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July Sth. Visited Rheinstein, an ancient knightly castle situated on the left bank of the Rhine near Bingen and nearly opposite Asmanshausen. It has been restored by Prince Frederick of Prussia, to whom it belongs. His wife is a Princess of Anhalt-Bornburg. The castle is very well furnished in the style of its period and contains many curious objects, among others the gauntlet of Gotz von Berlichingen. Went to Biberach at 1. Lord and Lady Brownlow had gone direct to Frankfort. The Queen was extremely gracious to me. Lord Howe told me that the Tories could overthrow the Government when they liked, but that the crucial moment had not arrived, as they wish to give Mr.

Stanley time to connect himself more closely with Sir Robert Peel, which he oaimot decently do at once, that is to say till the next session. The Queen of Bavaria, on her way to Scheveningen, also arrived, accompanied by the Hereditary Princess of Darmstadt, her daughter, and the husband of the latter. July IZth. The house contains many rare things, including some fine Flemish pictures, a Sleeping Cupid by Schidone, and a Domenichino of great beauty.

This last picture represents a woman getting out of a bath. The softness of the flesh, the beauty of the face and the charm of the pose are aU of the highest perfection of art. She is hfe-size and is seated, wiping her right foot. One can see that the linen is soaked in water. It is worth a long journey to see this picture alone. From there I went to Reichartshausen, belonging to Count Schonbom. The house is charming, furnished with great shnphcity, but the rooms are too low. There is a fine collection of modern pictures, among others two charming Cranets. He painted chiefly arohiteo- toral subjects.

One of those entries may be reproduced as incorporating a reference to an historical event: Aug. The position of the house is fine, but the house itself ordinary.

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On returning by Neustadt we visited the church, outside which are buried Counts Zriny and Marissau, who were beheaded for high treason against the Emperor, as was Count Nadashy who is buried in Vienna. The plot was concocted at Pottendorf, where there is preserved in an old tower the table at which the conspirators used to sit.

The Emperor was to have come to see Count Nadashy, of whom he was very fond, at Pottendorf, whore the latter intended to poison him. He was warned not to go while actually on the way. Made an excursion into the country with C. I shared a room in the castle with Prince Wenzl Liechtenstein.

According to established custom Prince Esterhazy did not sleep in his castle on the eve of the ceremony. The Prince was preceded by several magnates on horseback, all in magiuficent gala costumes. The town of Odenburg had sent a detachment of light infantry and one of volunteers. The county had equipped a squadron of soldiers, all gentlemen very well mounted. The Prince had on a splendid aigrette of diamonds and four rows of pearls to fasten his cloak. He was greeted with loud cheering. Later on he received deputations from the difEerent counties.

The Prince received at his hands the patent which confirms him in the dignity of Su;preme Hereditary Count. He then made a speech which was highly applauded. The ladies took part in the ceremony, the Princess Esterhazy being covered in diamonds and pearls. There was a Te Deum, in the church of Eisen- stadt, and a dinner afterwards of seven hundred covers, when many healths were drunk; a Hungarian comedy, illuminations and fireworks in the garden, a ball, much noise, confusion, heat and dust.

Celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Prince Mettemich holding ojBfice as Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the Imperial Palace, where the Emperor gave for the occasion a grand dinner, at which were present the Councillors and Secretaries of the Chcmcelhrie, and the Austrian diplomatists on leave in Vienna, among whom were two ambassadors, Prince Esterhazy and Count Liitzow, and several of the Ministers, Baron Binder, Count Miinch, Count Kuffstein, Baron Ottenfels, etc.


We offered our congratulations to Prince Mettemich before dinner. Prince Metternich thanked us and said that we had gone through difficult times and should have to go through others as difficult; that if he had been lucky enough to surmount great obstacles he could not sufficiently praise the support which he had received from us, a support he counted on in the future. A week after this event Princess Metternich gave birth to a son, and Neumann speaks of having been talking to her only a couple of hours before, when she was sufiering, but not in such a way as to lead him to suppose the event was so imminent.

On the th he receives more startling news, thus recorded : Oct 2Uh.

News has been received that the two Houses of Parliament in London with their adjoining buildings, the archives and the library, have been burnt to the ground. The loss is incalculable, particularly if the documents concerning the procedure which forms the very essence of the Enghsh Constitution, have been destroyed.

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Neumann always seems to have had these duties laid on him at the moment when he did not want them ; and what he remarks here may be matched by earlier entries in the same strain. Prince Metternich told me to-day that ho intended sending me to England ; little pleasure this news afiorded me. A few months ago I should have heard it with delight. If I go back there, it will not be to remain, 1 The Houses of Parliament were burnt down on October 16th.

Read to-day a long despatch from London in which nothing is spoken of but the crisis of the moment and the fears it creates for the future. Prince Metternich again spoke to me of his intention of sending me back to London. The Prmcess beiug present, I told him I could not return there in the same position as that in which I was before. I wrote to Prince Metternich thanking him for the marks of confidence which he wished to give me by sending me again to London, but saying that I could not return there in the same capacity as I had been before.

The Princess told me that she had spoken to the Prince, and that he had said that he never intended that I should remain there with an ambassador, but only until one had arrived. Prince Metternich told me that he wished me to go to London until the arrival of the ambassador, not in a diplomatic capacity but simply as a private person, in order that I might be able to confer with the Duke of Wellington. I pointed out to Mm that I desired in that case the title of Aulic Councillor. He promised he would ask the Emperor to accord me tMs.

My request is not an ambitious one; I am past the period when that might have pleased me. Ten years ago the post of Minister would have flattered me; now repose is more to my taste. What would have delighted me some months ago is anything but pleasing to me now.


However, he was not destined to return to England for a considerable time, as will be seen from subsequent entries. Prince Mettemich told me that as soon as news was received of the reconstruction of the new English Ministry he would send me there en voyagem, to remain until the arrival of Prince Esterhazy.

An interesting despatch has arrived from London. There is much uncertainty as to the duration of the Tory Government. It depends on the result of the elections.

Parliament has been dissolved, and a new one convoked for February 19th. Received the sad news of the death of my sister, who expired on the 24th at St. Polten as the result of a short illness. It is really a blessing of Providence, for she was labouring under infirmities which would have made her old age a miserable one. I played whist there and lost twenty-four florins and two rubbers, owing to the bad play of my partners. Countess Leon Easoumofisky and Baron Andlau. The Princess Odescalchi was the fourth. I dined with Rosa Ester- hazy, and saw her mother, who is better.

Inspected the hotel which Prince Dietrich- stein has had built in the Wahringer Gasse. It is a little too much like a magic lantern without the magic.