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In a speech in London, Corbyn said: "We, the Labour Party, are overwhelmingly for staying in, because we believe the European Union has brought investment, jobs and protection for workers, consumers and the environment. In July , Corbyn said that Britain could not remain in the European Single Market after leaving the EU, saying that membership of the single market was "dependent on membership of the EU", although it includes some non-EU countries. In January , Corbyn reiterated that Labour would not seek to keep the UK in the single market after Brexit and in June he called for a "new single market" deal for the UK after Brexit maintaining "full access" to the EU internal market, as opposed to the " Norway model " which pro-Remainers in the party wish to see.

In , Corbyn said his main reason for not committing to remaining in the single market was freedom from EU rules on state aid to industry. He said the UK government should not be "held back, inside or outside the EU, from taking the steps we need to support cutting edge industries and local business". One senior figure told The Times : "We have to protect ourselves and the single market If a Corbyn government implements his declared policies the level playing field mechanism will lead to increased costs for Britain to access the single market because of distortions caused by state aid.

Also in , Corbyn said he would seek a new type of customs union with the European Union, but will seek exemptions of some EU regulations for the UK, such as those regarding state aid and government subsidies. In January , Labour lost a vote of no confidence in the government.

The Conservative government sought to open cross-party talks while Corbyn initially said Labour would refuse to attend talks unless the government ruled out a " no deal Brexit ". Following the European Parliament election , Corbyn endorsed holding a referendum on the Brexit withdrawal agreement regardless of who negotiates it.

During the Falklands War , in a meeting of Haringey Council, Corbyn opposed a motion offering support to British troops sent to retake the islands, instead declaring the war to be a "Tory plot" and submitted an alternative motion that condemned the war as a "nauseating waste of lives and money".

Corbyn does not consider himself an absolute pacifist and has named the Spanish Civil War, the British naval blockade to stop the slave trade in the 19th century and the role of UN peacekeepers in the crisis in East Timor as justified conflicts. Corbyn has called for Tony Blair to be investigated for alleged war crimes during the Iraq War. Subsequently, Corbyn — who had voted against military action against Iraq — gave a speech in Westminster commenting: "I now apologise sincerely on behalf of my party for the disastrous decision to go to war in Iraq in March " which he called an "act of military aggression launched on a false pretext" something that has "long been regarded as illegal by the overwhelming weight of international opinion".

Corbyn has said he would prefer to use diplomacy rather than armed force in international conflict. He would avoid military conflict by "building up the diplomatic relationships and also trying to not isolate any country in Europe". His aim is to "achieve a world where we don't need to go to war, where there is no need for it". He was also criticised by George Robertson , former Labour Party defence secretary, who said "It beggars belief that the leader of the party most responsible for the collective security pact of NATO should be so reckless as to undermine it by refusing to say he would come to the aid of an ally".

He has since acknowledged that the British public do not agree with his beliefs that the UK should leave NATO, and instead intends to push for the organisation to "restrict its role". He believes there should be a debate about the extent of NATO's powers including its "democratic accountability" and why it has taken on a global role. He said the "root of the crisis" lay in "the US drive to expand eastwards" and described Russia's actions as "not unprovoked".

We were pounding on the door of the alliance, demanding to be let in". Corbyn is a longstanding supporter of unilateral nuclear disarmament , [] [] although he has suggested a compromise of having submarines without nuclear weapons. In the subsequent vote Labour MPs voted with the government in favour of the new submarines, in line with party policy, and 47 joined Corbyn to vote against.

During the debate Corbyn said "I do not believe the threat of mass murder is a legitimate way to deal with international relations". Following the election of Donald Trump in the US presidential elections , Corbyn said that he believes that President Trump is not offering solutions to problems, but simply being divisive.

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Corbyn has also criticised Trump's involvement in British politics after Trump claimed Boris Johnson should become PM and Nigel Farage should be part of the Brexit negotiating team, saying that it was "not [Trump's] business who the British prime minister is" following Trump's endorsement of Boris Johnson as a possible future leader.

Corbyn is a member of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign , [] campaigning, for example, against the killing of Palestinian civilians during conflict in Gaza. I do support targeted boycotts aimed at undermining the existence of illegal settlements in the West Bank. At a meeting hosted by Stop the War Coalition in , Corbyn said he invited "friends" from Hamas and Hezbollah to an event in parliament, referred to Hamas as "an organisation dedicated towards the good of the Palestinian people," and said that the British government's labelling of Hamas as a terrorist organisation is "a big, big historical mistake.

