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The gay rights movement was beginning to win victories for legal reform, particularly in western Europe, but perhaps the single defining event of gay activism occurred in the United States. Nearly people joined a riot that lasted 45 minutes and resumed on succeeding nights.

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Now headquartered in Brussels, it plays a significant role in coordinating international efforts to promote human rights and fight discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons. In the United States, gay activists won support from the Democratic Party in , when the party added to its platform nondiscrimination clause a plank including sexual orientation. DeGrieck and Wechsler both were elected in and came out while serving on the city council; Wechsler was replaced on the council by Kathy Kozachenko, who ran openly as a lesbian, in —thus becoming the first openly gay person to win office after first coming out.

In Gerry Studds, a sitting representative from Massachusetts, became the first member of the United States Congress to announce his homosexuality. Barney Frank , also a member of the U. House of Representatives from Massachusetts, also came out while serving in Congress in the s; Frank was a powerful member of that body and within the Democratic Party into the 21st century.

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Tammy Baldwin , from Wisconsin, became the first openly gay politician to be elected to both the U. House of Representatives and the U. Senate Outside the United States, openly gay politicians also scored successes. In Canada in Glen Murray became the mayor of Winnipeg, Manitoba—the first openly gay politician to lead a large city. She was followed by Elio Di Rupo, who became prime minister of Belgium in For example, whereas in some countries, particularly in Scandinavia, antisodomy statutes never existed or were struck down relatively early, in other countries the situation was more complex.

In the United States, with its strong federal tradition, the battle for the repeal of sodomy laws initially was fought at the state level. In the U. Hardwick ; 17 years later, however, in Lawrence v.

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Texas , the Supreme Court reversed itself, effectively overturning the antisodomy law in Texas and in 12 other states. In Democratic Pres. Barack Obama signed legislation that repealed the U. In the Supreme Court recognized the right of same-sex couples to marry Obergefell v. Hodges , and in the Court determined that firing an employee for being gay, lesbian, or transgender was a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act , which prohibited discrimination on the basis of sex Bostock v.

Clayton County, Georgia.

gay rights movement | Definition & History | Britannica

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Gay rights prior to the 20th century

Alternative Titles: gay liberation movement, homosexual rights movement. Regulated activity providers employers or volunteer managers of people working in regulated activity in England, Wales or Northern Ireland and personnel suppliers have a legal duty to refer to DBS where conditions are met. Referrals can be made online or via post. Alternatively, you can complete the DBS paper referral form and send to:.

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Where a person is cautioned or convicted of a relevant automatic barring offence with the right to make representations, the DBS will ask the person to submit their representations and consider them before making a final barring decision. The DBS works with a number of different organisations and departments, including but not limited to:.

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Referral This is when an employer, volunteer manager or other organisation has concerns that someone has either caused harm or has the potential to cause harm to vulnerable groups and submits a referral to the DBS.