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If you and your spouse have children who are under 18 years of age they are allowed to enter the UK as your dependants. You should make an application for your dependants at the same time that you make your UK spouse visa application. However, you must demonstrate income of a particular amount in order to enable sponsorship. This amount varies depending on the number of children being sponsored. Indefinite Leave to Remain. Biometric Residence Permits. Student Visas. Scotland Immigration. Isle of Man Visas. No recourse to public funds.

Registered Traveller Scheme. Access to Child. UK Immigration Glossary. Dependent Visas. Dependent Relative Visas. British Naturalisation. EEA Family Permit. In addition, the applicants have now indicated that they wish to demolish and remove Barn D from the site as located closest to the Lane, and around which the changed and permitted access into the site now wraps [appn.

Taking into account the proposed linking of Barns A and B, the formation of the covered loading bay and the removal of Barn D, the net reduction in building coverage of the site would amount to about 10 m2. If the loading bay is disregarded as incorporated floorspace, this figure increases to 43m2.

The link between Barns A and B creates some 12m2 of floorspace of which about a third would be used to form a toilet and [separate] handwash facilities within the building. There is also a mezzanine platform within the southern end of Barn A, which is used for light storage, but this is to be removed to facilitate easier [and safer] storage of larger pieces of stored timber and sheeting as well as the taller pieces of near-finished and completed exhibition material. The intention underlying all of this is to facilitate the carrying on of the existing permitted use of the buildings on the site and not to enlarge or intensify it in any way.

The present enterprise employs a total of 3 people, and they are not at the site all of the time, travelling to exhibitions in different locations in the UK and Europe where its stands are being erected or dismantled for return to base. Principal Planning Issues 6. The present buildings on the site are self-evidently plain and utilitarian former agricultural structures of no great design or visual merit. They have block walls and asbestos vertical cladding and roofing.

The shallow monopitch roof over Barn B is in poor condition and leaks quite badly, with made-up exhibition material and other items of equipment stored within it having to be kept under tarpaulin covers. The intended re-roofing of barn B would raise its height to that of Barn A, but the intention is to clad both of the buildings with stained vertical weatherboarding and to repaint the exterior walls. This would serve to unify the appearance of the two buildings as joined together by the new link with a stepped-down flat roof over it. Viewed together, the linkage of the two barns with the formation of the loading area as proposed and the complete removal of Barn D from the site, and significant improvement to the external appearance of the building[s] that are to remain would have a beneficial effect on the openness and character of this area within the Green Belt.

Conditions are proposed to exercise control over the changes proposed, and to ensure that the loading bay remains as an open covered part of the improved building such that it could not be incorporated as usable floorspace without consent to vary or relax the control imposed.

Thus, it is necessary to consider whether there is sufficient weight of very special circumstances applicable in this case to justify permission against the thrust of countervailing policy. The applicants have written to press their case in favour of permission being granted, and they cite three particular factors in this regard: the limited size of the extensions proposed [for an approved use of the site]; the condition of Barn B and the need to provide dry loading and storage of the exhibition stands and other material that the enterprise is in business to produce; and the improvement to the external appearance of the buildings in a Green Belt context.

This letter of support was written on the basis of a fully-enclosed loading bay area, but it does include the offer to demolish and remove Barn D which is now indicated on the revised plans received. Given particularly that the footprint of Barn D exceeds that proposed it is considered that very special circumstances do exist in this case. Aside from Gays Lane as a bridleway link, there are two sections of footpath which cross the application site and the field to the south of it which is within the ownership of the applicants.

Barn D is in fact partly over the Definitive Map line of Footpath 27 even though it was diverted some years ago, unofficially it would seem, to a stile point and ditch bridge about 20 metres to the south of the now-existing access to the site off Gays Lane. The issue of resolution of the conflict with Footpath 27 has remained outstanding for some time, and has been exacerbated to a degree by the formation of the new access — with the benefit of permission — and the formation of a banked area along its southern edge where it sweeps round Barn D.

This also constitutes an obstruction on the original line of the footpath. The consultation response from the Rights of Way Officer points the way forward to a resolution the footpath issue on the site. In either case, a made Order would also establish that a section of the footpath at its northern end [under Barn D and beyond] had been extinguished.

There are improvements to be made along the line of Footpath 26 in the short term, and the applicants have informally agreed that access can be obtained across their land to enable these programmed works to be carried out. The response to consultation on this application from the Highways Officer remains awaited, but there has been no objection previously to past proposals relating to the different access arrangements.

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If the nature of the enterprise is not to change, there should not be any change to the pattern of external activity generated by the business, nor to the movement of vehicles to and fro along Gays Lane. The revised proposals for Oak Tree Farm, will link two of the barns together, provide a covered but open loading bay at the eastern end of one of them, and result in the removal of the barn at the front of the site close to the Lane. The external appearance of the refurbished conjoint barn would also be significantly improved.

