The number of incidents recorded by schools has more than doubled since , according to figures obtained through freedom of information requests. School nurses are dealing with panic attacks, self-cutting, overdoses and eating disorders rather than the nose bleeds and minor accidents of a decade ago. Head teachers voiced frustration at a lack of mental health support….
Copying peers and emotional contagions, when taken together, were the cause most frequently logged by schools. Family problems, social media, bullying and problems at school were also common factors. Girls were far more likely to harm themselves than boys were, although teenage boys were more likely to take their own lives. The London Times. UK information is helpful in understanding patterns of gender dysphoria and other mental health problems due to their public health system.
Self-harm or self-injury, the act of hurting oneself on purpose, affects nearly 1 in 4 teenage girls in the United States Still, more than 1 in 10 high school boys in the analyses reported NSSI.
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Chest binding, something that can cause dizziness due to shortness of breath and cracked ribs used to be rare even among same-sex attracted females who made up most of the population that started transitioning in higher numbers in the s. But now so many female teenagers are binding that schools are having to implement binding policies.
The difference between a tomboy and a trans-male who starts puberty, is that the tomboy accepts having breasts and having periods. Jack Monroe , who vacillates between identifying as non-binary and still identifying as a woman, has had a double mastectomy because of breast disgust and wanting a more androgynous appearance. She provides the opportunity to examine a particular case of breast amputation for a non-binary identity.
One of my cousins underwent a breast enlargement a few years ago, and her family and friends were supportive, accepting her explanation that the procedure would increase her self-confidence. Yet when I announced that I wanted a chest reduction, I was met with horror and stony silence from certain members of my family. McLaughlin, PhD, and colleagues analyzed data on 3, Swedish women.
There was a 4. Awareness of the potential for BDD will enable clinicians to better understand their patients' perspectives and discuss realistic expectations at the initial consultation. Future studies are warranted to examine the implications of BDD on patient satisfaction with reconstructive surgery. Non-binary identities that require hormones and surgery have not been studied enough to know if they are true gender dysphoria or more like BBD.
Michael Jackson is the most famous example. There are young gender dysphoric females who have themselves stated trans identification has overlap with body dysmorphic disorder. This young woman who has a blog called, Destroy Your Binder , and struggles with gender dysphoria and body hatred herself, makes the connection between gender dysphoria and female body hatred:.
What I believe now is binding is ultimately a form of self-harm. Another young woman who identified as trans for several years as a teenager and desisted has this to say,. Every doctor I spoke to agreed whole-heartedly that I was transgender…My school was more than accepting; if anything, they were actually excited to have me. It started to feel like I was the beacon of diversity in my school…My transition moved along smoothly. I started hormone blockers and got over my fear of needles and there was some serious talk about getting referred for the surgery that would rid me of my cursed double-ds.
Miriam Rivera, reality TV's first trans star, found dead at 38
I trekked on through the doubts, sure of myself and the diagnoses from so many doctors. I tried to lie to myself. I started to feel like I was doing something wrong, like I was betraying myself, giving my whole identity up. In the end, I realized there was nothing for it. Speaking to GIDS about it confirmed it.
Another detransitioner realized that transitioning was a form of self-harm for her:. I was passionately convinced I was transgender. Whilst I was busy shrouding myself in trans rhetoric, I continued to inject testosterone. I damaged my voice and I grew a lot of very dark, coarse hair on my face that I now have to epilate regularly. I have no idea if I am now infertile. I never thought I would admit he was right.
I know now that my belief I was transgender was largely due to internalized misogyny and homophobia. Once I realized the truth, my dysphoria all but disappeared and I feel much happier in myself. Could I just quickly respond to that? In many ways, we feel we are at the cutting edge of a huge social revolution—and it is a social revolution that many of us have really fought for and wanted around sex and gender and diversity and its acceptance in society—but where we are heading is really unknown to many of us. That is what we would talk about with Gendered Intelligence quite a bit, with these young people.
For example—this is one group we did not mention—a much higher proportion of natal females is coming forward who have got through to puberty but who now really dislike their female body. I have to see that in the context of the attack on female bodies and the general sense that feminism has not delivered. An alarmed psychotherapist who left the gender transition profession:. Bad mom, right?
