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Rowe told jurors he believed he had been cured of the virus by the time he moved to Brighton, having adopted the practice of drinking his own urine as a treatment, supplemented with natural remedies, including oregano, coconut and olive leaf oils. News you can trust since Sign in Edit Account Sign Out. Scottish Cup Final: Meet the family where one son supports Celtic and one supports Hearts East Lothian lotto millionaires send gifts and letters to hundreds of vulnerable people this Christmas.

By The Newsroom. The year-old would enter relationships and have unprotected sex or tamper with condoms. Sign up.

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Virus levels

Please try again later. Rowe repeatedly lied to authorities and would use aliases with his victims.

At a further meeting a doctor noted that he was "not keen to take HIV treatment" as he disliked medication. He was advised to use condoms at all times for penetrative sex and was told that his viral load was quite high. As well as allegations of culpable and reckless conduct by exposing individuals to the virus in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Musselburgh and Burntisland, in Fife, through intercourse without using condoms they had included offences of attempted extortion.

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The Crown accepted his not guilty pleas to the further 16 charges. Defence counsel Shelagh McCall said it was clear from medical notes that Rowe was not coping with the HIV diagnosis at the time but also believed he could be cured through alterative therapies, including a urine therapy. She said: "He accepts his behaviour was reckless. It is fair to say he regrets it enormously. Det Ch Insp Martin MacLean, of Police Scotland, said: "Daryll Rowe is a devious and deceptive predator who has shown absolutely no remorse for the extensive suffering and distress he has caused his victims.

Deceived into Catching HIV: My Story

Daryll Rowe jailed for infecting men with HIV. Daryll Rowe guilty of infecting men with HIV. HIV hairdresser Daryll Rowe 'said moaning won't cure virus'. Brighton hairdresser's HIV strain 'closely related' to victims.


HIV hairdresser Daryll Rowe 'was a control freak'. HIV Brighton hairdresser 'pressured man into sex'. Brighton hairdresser 'infected Grindr dates with HIV'. He will serve the eight years concurrently with the life sentence given to him in England.

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Lady Scott said Daryll Rowe had acted with "a total disregard of the consequences". Virus levels. Rowe had originally faced a total of 20 charges involving 12 different men. Related Topics. More on this story. Published 18 April Published 15 November

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