He said that he does not condone the actions of either organisation: "Does it mean I agree with Hamas and what it does? Does it mean I agree with Hezbollah and what they do? What it means is that I think to bring about a peace process, you have to talk to people with whom you may profoundly disagree … There is not going to be a peace process unless there is talks involving Israel, Hezbollah and Hamas and I think everyone knows that", he argued. In , Corbyn said that some of the speeches by British Members of Parliament about the Gaza flotilla raid in May were written by Israel using a "pre-prepared script.

I'm sure our friend Israeli ambassador Ron Prosor wrote it. Because they all came up with the same key words In January , Corbyn expressed concern about Israeli involvement in British politics, after the broadcasting of The Lobby. In his keynote speech at the annual Labour Party conference, Corbyn said that, if elected, his government would immediately recognise the Palestinian State as a way of supporting a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

He said the Labour Party condemned the "ongoing human rights abuses by Israeli forces, including the shooting by Israeli forces of hundreds of unarmed Palestinian demonstrators in Gaza — most of them refugees or families of refugees — demanding their rights". While there, Corbyn and other British parliamentarians attended a commemoration for victims of the Israeli air strikes on the PLO headquarters in Tunis.

In August , the Daily Mail reported, with pictorial evidence, that during the event, Corbyn had also been present at a wreath-laying at the graves of Salah Khalaf and Atef Bseiso , [] both of whom are thought to have been key members of the Black September Organization , which was behind the Munich massacre. Bseiso is also linked to the massacre. On 1 August, BBC News showed in a report from inside the cemetery that for the memorial for the victims Corbyn would have stood in a designated confined covered area where all dignitaries typically stand during annual ceremonies, which also covers the graves of Bseiso and Khalaf.

He of course condemns that terrible attack, as he does the bombing. In , Corbyn signed a petition calling for the lifting of the ban on the Tamil Tigers , which it referred to as the "supposedly terrorist Tamil Tigers", stating that "the Sri Lanka government is carrying out an undeclared war against the Tamil people who have been struggling for more than two decades for the legitimate right to self-rule" and calling for an end to aerial bombardment by the Sri Lankan government. He expressed outrage particularly at the reports of the depopulation of Tamil areas of Eastern Sri Lanka and the relocation of Tamils, stating that denying Tamils the right to return home was in contravention of international law, as well as reports of systematic sexual violence.

In , after Corbyn released a video stating his "solidarity to stand with the Tamil community in the search for truth, justice, accountability and reconciliation", while the Labour Party reiterated its " full implementation of the UN Human Rights Councils resolution on Sri Lanka", some Tamil activists interpreted the video to be a signal of Jeremy Corbyn's "support for Tamil self-determination".

Corbyn has called for the lifting of the sanctions on Iran as part of a negotiated full settlement of issues concerning the Iranian nuclear programme , and the starting of a political process to decommission Israel's nuclear arsenal. In January , after a United Nations panel ruled Saudi-led bombing campaign of Yemen contravened international humanitarian law, Corbyn called for an independent inquiry into the UK's arms exports policy to Saudi Arabia.

Corbyn and Hilary Benn wrote to David Cameron asking him to "set out the exact nature of the involvement of UK personnel working with the Saudi military". He said that a " humanitarian disaster is now taking place in Yemen. Millions face starvation Corbyn called for the suspension of arms sales to Saudi Arabia after dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Corbyn is a longtime supporter of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign , which campaigns against the US embargo against Cuba and supports the Cuban Revolution.

Castro's achievements were many", Corbyn also praised his revolutionary "heroism". He was against outside interference in Venezuela, "whether from the US or anywhere else".

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He said there "needed to be dialogue and a negotiated settlement to overcome the crisis". In , Jeremy Corbyn was one of the first MPs to raise the issue of Saddam Hussein 's Halabja chemical attack against the Kurdish people , at a time when Hussein was still an ally of the west. In , Corbyn said that "if peace is wanted in the region, the Kurdish people's right to self-determination must be accepted. Corbyn has been accused [ by whom? I apologise for the concerns and anxiety that this has caused.

Jeremy has never posted in the group, did not follow its content and was not an active participant. Some [ who? Corbyn said that Salah was "a voice of the Palestinian people that needs to be heard" and criticised Theresa May, the then home secretary, of in effect giving "an executive detention order against him".

He condemns support for Palestinians being used as a mask for anti-Semitism and attempts to silence legitimate criticism of Israel by wrongly conflating it with anti-Semitism. There was widespread criticism of the attempt to deport Raed Salah, including from Jews for Justice for Palestinians, and his appeal against deportation succeeded on all grounds. In , Corbyn was criticised by Jewish leaders for not recognising an antisemitic canard after Mear One publicised on social media in that his mural about exploitative bankers and industrialists was being censored and Corbyn responded by questioning its removal.

