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Subscribe for free today. College Pages. Featured college pages. Inside Higher Ed Careers Hiring? The first battle of St Albans, widely regarded as the first battle of the Wars of the Roses, was, in modern parlance, nothing short of a military coup. The battle came as the climax to an extended political crisis which stretched back five years to the fall of the Duke of Suffolk and the loss of Normandy in Since that summer the Dukes of York and Somerset had competed for pre-eminence at court under the ineffective rule of Henry VI.

The more immediate trigger for the events leading to the battle was Henry VI's recovery from a period of mental incapacity at the end of For eighteen months from July , the King had languished in a coma from which he could not be roused. After a prolonged delay of several months, during which everyone had hoped the King would recover, the government of the realm had been vested in a protectorate.

The protector, Richard, Duke of York, was the King's closest male, adult, blood relation. York, however, was a man with a grievance, since he had been excluded from office since The Duke, who had secured his position as protector with the support of the Nevilles, had used his fortuitous opportunity for partisan ends.

He had tried, and failed, to condemn his principal rival, Edmund Beaufort, Duke of Somerset as a traitor.

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Thus when the King finally recovered just before Christmas , it was not long before York was removed from office as protector and Somerset was released from prison to be reinstated at court. Thereafter the two dukes were set on a collision course.

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The political situation in the spring of was complicated by the legacy of York's protectorate. His alliance with the powerful Neville family, headed by the father and son Richard, Earl of Salisbury and Richard, Earl of Warwick, led him to give his backing to the earls in the their quarrel with the Percys in Yorkshire. Police then investigated Jones, 32, from Blackley. It was later discovered Ms Minogue was the third partner he had abused.

Jones was jailed for 18 months at Minshull Street Crown Court after admitting one of the attacks, which left Ms Minogue with cuts to her face and two black eyes. Dad-of-one Smith grabbed hold of the the back of Mr Rooney's head before 'slamming' it into the wall and then fleeing the scene, Burnley Crown Court was told. He has now been left with a visible permanent scar. Smith, of Hargreaves Road, Oswaldtwistle, pleaded guilty to wounding and was jailed for 21 months.

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He was also handed a six-year football banning order. Helicopter footage captured the moment police pounced on two men after they leapt from a car following a dramatic high-speed chase. Leon and Billy Price, from Bury , were jailed following the pursuit in Lancashire earlier this year. Police said the pair were in a Range Rover when it rammed into a Ford Transit van, narrowly missing two men, in Preston on the afternoon of January It then ploughed into a number of other vehicles, in Blackburn, before being tracked by officers in Rossendale.

Leon Price was charged with affray, failing to stop, dangerous driving, drink driving, possession of a class B drug and attempted grievous bodily harm. He admitted all of the offences, but pleaded not guilty to affray, and was sentenced to 20 months in prison. He was disqualified from driving for 46 months and must retake his driving test before he is allowed back before the wheel. Billy Price was charged with affray, failing to stop, dangerous driving, drink driving, possession of a class B drug and attempted grievous bodily harm.

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The boyfriend of a teenager who died after taking super-strong ecstasy at her first-ever rave was jailed alongside the dealer who sold him the killer pill. Faye Allen, 17, suffered a fatal reaction after taking the class A drug during an event at the Victoria Warehouse in Trafford on May 2, It'd been handed to her by her boyfriend Connor Aden, 19, who bought them from dealer Oliver Garside, It was the first time Faye had taken the drug and the first time she'd been to a nightclub or a rave.

Aden took one and gave the other two to Faye and another friend. The court heard the offences were committed against four victims between the late s and Lee Tansey, 40, from Salford, was part of a gang who disguised themselves as builders and committed a string of violent hold-ups. The crime spree came days after he was released early from an eleven-year sentence passed in for a series of bank raids. They dated back to and , but Tansey avoided justice for two years by vanishing to Spain.

Now, he's been caged again, along with Anthony Gough and Christopher Reuben, for his part in six robberies at banks and jewellers in the north of England. In one of the terrifying raids, gunmen pounced on two women as they arrived for work at Janet Isherwood Jewellers on Kay Street in Rawtenstall, Rossendale. One of the women was grabbed by the throat and pushed up against a wall, after one of the robbers jumped over a side gate and threatened them with a handgun. A public school-educated businessman who used a spy camera hidden inside his shoe to secretly film up the skirts of women was jailed.

Another illicit sequence showed his own unsuspecting ex-girlfriend lying naked with him on a floor. Other films seized included horrific images he downloaded from the internet of children being abused and women being suffocated and strangled. Cant, now of Fountain Street, Macclesfield, was jailed for three years after he admitted outraging public decency, voyeurism and possessing and distributing indecent images.

Three gang members who attempted armed robberies at Brackley Conservative Club, and then the Premier Inn hotel at Salford Quays, are behind bars. Armed with a machete and a gun, two men and a woman forced their way into the club in Worsley. He grabbed the barrel of the gun and shoved the thug holding it out of the way before his little finger was chopped off with the machete.

The gang fled the Conservative club empty-handed, striking at the Premier Inn hotel at Salford Quays an hour later. There, a hotel worker grabbed hold of the female member of the gang, stopping her from escaping. A hit-and-run driver who broke his neck after being flung from his car during a high-speed police chase was jailed. Sheroze Khan had already crashed into one car as he was pursued by officers through the streets of Radcliffe. Khan, 23, sped through a junction off Dale Street in his Peugeot and nearly crashed into a police car.