Viewed together, the changes are not considered to be so substantial as to constitute an unacceptable conflict with prevailing Green Belt policy. In addition, there has remained an issue over the line of Bray Footpath 27 across the site which, for an extended period of time, has not followed its Definitive Map alignment.

There is now an opportunity to resolve this in the interests of maintaining the continuity and integrity of the rights of way network in the locality of the site.

Recommendation: That permission be granted subject to the receipt of no objections to the proposal from the Highways Officer. Reason: To ensure the location, form, design and materials are appropriate for the character and appearance of the area. Reason: The proposal constitutes inappropriate development in the Green Belt and the very special circumstances necessary to allow it will not exist unless Barn D is removed. Sustainable Development Implications: Not applicable.

Main Relevant Policies No policies are relevant in the consideration of these applications. The Local Planning Authority advised on the 24th November that it would have refused the application had it been in a position to do so. This application is also the subject of an appeal.

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Under these circumstances permitted development rights would not apply. The Highway Authority The Highway Authority is not consulted on this type of application as its determination is not a matter based on the planning merits of the case. Rather it is a matter of fact as to whether an express grant planning permission is required. Neighbour Notification Responses Neighbours are not consulted on this type of application. Even so approximately 50 residents have signed a petition objecting to the proposed outbuildings on the grounds that: - the size and close proximity of the outbuildings in relation to other dwellings would have such an impact on local residents that their views should be taken into consideration; - the application is being made as part of an attempt to subvert the planning system with reference to the refusal of a previous application for the residential development of the site; and - the granting of certificates in these circumstances could set a precedent allowing for many unsuitable and previously turned-down applications to go ahead.

Parish Council The Parish Council is not consulted on this type of application. Other Responses i. The Cookham Society have objected to the proposal on the grounds that it would result in an increase in ground covered area within the flood plain. The Cookham Society also request that the Local Planning Authority serve a direction under Article 4 para 1 of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order requiring the applicant to gain planning permission for the proposed outbuildings by removing permitted development rights for the erection of outbuildings; ii.

Councillor Brar has requested that the applications be decided by the Development Control Panel as the site is in the designated flood plain and the granting of permission could set a precedent for other similar developments; and iii.

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A request has also been made by the Rt. The MP has concerns the granting of a Certificate of Lawfulness for the outbuildings may set a precedent for the construction of dwellings in the area and may have an adverse impact on the flood plain. Mrs May also requests that any decision to grant the Certificates take into account the views of local residents. Nos Black Butt Cottages are a small row of terraced properties located on Sutton Road to the south of the Cookham village centre.

Other Material Considerations 3. The sole issue to consider in determining the applications is whether the construction of the four outbuildings now satisfies the requirements of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order and may therefore be erected without the need for an express grant of planning permission.

The merits or otherwise of the proposals, including any impact the developments may have on the flood plain or on the residential amenity of neighbouring occupiers, are not relevant to the determination of the applications. Neither are the issues of precedent, or speculation as to the reason s for the application being made, relevant to the determination of the application.

Here it is stated that permitted development rights will be withdrawn only in exceptional circumstances and will rarely be justified unless there is a real and specific threat i.

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Advice is also given that Directions covering wide areas of land will not normally be approved, and expressly refers for example to the whole of a National Park or A. It is noted that the site is located in Flood Zone 2 1 in year risk of the flood plain. However, this is not considered to amount to an exceptional circumstance where the Local Planning Authority could reasonably serve an Article 4 Direction.

Indeed, a large number of properties in the Borough are located in the flood plain, whether in the higher risk Flood Zone 3 1 in year risk or in Flood Zone 2 and have retained their permitted development rights. The Highway Authority Not consulted 4.

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Neighbour Notification Responses None 5. It is 2. It is proposed to erect a green tanalised wooden pergola to provide shade and shower cover over the site of the existing sunken sandpit, which is to be replaced by an above ground sandpit Main Planning Issues 3. The main planning issue is whether there would be any impact on the amenities of neighbouring properties.

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The proposed timber pergola would measure 5m l x3. The structure would display an essentially open character, and would be viewed in the context of the school and its play area. It would complement the existing facilities at the school without harming the general appearance of the area or materially harming the living conditions of nearby residents. Other Material Considerations 5. None Conclusion 6. This small development is fully consistent with development plan policies. Notice Unauthorised change of use from agricultural to mixed agricultural, stabling of polo ponies and general industrial use Appeal submitted Enf.

Notice Unauthorised siting of mobile home Appeal submitted 3. The Highway Authority Comments awaited.

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This bridleway forms an important link in the local public rights of way network, forming part of a circuit taking in Rose Lane, Highfield Road and Hatchgate Lane.