Following the publicity, Corbyn aide Andrew Fisher told colleagues that for the first time in his career Corbyn had done something he could not defend. Hobson which contains the antisemitic assertion that finance was controlled "by men of a single and peculiar race, who have behind them many centuries of financial experience" who "are in a unique position to control the policy of nations".

In his foreword, he called the book a "great tome" and "brilliant, and very controversial at the time".

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Following coverage of alleged antisemitic statements by party members, Corbyn commissioned the Chakrabarti Inquiry and supported changes to the party's rules and procedures to make hate crime a disciplinary offence. Britain's three main Jewish newspapers jointly called a Corbyn-led government an "existential threat to Jewish life" in Britain. Defenders, including Jewish Voice for Labour , have cited his record of opposing and campaigning against racism and antisemitism, [] [] [] [] [] [] and supporting Jewish communal initiatives.

In November , British intellectuals, writers and artists urged voters in a letter published in The Guardian to reject Corbyn in the impending general election, alleging an "association with antisemitism". The letter describes Corbyn as a "life-long committed anti-racist" and says that "no political party or political leader has done more to address antisemitism than Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party.

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An internal Labour Party report, entitled The work of the Labour Party's Governance and Legal Unit in relation to antisemitism, — , which was leaked to the media in April , stated that Corbyn's team inherited a lack of "robust processes, systems, training, education and effective line management" as well as factional hostility towards Corbyn amongst former senior officials. This contributed to "a litany of mistakes" which "affected the expeditious and resolute handling of disciplinary complaints".

The investigation, which was completed in March , concluded there was "no evidence" of antisemitism complaints being treated differently to other forms of complaint, or of current or former staff being "motivated by antisemitic intent". Corbyn said that the Labour Party risked "giving credibility to misleading and inaccurate allegations about action taken to tackle anti-Semitism in the Labour Party in recent years" and that the settlements were a "political decision, not a legal one". In response, the show's presenter John Ware decided to sue Corbyn personally.

Former Corbyn advisor Andrew Murray appeared to suggest Corbyn may have struggled to empathise with the Jewish community during his leadership, stating: "He is very empathetic, Jeremy, but he's empathetic with the poor, the disadvantaged, the migrant, the marginalised. In October , the EHRC announced that its investigation had found 23 instances of "inappropriate involvement" by Corbyn's staff in antisemitism complaints, one of three ways the Labour Party had breached the Equality Act ; the others being unlawful harassment and failure to provide appropriate training to those handling the complaints.

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Analyses of domestic media coverage of Corbyn have found it to be critical or antagonistic. The study found that 75 percent of the articles either distorted or failed to represent his actual views on subjects. The study's director commented that "Our analysis shows that Corbyn was thoroughly delegitimised as a political actor from the moment he became a prominent candidate and even more so after he was elected as party leader". Another report by the Media Reform Coalition and Birkbeck College in July , based on 10 days of coverage around the time of multiple shadow cabinet resignations, found "marked and persistent imbalance" in favour of sources critical to him; the International Business Times was the only outlet that gave him more favourable than critical coverage.

In May , Loughborough University 's Centre for Research in Communication and Culture concluded that the media was attacking Jeremy Corbyn far more than Theresa May during nine election campaign weekdays examined. In February , Momentum reported that attacks on Corbyn in the press were associated with increases in their membership applications. In December , a study by Loughborough University of five weeks of the general election campaign found that British press coverage was twice as hostile to Labour and half as critical of the Conservatives, compared with the general election.

You'll be destroyed financially in doing so". Corbyn lives in Finsbury Park , Islington , north London. In , he married Jane Chapman , a fellow Labour Councillor for Haringey and now a professor at the University of Lincoln ; [31] they divorced in Corbyn missed his youngest son's birth as he was lecturing NUPE members at the same hospital. In , his second oldest brother, Andrew Corbyn, a geologist, died of a brain haemorrhage in Papua New Guinea.

Jeremy Corbyn went to Papua New Guinea, from where he travelled with the body to Australia, where his brother's wife and children were staying. They contacted fellow Labour MP Tony Benn for assistance, who introduced them to Corbyn who met with the police on their behalf and spoke at fundraisers until the girl was located in He has a cat called El Gato "The Cat" in Spanish [] and previously owned a dog called Mango, described by The Observer in as Corbyn's "only constant companion" at the time.

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