But Khan - who was already banned from driving - ignored their warnings and sped onto Bury Road, reaching 70mph. He overtook another car before smashing into a Vauxhall Corsa, causing it spinning out of control. Khan, of Bury Road, Radcliffe, pleaded guilty to failing to stop for police, driving while disqualified and driving without insurance. He was jailed for a year and six weeks at Minshull Street Crown Court and was further disqualified from driving for two years and 29 weeks.

Hamman Forjani, 21, was jailed for 21 months for the shocking assault on his victim, who was about 28 weeks pregnant at the time, Manchester Crown Court heard. Forjani, from Fallowfield, repeatedly punched her in the head and body during the incident - and kicked her so hard he left a shoe imprint on her face. Forjani, of Aston Avenue, Fallowfield, previously pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm and criminal damage. However the plot turned to farce when the address the smugglers planned to have the drugs delivered to refused to take the load and the innocent lorry driver rang the police, a court heard.

He flew to the Netherlands in February to make arrangements for the importation of the drugs along with his henchmen Waqhar Ashraf, 28 and Hamzah Awan, They then set off on a journey from Europe to Morocco, believed to be the original source of the drugs, to make payment. The men denied a charge of conspiracy to evade prohibition of controlled drugs at a lengthy trial at Manchester Crown Court, but were found guilty.

The University of Manchester students took payment for the drugs in the electronic cryptocurrency Bitcoin and holidayed in Jamaica, the Bahamas and Amsterdam - until they were brought down by the FBI. A fifth defendant, Joshua Morgan, 28, of Chapeltown Street, Manchester, was jailed for seven years and two months after admitting assisting offenders by packaging the drugs for dispatch.

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Facebook pictures of a father of five leading a lavish lifestyle with his family helped jail him over a scam involving the disappearance of luxury cars. Businessman Sohan Malik, 42, posed in sunglasses and designer clothes at top class hotels and restaurants with his wife and daughters - and drove a string of pricey motors. But unbeknown to his loved ones, Malik, from Styal, Cheshire, was in debt and was one of the masterminds behind a scam using fake details to illegally acquire high value vehicles under hire purchase HP agreements. A drugs baron who flooded the region with cocaine and heroin from his home in an affluent commuter village was jailed after the highest-value drug seizure ever made by Greater Manchester Police.

Julian Solomon was one of eight men involved in a sophisticated continental trafficking network which saw vast amounts of class A drugs delivered from Belgium to the UK via Holland. It led to seven of the gang being jailed - for over years in total - after being convicted of drug conspiracy charges. A paedophile who sexually assaulted a young girl - and collected thousands of sick images of children - was caged.

Terence Horner, 63, from Bury , built up a vile library of more than 10, indecent images of children, some of which he shared online. Horner pleaded guilty to sexual assault and making, possessing and distributing indecent images of children at Minshull Street Crown Court. A pensioner who indecently assaulted two young boys more than 50 years ago at a school was jailed. Terence Freeman, 78, of Alldis Close, Longsight , pleaded guilty to 10 offences involving the boys in the s. Freeman, who was sentenced at Gloucester Crown Court, was investigated by officers from Gloucestershire Constabulary following allegations that he assaulted the boys at a school in the county between January and December Osman Ali, 25, began speaking to the schoolgirl on the social media site before manipulating her into believing they were a couple.

He regularly messaged the youngster before arranging to meet her for the first time in October Just months earlier, Ali had been released four years into an eight year prison sentence after being convicted, alongside two other men, of the rape of a teenager. Over the next seven months Ali met the girl regularly at weekends before raping her a house in Rochdale. Ali, of Corbett Street, Rochdale, was sentenced to 19 years and six months in prison after pleading guilty to seven counts of raping a child under 13 at Minshull Street Court.

Altaf, who missed his wedding after being arrested, has been jailed for seven years and eight months. Stuart and Liam Kelly had also been to watch the Aussie rockers at the Etihad Stadium in Manchester when they were attacked in June As they searched for their pre-booked taxi, they came across a limousine hired by Calvin Cox, Steven Gordon, Jon Johnston and Gary Mullen, who had travelled from Aberdeenshire in Scotland for the concert. The limo driver had been unable to park where he dropped the men off because of road closures, so met them near the stadium and walked them back to the vehicle.

Gordon and Johnston approached Liam, swore at him and punched him in the face, knocking his glasses off. Mr Kelly tried to jump in and defend his son, but was hit and knocked to the floor by Gordon and Johnson.

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Gordon, 41, and Johnston, 28, continued to kick and stamp on Liam as he lay unconscious on the floor. Gordon, of Prunier Drive, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, was sentenced to two years and eight months in prison. All four defendants pleaded guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm. Gordon and Johnson also admitted common assault. Violent robbers who were caught trying to buy booze with money stolen from people they choked have been caged.

As the man began to lose consciousness, Callum Hugill, 19, and Nash kicked him and demanded access to the till. A boxer was jailed after being unmasked as a drugs boss - and arrested days before his first televised fight. Manchester Crown Court heard how between November and March last year, police discovered more than four kilograms of cocaine and other class A drugs including heroin following four warrants. Michael Torskyj, 39, of Clarence Street, Stalybridge was sentenced to four years and six months. He also pleaded guilty to firearms offences and was sentenced to two years and six months to run concurrently.

Anthony Steenson, 31, of Rome Road, Collyhurst received four years and eight months.

Samuel Dexter, 31, of Rycroft Grove, Wythenshawe was sentenced to four years and four months. Bank cards snatched from pubgoers and shoppers in Manchester city centre were used within 30 minutes at Boom store on Wilmslow Road in Rusholme in a scam which netted thousands of pounds.