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Shobita Dhar TNN. When he showed up, he looked nothing like his profile photo. Soon, his accomplice joined him and started roughing me up. The modus operandi is simple. The scammers create fake profiles on the app โ€” a practice known as catfishing โ€” select guys who they think are lonely, vulnerable, and rich.

They ask for as many details as possible โ€” home address, work profile, family information.

Barking and Dagenham: Age | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust

An accomplice comes in and starts beating up the first guy. Her colleague, Manoj Benwal, shares the story of an elderly gay person who came to him for help about five months ago.

This person was married with children and ran a business. He got in touch with a young man on an app and he started blackmailng him. By the time the victim came to us, the young man had already extorted Rs 1 lakh from him. We persuaded him to file a report. A trap was laid for this boy and he was caught. Agarwal was in Bengaluru on an official trip when he hooked up with a person on a dating app. But later on, he showed his real self and started behaving and sounding different.

I was stunned.

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Later, an accomplice showed up at the hotel lobby and they threatened to create a scene unless they get paid. They took Agarwal on a bike to an isolated ATM and made him withdraw cash and then dropped him back at the hotel. While dating for queer people has always been fraught with risk, Gupta says incidents have gone up because of the lack of proper checks on gay dating apps. Of course there is a positive side too.

Barking and Dagenham: Age 11-18

He says some of his friends have been tied up, beaten and robbed by people they met on dating apps. The victim who reported the crime was blackmailed to give them Rs 1 lakh October A year-old man arrested in Kalaburagi for befriending and then robbing a man on a dating app September Five men arrested in NCR for posting as gay escorts to an Ahmedabad man then robbing him of his cash, forcing him to withdraw Rs 50, with his ATM card. Read 0 Comment post a comment. Continue without login. Login from existing account Facebook Google Email. All Comments Your Activity.

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Port met his victims via online gay and bisexual social networks and dating or hookup apps [2] and constructed biographies in which he made false claims about his background, including one in which he pretended to have graduated from Oxford University and served in the Royal Navy and another in which he gave his occupation as a special needs teacher. He was imprisoned for eight months, but released the following June and electronically tagged. The original inquests into the deaths returned open verdicts. Nadia Persaud, the coroner, however said she had "some concerns surrounding Whitworth's death which have not been answered by the police investigation".

Her statement continued: "most concerning are the findings by the pathologist of manual handling prior to his death" and noted that "the bed sheet that he was found wrapped in was not forensically analysed, and the bottle of GBL which was found near him was also not tested for fingerprints or DNA". A detective was asked why the bed sheet had not been tested. Over a period of three years the defendant committed a series of murders and serious sexual offences against young men.

Port manipulated and controlled these men through the chilling and calculated use of the drug GHB, which he administered without their permission This was a technically challenging case, complicated by a significant amount of evidence taken from the numerous social media sites Port used.

Barking and Dagenham: Age 5-11

The Metropolitan Police , however, neglected to link the deaths. He also offered to be interviewed since he felt he might have relevant information regarding Kovari's last movements, but no one contacted him in response, even after he had organisations such as PinkNews contact them on his behalf. Whitworth's step-mother says that when police informed her of his death, they led her to believe he had overdosed on drugs, despite no investigation having taken place, and discounted the bruising under his arms which a coroner later stated meant that third-party involvement could not be ruled out.

They took the supposed suicide note left with his body at face value, sending a small fragment to her and Whitworth's father, asking them to verify whether it was his handwriting. When the couple were later shown the complete document, Whitworth's father immediately commented that he saw nothing to indicate it had been written by his son. The couple had also asked whether the police had investigated who was meant by "the guy I was with last night", and that the response was that it would never be possible to find out all the answers. Asking about challenging the open verdict or continuing the investigation, his stepmother encountered what she described as an attitude of "it is what it is, deal with it".

Similarly, Taylor's sister reported the police simply telling the family "Jack's dead" and accepting the syringe in his pocket, white powder in his wallet and needle marks on his arm as indicating that he had sat down by himself and overdosed on drugs, although her brother was very anti-drugs.

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  6. They then researched for themselves and came across the three previous cases, but the police responded by denying there was any connection. Eventually, two weeks after his death, the police agreed to take the two sisters to where Taylor's body had been found, and at Barking Station, told them that CCTV footage of Taylor and another man had been found. The sisters were surprised not to have been notified, and more surprised to be told the police were not attempting to identify the other man. One described the attitude of the police as "shocking". In response to their questioning the credibility of the police account of what the footage showed, a sergeant later contacted them to say that upon review, the footage did not show Taylor entering the churchyard alone.

    They then requested that images of the other man be made public in order to identify him; the police were reluctant, saying that they did not normally release CCTV images, but eventually gave in, and two days later Port was identified from the images and arrested. The families have also opened a civil claim against the Metropolitan Police. The Metropolitan Police also reported in that they were re-examining 58 unexplained deaths involving date-rape drugs, although a spokeswoman said there was nothing to suggest that Port was linked to any of them.

    In , Gerald Matovu who was known to have supplied Port with the GHB used in the killings was arrested and sentenced to 31 years in prison for the murder of actor and businessman Eric Michels. Rafael had moved to London in at 19 years old and had been working as a waiter when he met Port in a dating website. After they broke up, Rafael moved back to Brazil, where he got a different job and started another relationship.

    In , it was announced the BBC would produce a drama thriller titled The Barking Murders written by Neil McKay which will be based on the investigation led by the families of Port's victims.