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Peter Mandelson - Wikipedia

And, when it comes to meeting in person, nothing beats the thrill of walking in to that Herefordshire bar or museum and wondering just where the next few hours are going to take you both. Some sites are for all people - singles, couples, gay, bi and straight people - who are looking for love and romance. Others are specifically targeted at the gay market.

Some sites are even more specific and will enable you to meet everyone from members of the military profession to farmers. After becoming a close ally and trusted adviser to Tony Blair , Mandelson was Labour's election campaign director for the general election , which Labour won decisively. He was appointed as a Minister without Portfolio in the Cabinet Office , where his job was to co-ordinate within government. A few months later, he also acquired responsibility for the Millennium Dome , after Blair decided to go ahead with the project despite the opposition of most of the cabinet including the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport who had been running it.

Jennie Page , the Dome project's chief executive, was abruptly sacked after a farcical opening night.

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In what was seen as a reference to the close interest in the Dome from Mandelson, known at the time as so-called "Dome Secretary" and his successor Lord Falconer of Thoroton , Page told the committee: "I made several attempts to persuade ministers that standing back from the Dome would be good for them as well as good for the Dome". He also appointed a " Net Tsar" to lead the UK in what he termed the "new industrial revolution". In he was appointed a Privy Counsellor. However, he had not declared the loan in the Register of Members' Interests and resigned in December In October it was reported that Robinson had "accused Peter Mandelson of lying to the Commons about the home loan affair that cost both of them their government jobs.

He was out of the Cabinet for ten months. In his very first speech in the post he mistakenly referred to himself as the "Secretary of State for Ireland. On 24 January Mandelson resigned from the Government for a second time, following accusations of using his position to influence a passport application. At the time Hinduja and his brothers were under investigation by the Indian government for alleged involvement in the Bofors scandal. Mandelson insisted he had done nothing wrong and was exonerated by an independent inquiry by Sir Anthony Hammond, which concluded that neither Mandelson nor anyone else had acted improperly.

The front-page headline in The Independent read in part "Passport to Oblivion". At the general election Mandelson was challenged by Arthur Scargill of the Socialist Labour Party and by John Booth, a former Labour Party press officer standing as "Genuine Labour", [41] but Mandelson was re-elected with a large majority. Despite Labour success in the June general election, a third Cabinet appointment did not materialise and he indicated his interest in becoming the United Kingdom's European Commissioner when the new Commission was established in Appointment as a European Commissioner would require his resignation from Parliament precipitating a by-election in his Hartlepool constituency.

His appointment was announced in the summer and on 8 September Mandelson resigned his seat by submitting his name as Steward of the Manor of Northstead. This however is contingent on a "duty of loyalty to the Communities", which applies also after his term in office. On 3 October , as part of Gordon Brown 's Cabinet reshuffle, it was announced amid some controversy [48] [49] that Mandelson would return to Government in the re-designated post of Business Secretary and would be raised to the peerage , [50] thus becoming a member of the House of Lords.

Peter Mandelson

Following his return to office, Mandelson supported the planned Heathrow expansion. The protester was cautioned on 9 April for causing "harassment, alarm or distress". In a Cabinet reshuffle on 5 June Mandelson was granted the honorific title of First Secretary of State and appointed Lord President of the Council ; [58] it was also announced that the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills would be merged into his, giving him the new title of Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills and that he would continue as President of the Board of Trade.

Mandelson was a member of 35 of the 43 Cabinet committees and subcommittees.

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In August Mandelson was widely reported to have ordered "technical measures" such as internet disconnection to be included in the draft of the Digital Economy Act after a "big lobbying operation", even though the Digital Britain report had rejected this type of punishment. Mandelson's spokesperson claimed that there had been no discussion of internet piracy during the Corfu dinner and suggested that the decision to reverse Lord Carter's findings had been taken in late July before the trip.

