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Malia Obama has spent the Christmas holidays in one of London 's trendiest neighbourhoods with her millionaire British boyfriend, Rory Farquharson, MailOnline can reveal. The eldest daughter of former U. They have both recently been spotted strolling happily around the neighbourhood without the need for too much security. Malia Obama and her millionaire British boyfriend Rory Farquharson were spotted strolling with two friends in Islington, north London, over their Christmas holidays from Harvard. The daughter of U. Here they appear close while out shopping in New York in The couple — both aged 21 — are thought to be in the capital for a few days before heading home to Harvard University where they are both students.

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One onlooker saw Malia and Rory taking a brisk afternoon walk with friends on Monday close to the Duke of Cambridge pub in north London. The woman, who asked not to be named, told MailOnline, said: 'They were keeping a low profile but looked really happy and relaxed together. Rory was in a khaki coat and loose jeans.

They were walking casually with another couple. The couple's relationship seems to have gone from strength to strength with Malia having met her boyfriend's parents. They were seen in November at the Harvard v Yale football clash. Although Malia, 21, pictured at the football match in November last year, is the same age as her boyfriend, she is due to graduate in a year after him because she took a gap year.

It was getting a bit colder and looked as though it was about to rain so I think they were deciding on where to go next. Malia was talking to her fairly intensely and seemed like a very typical American college-age student - kind of intense, a bit angsty, wanting to be taken seriously, but nice. Malia and Rory met at Harvard, one of the world's top universities, in They were pictured together six weeks ago enjoying each other's company at an American football match. They were spotted laughing and chatting at the annual Ivy League matchup between Harvard and Yale universities in New Haven, Connecticut.

It was the same sporting clash where the couple had first been seen cosying up together in — as revealed exclusively by Mail Online.

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Malia spent Thanksgiving with her parents in the U. S appearing in a family portrait with her father, mother Michelle, the former First Lady, and younger sister Sasha, The snapshot, posted on to Instagram by Michelle, received more than 2. Mr Farquharson, whose family live in the UK, was first thrust into the spotlight when he was spotted passionately kissing before the Harvard v Yale football game in November She is also understood to have spent some of Christmas with her parents before jetting to the UK to finish off the holidays with Rory.

His father is a chief executive of a London investment firm and a Cambridge graduate and his mother is an accountant while the family also have a Royal connection. Malia Obama is the younger daughter of ex-U. The meeting is now temporarily replaced by an online meeting on the same day and at the same time. Newcomers are particularly welcomed. Please introduce yourself as a Newcomer so that we can welcome you.

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Contact: mondaycitymeeting gmail. A weekly meeting to read and explore the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. Each week, we read a portion and share our experience, strength and hope as sex and love addicts. A PDF of the weekly reading will be shared at the Zoom meeting. Any questions? Please contact Angus at angusslaa gmail. Polish speaking skype meeting. Healthy relationship focused.

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Download the meeting script as a pdf Download. The Monday evening meeting in Belfast from 8. If you do not get to speak to someone please leave your first name, a message and a contact number, and a member of the Group will get back to you within a few days. Please join five minutes before.

The hospital is at the end of Rappax Road. Keep following the road through the hospital grounds, round the back of the old hospital building and you come to the Stables. Please download and import the following iCalendar. Email glasgowslaa gmail. Looking forward to hear from you. To join us, please add the Skype name slaahowanorexia. Landmarks — Barclays bank is on the right hand side of High Street coming down the hill. The church is yards down on the left hand side.

London Meetings

Car park is at the rear of the hall. Group conscious has asked that we all keep video enabled when we are on. To protect your anonymity DO NOT log in via Facebook or Google, even if the site suggests this, just use your first name and first letter of your last name, e. Some may wish to remain after the formal meeting to chat, share on topics, answer questions, and exchange email or phone contacts where this is safe for you to do. We encourage all to stay for general fellowship time. We use e-mail, phone calls and messages between meetings to support each other, we encourage you to share your contact details only with members who are safe contacts for you.

Video to be kept on during meeting. The SLAA men-only zoom meeting, Wednesday lasts for 1 hour and 30 minutes, from pm — pm UK time, to determine the current time, please go to: www. We have room for a maximum of 20 participants. If there is enough demand, we may add additional meetings in the future. Your contributions go towards Group Expenses such a Zoom. Be mindful of your own needs first, and give only as you can. We look forward to meeting you and working the SLAA program with you.

In light of coronavirus, we have made the decision to suspend the Wednesday evening meeting in Croydon for the foreseeable future and instead can be accessed on Zoom:. Group conscience agreed to the establishment of an online Zoom meeting at the regular Wed 7. Due to C the Toddington face to face meeting has been replaced with an online Zoom meeting. When face to face meetings are available, use the main church hall entrance that is behind the church, then go to the right once inside the entrance, down a few steps, then it is the glass door to the left of the stairs.

The Guild Room.

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The first meeting of the month has an Anorexia focus and may finish at 8. The Wednesday night SLAA Parents meeting uses a web conferencing system, so you can participate via any computer, smartphone or tablet with a camera, microphone and speakers attached. To protect your anonymity do NOT log in via Facebook or Google, just use your first name and first letter of your last name, e. Group conscience has asked that we all keep video enabled when we are on. This fellowship is for those of us who are parents.

We use e-mail, phone calls, Whatsapp and SLparentsZoom1 gmail. For those wishing to phone in, call Meeting ID: Password: The physical meeting is no longer in operation. Please try to join a few minutes before the start. We have started a second Skype meeting in Belfast. The zoom is continuing. It is currently subject to a maximum of 15 people. The meeting is moving online on the same day and time. Meeting ID is: The new time is 6. We are currently an open group.

We are an audio meeting so request that new members join the meeting with cameras off, and please mute on joining if you are late.