Another dad endured years of penury. Under lockdown, the daughter informed him she would much rather have been sent to the local comp. She now had unreasonable expectations of what life should be like, having been exposed to the offspring of the greediest people in the world. Why are they so whingy? And we constantly told them how amazing, unique, wonderful and talented they were.
I also blame the envy-producing advertising sales business — Instagram. The teenagers and twentysomethings are forced to make comparisons with others. Even when you know the pictures are lies, you still feel somehow inferior. Parent-whinging is nothing new. He should be more grateful.
Nothing has been repressed. The little mice now accept we parent mice are full of faults, but we mean well. I have also delivered shelter from the wind and shade from the sun. I am particularly proud of an ash tree which has so far shown no sign of chalara, or ash dieback. It is a selected, or improved, version of the common or garden ash tree. Mary used to object to my being outside all day, until her friends reminded her that it was the number of men who were suddenly not outside the house all day that ended with the phenomenon of Lockdown Splitters.
But you need to widen your horizons — otherwise you might become institutionalised after all these months on your own territory. How about that dinner you are invited to in London? That would be a bridge too far. Better for me to re-enter the wider world cautiously and by degrees. Consequently, I lowered the bar by setting off for my local, ancient woodland, armed with a notebook and binoculars. I knew that the said place was due to undergo an imminent ash-tree health check from a so-called expert.
A pre-emptive inspection could be my opportunity to build bridges with the local landowner.
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Not, Mary warned, to make more trouble. A troubling prospect greeted me when I arrived in the hilltop wood, as branches. Only ash trees clatter like halyards in a boatyard and I found it intoxicating standing beneath them in their frenzy. They looked very lively to me and full of mistle thrushes, but many were presenting bare branches, which rang alarm bells. Ash dieback disease most likely came to these shores from saplings grown abroad. The idea that you can achieve a wood only by planting a bog-standard mix of saplings in serried ranks with plastic tubing persists among landowners and farmers.
Or, more likely, financial incentives are measured in months and years, not the decades of patience needed for the full expression of natural regeneration and vegetative succession. Some ash trees in my local wood may be suffering from ash dieback but I would not want the living, healthy specimens to be destroyed as well in a foot-andmouth-style overkill.
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Some people anthropomorphise trees. But, as dead wood, old trees are invaluable to biodiversity. As Benedict Macdonald describes in Orchard , dead wood attracts a huge variety of insects. Woodpeckers, and the holes they bore in it, are used as nesting places by many other species — dormice, toads, stoats, hornets and tawny owls.
They are also havens for fungi. Either way, my ecological antennae were bristling at the prospect of more ecocide. The last chainsaw massacre came in , after a human was felled by a falling branch. That sparked a nationwide safety review, whereupon many fine specimens were condemned to oblivion. Trees can never, of course, be made completely safe. However, tree consultants are often under unrealistic pressure to certify them as such. This in turn leads to their being too cautious and prescribing excessive, invasive remedial work. We are too impatient to remember that any piece of land below the tree line, left alone without any human interference or expense, will undergo a natural growth via scrub to become a fully mature forest of properly native trees.
Some 15 million trees came down in a single night in the Great Storm of Trees that had merely fallen or tilted were assumed to be dead and written off as so much rubbish. It was an entirely natural disaster of the kind our woods will have recovered from repeatedly over the centuries. But it was assumed to be reparable only by human intervention, as if trees were an invention of humankind or, worse, a kind of pet. The late Cambridge botanist Oliver Rackham noted the same as he observed the wooded embankments lining the route of his railway journeys to and from London.
She looked almost affectionate. Dogs, actually, can learn to take themselves for a walk. Mickey, a foundling mongrel, was a much-cherished pet. But, as nobody ever found the time to take him for a walk, Mickey discovered for himself how to get his daily exercise. He worked out that if he hopped onto one of the buses that passed the Fitt family home, it would take him to a nearby park.

Mickey became known to the bus drivers and conductors — they had conductors in those days — and the bus staff ensured the doggie alighted at the correct stop. Mickey took his own walk in the park and returned home, similarly, by his familiar bus route. The Germans are a clever people. Surely they can train their mutts to be as smart as Mickey Fitt? When I left London two decades ago, I did so reluctantly. London was where everything happened — the galleries, the theatres, the clubs be it the Groucho or the Reform , the restaurants and the buzz. But I agreed to the move for the sake of marital duty and, in time, I came to see the virtues of this provincial life: the kindly people, the convenience of localism, a friendly,.
I hope our grandchildren will see the great cities revived.
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But events, chance and technology have surely combined to revive life outside the metropolis. But one compensatory element has emerged: life outside London has acquired a new status.
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As more people discovered they can work from home, they also discovered the pleasures of not having to commute daily, spending vast amounts in the process. Online shopping has changed habits. The loss of the theatre in London over the course of this year has indeed been catastrophic.
But some theatregoers also remember how ruinously expensive a West End show was — and how much, now, can be performed via Zoom. Not to mention a chance to cut back on Christmas decorations, available in the shops from August. There are strict Protestant sects that disapprove of Christmas — they claim a Christian remembrance has been changed into a Pagan bacchanalia. Yule will be somewhat downsized this year, and that could lead to a more reflective Nativity season.
Yet the hullaballoo over Christmas must have been exciting when it was a novelty. My late husband was evacuated, as a young boy, to New York in An American Christmas seemed wondrous: English children had never before seen merry chaps dressed as Father Christmas or giant Christmas trees festooned with lights, or heard Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
That was a Christmas he remembered with a true sense of the magical.
The US election exposes ugly feelings in small-town Connecticut philip delves broughton In early August, my wife returned from a weekend in Vermont with a couple of lawn signs. She planted the first one by the side of the road. Within a week, it was gone.
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We placed the next one more strategically, just inside our property, but still clearly visible to anyone driving past. Any thief would also have to trespass. A few days later, we found just the wire frame which had once held our sign.
Since then, we have been wondering two things. First, what kind of colossal and immovable sign we could construct next. Litchfield County is a couple of hours north of New York. At its southern tip, the commuter suburbs of Connecticut peter out. By the time you hit Massachusetts in the north, it is all rolling hills, woods and farms. Something like Chipping Norton or Ledbury.