How British Feminism Became Anti-Trans
Forty pupils at Dorothy Stringer High School - aged between 11 to 16 - do not identify with their gender assigned at birth while 36 said they are gender fluid…. The side-effects are rarely mentioned. Professionals are under pressure. Many are affirming of these increasing numbers of trans identified females. Rather than ask questions, their attitudes are celebratory.
The below quote from the same article reflects this common attitude among educators, LGBT organizations, therapists, and media:. They are more prone to this than any other demographic see below. In the past, many of the females in gender clinics were very gender nonconforming and expressing distress around their gender from a young age. The youths who remained highly dysphoric into the teenage years were then aided in medical transition. This has most likely allowed for a more solid screening process.
Many in the new wave of gender dysphoric females did not have distress, or even any gender non-conforming behavior, in childhood. The realization comes more suddenly and is reinforced by an online, very pro-trans, and pro-medical body modification culture.

This pro-transition attitude is promoted by therapists, schools, the media, and LGBT organizations. What is going on here? The tween females are experiencing the intense dysphoria suddenly due to the onset of secondary sex characteristics in puberty. They seek out other females who feel the same as they do on the internet, which would be expected. Adult females can also come to the realization they are trans after in most cases identifying as lesbians for years.
So, a later realization of transness should not be considered invalid.
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Also, experiencing distress around puberty is very common among lesbians, most who have resolved this in the past without medical intervention. They get exposed to it and latch on to it as an explanation as to why they feel different from other girls possibly due to autism or lesbianism.
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They then latch onto medical transition as a panacea to cope with their social role awkwardness and body discomfort. Skeptics believe the internet fuels this. Social acceptance and trans visibility do not fully explain the huge sex ratio discrepancy so different from the adult ratios. There should be an equal number of males coming out younger. The pro medical argument is certain to be true for some cases.
And some trans people do realize they want to transition later in life. It is very possible the second scenario is also unfolding for some of these young people.
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This puts them at risk of over-medicalizing their gender dysphoria when they are still immature with permanent consequences. Lisa Marchiano, a Jungian analyst, Ph. This transgender trend looks strikingly like other social contagions to which adolescents are known to be prone. There is considerable research on suicide contagion among teenagers. There is also a great deal of research on social contagion in eating disorders.
To take just one example, Paxton et al. Susan Bradley is a psychiatrist and expert in autism and gender dysphoria and agrees that these rapid onset cases need to be examined more closely, beyond simple enthusiastic affirmation. Typically, the ROGD teenage girls I see have, wittingly or not, begun to experience homoerotic feelings about which they are conflicted.
Some of these girls are depressed, afflicted with suicidal idealization.
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Parents of ROGD girls find themselves in uncharted or even hostile territory if they resist the affirmative model, which is now the default position in schools, social service programs and gender-focused clinics. As they are often told their daughters may commit suicide if they are not affirmed and encouraged, these parents struggle to find an approach that is safe for their daughters without compromising their own well-founded skepticism and protective instincts.
They are rightly alarmed by the speed with which gender professionals glide from near-instant or even self diagnosis to recommendations for off-label and lightly studied hormone blockers or cross-sex hormones which cause infertility. Here are just some of the many examples of social contagions, some of them very bizarre, that have happened in the past.
Many happened earlier in history without mass social media. The disease moved through the halls of American high schools, where binging, fasting, diet pill use, and other eating disorder symptoms easily clustered. He chased its dispersion across Egypt, where the number of new cases grew to , In Canada, it swelled to , In Russia, , In India, 6 million.
In China, 7 million. In the UK, one out of every one hundred women was now developing the disorder. He was confronted, he says, by a problem of entropy, a gradual decline into disorder with devastating implications for social contagions: once they are out, they are virtually impossible to rein back in. Just a few years after the introduction of television to a province of Fiji's main island, Viti Levu, eating disorders -- once virtually unheard of there -- are on the rise among girls, according to a study presented yesterday at the American Psychiatric Association meetings in Washington.