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    Retrieved 22 Sexy jeans Great Yarmouth Retrieved In this time, large expensive houses were constructed along the main roads in Brixton, which were converted into flats and boarding houses at the start of the 20th century as the middle classes were replaced by an influx of the working classes.

    By , Brixton attracted thousands of new people. It housed the largest shopping centre in south London at the time, as well as a thriving market, cinemas, pubs and a theatre. In the s, Brixton was the shopping capital of south London with three large department stores and some of the earliest branches of what are now Britain's major national retailers.

    Today, Brixton Road is the main shopping area, fusing into Brixton Market. Designed by architect F. Simpkins and erected in , this is one of the few Art Deco buildings that is still owned by the firm that commissioned it and is still used for its original purpose. The Brixton area was bombed during World War II , contributing to a severe housing crisis, which in turn led to urban decay. This was followed by slum clearances and the building of council housing. In the s and s, many immigrants, particularly from the West Indies and Ireland, settled in Brixton. The nearest Labour Exchange Jobcentre was on Coldharbour Lane, Brixton, and the new arrivals spread out into local accommodation.

    Many immigrants only intended to stay in Britain for a few years, but although a number returned to the Caribbean, the majority remained to settle permanently. Brixton was the scene of riots in April at a time when Brixton underwent deep social and economic problems—high unemployment, high crime, poor housing, no amenities —in a predominantly African-Caribbean community. Plain clothes police officers were dispatched into Brixton, and within five days almost 1, people were stopped and searched under this law.

    The riot resulted in almost injuries to police and 45 injuries to members of the public, [21] more than a hundred vehicles were burned including 56 police vehicles , and almost buildings were damaged, with 30 burned. There were 82 arrests. Reports suggested that up to 5, people were involved in the riot. Following the Brixton riot the Government commissioned a public inquiry into the riot headed by Lord Scarman.

    The subsequent Scarman report was published in November and found unquestionable evidence of the disproportionate and indiscriminate use of 'stop and search' powers by the police against black people. The report made a number of recommendations and led to a new code for police behaviour in the Police and Criminal Evidence Act and the creation of an independent Police Complaints Authority in The Brixton riot followed the police shooting of a local black woman, Dorothy 'Cherry' Groce, after the police had entered her house looking for her son Michael Groce.

    Although the Brixton area subsequently saw pioneering community policing initiatives, the continued death of young black men in police custody and in one case the death of a man pointing a fake gun at people coupled with general distrust of the police led to smaller scale protests through the s.

    John Major 's childhood roots in the area were used in a campaign poster leading up to the election "What does the Conservative Party offer a working class kid from Brixton? They made him Prime Minister. The riots were sparked by the death of a black man, Wayne Douglas, in police custody and occurred in an atmosphere of discontent about the gentrification of Brixton. In April , Brixton Market was the site of the first of three attacks known as the London nail bombings. The other two, which followed within a fortnight, were in Brick Lane , the heart of East London's Bangladeshi community, and the Admiral Duncan pub in Soho , frequented predominantly by the gay community.

    In the Brixton attack, 48 people were injured. There is debate regarding whether Brixton's recent renaissance is regeneration or gentrification.

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    However, others argue that the area is undergoing exciting regeneration. New art galleries, delicatessens, bars, cafes and vintage clothing stores, particularly in and around Brixton Village Market have also opened, which some believe is gentrifying the area in a similar way to that in nearby Clapham.

    Pop Brixton exemplifies the ongoing discussion about regeneration. Originally created as a community project , opinion is divided over whether Pop fulfils its intentions of being part of the local community, with some arguing that Pop is seen as just another tourist and retail attraction, and that the council did not meaningfully engage with Brixton people.

    Others have welcomed its arrival for its entrepreneurial approach and benefiting start-ups , and that it brings people into the area which has benefited trade and its popularity. In April , a Reclaim Brixton protest was held by local residents and activists opposing gentrification. In March , a campaign to save the businesses that occupy the railway arches commenced, with long-running local businesses being forced out due to rent-rises.

    The council passed the plans for Network Rail to refurbish them in August. In May , plans for a 20 storey tower block providing office space were unveiled by Taylor McWilliams - a Texan property developer whose company Hondo Enterprises had bought Brixton Market in This plan drew a large opposition from the local community and campaign groups, already concerned with the threat of eviction of a popular local supermarket. Brixton was one of the first inner-city based ' Transition Town ' projects in the UK. It was then launched on 17 September by Transition Town Brixton. The Brixton Pound aims to boost the local economy and build a mutual support system amongst independent businesses by tying local shoppers to local shops and by encouraging local shops to source goods and services locally.

    Lambeth Council has endorsed the project, [48] which the New Economics Foundation helped to develop. On 29 September , the Brixton Pound launched an electronic version of the currency where users can pay by text message. By virtue of it being value, it has acquired the occult ability to add value to itself.