The Times reported after the Corfu meeting that an unnamed Whitehall source had confirmed that before this trip, Mandelson had shown little personal interest in the Digital Britain agenda, which has been ongoing for several years. According to the source of The Times , Mandelson returned from holiday and effectively issued an edict that the regulation needed to be tougher. In August a Freedom of Information FOI request showed that Mandelson had decided to approve the inclusion of technical measures, such as the disconnection of internet access, at least two months before public consultation had finished and that he had shown little interest in the consultation.

Letters from Mandelson's office document talks with Lucian Grainge , CEO of Universal Music Group on 2 June and that on the following day Mandelson advised Lord Carter about the "possibility of [the Secretary of State] having a power to direct Ofcom to go directly to introduce technical measures". Mandelson made the formal announcement that technical measures, including disconnection, were to be included in the Digital Economy Bill two months later on 7 August An opinion poll conducted by the centre-left think tank Compass found in March that Mandelson was less disliked by party members than Deputy Leader Harriet Harman.

This was felt to be unusual as Mandelson "historically has been unpopular among Labour members". Mandelson has been criticised for so far not disclosing his clients. In , , , , , and Mandelson was an invited guest of the Bilderberg Group and attended the annual conferences. In January , it was announced that Mandelson would serve as a senior adviser to the advisory investment banking firm, Lazard. In APP was accused of illegal logging in Indonesia and damaging the habitats of rare animals such as the Sumatran tiger. In , Mandelson was appointed to the revived post of High Steward of Hull , a ceremonial position held by his grandfather Herbert Morrison in —65 and defunct since After the Labour leadership election resulted in Jeremy Corbyn becoming the party leader , Mandelson stated that he believed that Labour was now unelectable, but advised party members unhappy with the situation to wait for Corbyn to demonstrate this before working to replace him.

After the results of the general election became known, Mandelson conceded that Corbyn's election campaign was "very sure footed" and the result, in which Labour gained seats and denied the Conservatives a majority, unexpected. The campaign was unsuccessful. Following the referendum, Mandelson was an outspoken supporter of a People's Vote. All claims made were reasonable and submitted consistent with parliamentary rules.

On 22 April The Times revealed that Mandelson had spent the previous New Year's Eve on the yacht of Paul Allen , the co-founder of Microsoft , which was at the centre of a major EU investigation and although it did not allege impropriety, it did state that Mandelson's visit was inappropriate for a serving European Commissioner. During the summer of Mandelson had a widely publicised disagreement with Nicolas Sarkozy , President of France.

Mandelson said his position at world trade talks had been undermined and told the BBC he did not start the row, saying, "I stood up for myself, I'm not to be bullied. In Mandelson was hospitalised, suffering from a kidney stone. At this time, melamine added to milk in China had caused kidney stones and other ailments in thousands of Chinese children, killing at least six.

Ironically, during the previous week Mandelson had drunk a glass of Chinese yoghurt in front of reporters in order to show his confidence in Chinese dairy products, although his own kidney stones were unrelated. In October Mandelson was reported to have maintained private contacts over several years with Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska , most recently on holiday in August on Deripaska's yacht at Taverna Agni on the Greek island of Corfu. In June , writing for the Progress website , Mandelson warned Labour it risked harming its election chances if affiliated trade unions continued to "manipulate parliamentary selections" as was alleged in the Labour Party Falkirk candidate selection controversy.

In April it was reported that Mandelson had strong ties to Russian conglomerate Sistema. The school was hosting a special themed day in honour of Mandelson's grandfather, Herbert Morrison, after whom the school was named. Mandelson is gay and he is said to be 'intensely private' about his personal life. While his sexual orientation was known to friends, colleagues and constituents, in the News of the World ran an issue that attempted to out Mandelson as gay. An internal investigation later found that the photos had been obtained without Avila da Silva's consent and images of him attempting to cover his face had been secretly deleted.

Mandelson phoned the BBC and the Press Complaints Commission following Newsnight 's broadcast, [] and an internal memo was later sent within the BBC, stating that "Under no circumstances whatsoever should allegations about the private life of Peter Mandelson be repeated or referred to on any broadcast. He was made an Officier of the Legion of Honour in February From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

British Labour politician. For the surname, see Mandelson surname.

The Right Honourable.