydon was named in her honour in From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.