    It brings forth living offspring, or, at the least, lays golden eggs. These estates account for a large part of the Brixton residence. Estates like the Stockwell Park Estate and the Angell Town Estate were originally designed to accommodate high-level walkways which were envisaged to link the whole of Brixton. The ground-floor garages of these estates have proved to be a major security problem.

    The apartment block was originally constructed in this shape to provide a noise barrier against Ringway 1 , a proposed inner-London motorway that was planned to pass through Brixton and Camberwell, later abandoned. Some housing estates have been linked with urban decay and crime. New gates and iron bars have been constructed for the Loughborough Estate around Loughborough Road and Minet Road in response to a number of murders around the estate.

    Brixton still features some grand Victorian housing. Brixton Market is open every day, selling a range of African-Caribbean products and reflects other communities in the local area with Indian and Vietnamese supermarkets and South American butchers amongst the shops and stalls. After the riots in a series of murals were funded by the council. The murals portray nature, politics, community and ideas.


    The surviving murals include the Brixton Academy Mural Stockwell Park Walk by Stephen Pusey showing a mixed group of young people, intended to portray the natural harmony that could be found between children of mixed backgrounds in the local schools. Recent contributions towards Brixton's mural tradition include the portrait of Michael Johns on Popes Road by Dreph , created as part of Brixton Design Trail in September and the temporary installation of "Remain, Thriving" by Njideka Akunyili Crosby at Brixton tube station , a commission by Art on the Underground.

    The building was designed as the Electric Pavilion in by E. Homer and Lucas, one of England's first purpose-built cinemas. Brixton has a significant clubbing and live music scene. Large venues include Brixton Academy and Electric Brixton. A range of smaller venues such as The Windmill , Jamm , and Phonox are a major part of London's live music scene. The event is community run, showcasing local talent and celebrating the cultural diversity and history of Brixton. Brixton is also home to a s purpose-built skatepark , named Stockwell Skatepark. Brixton is served by two local news blogs - Brixton Blog running since which also prints a monthly newspaper, [62] and Brixton Buzz formed in [63].

    Choice FM was an independent local radio station broadcasting from studios in Trinity Gardens from to Brixton has always been served by a number of long-running community pirate radio stations including Lightning and Vibes FM. Brixton lies within the Anglican Diocese of Southwark. Porden in the Greek Revival style.

    It closed in , and the parish merged with St Matthew's. The church building is today used as business premises by a publishing company. The mosque has facilities for both men and women and space for worshippers during prayer. The mosque provides religious, social and financial support to its members. The mosque made international headlines when it was reported that Richard Reid , the so-called "shoe bomber", had attended the mosque. Abdul Haqq Baker , chairman of Brixton Mosque, told the BBC that Reid came to the mosque to learn about Islam but soon fell in with what he called "more extreme elements".

    Abdullah el-Faisal , a radical Muslim cleric who preached in the UK until imprisoned for stirring up hatred and later deported to Jamaica in , was associated with the Brixton Mosque and began preaching to crowds of up to people, but was ousted by its Salafi administration in Brixton Synagogue at 49 Effra Road opened in and closed in , with the congregation then amalgamating with the nearby Streatham Synagogue. The front of the building still exists. Before the riot was the centre of "Operation Swamp 81" aimed at reducing street crime mainly through the heavy use of the so-called sus law , which allowed police to stop and search individuals on the basis of a mere "suspicion" of wrongdoing.

    Plainclothes police officers were dispatched into Brixton, and in five days almost 1, people were stopped and searched. The local community was not consulted about the operation and tensions between the black community and the police on the streets of Brixton reached breaking point. Local residents complained about young, inexperienced police officers being sent on the streets, provoking confrontation.

    Parts of Brixton were referred to as "Little Tivoli" after "Tivoli Gardens", a notorious "garrison community" in Jamaica ruled by gunmen. Eaton Green , one of the Yardies, escaped bail in Jamaica in and settled in Brixton, dealing in crack cocaine. Three months later Green was arrested by a Brixton constable, Steve Barker, and became a paid informer. Green provided intelligence about Yardie activity for two years, continuing the use of firearms and the dealing of crack throughout this time.

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    Several gangs are headquartered in the Brixton area. The "Murderzone" MZ gang, which is involved in illegal drug dealing, hail from the Somerleyton Estate. Members of local gangs are mostly in their late teens or early 20s, with gang leaders usually being childhood friends. Brought up in some of London's poorest areas some gang members reportedly move from house to house on an almost nightly basis, making it hard to track them. According to the Metropolitan Police , these youth gangs are far from organised criminal masterminds; however, they continue to evade the police and have been responsible for numerous offences of homicide.

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