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Primary School Admissions homepage promo School admissions. Apply for a primary place. Apply by 15 January for a new reception primary school place for September Sign up to volunteer. Anything seen as offensive to others will be removed or blocked. Spamming, inappropriate posting of private information, repeated posts and off-topic comments and posts may be removed or blocked. Our core office hours are between We aim to respond to all enquiries as quickly as possible, but please note that some enquiries can take longer to resolve. Unfortunately, we are only able to respond to enquiries made in English.

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However if an event is fully booked, and there is a waiting list, we will try to resell your tickets. Tickets purchased over the phone are available to be collected from the Garden Entrance Reception Events and activities may on rare occasions be subject to change without notice, although we will always make our best efforts to inform people of any change. Customers are advised to check their purchase upon receipt as mistakes cannot always be rectified.

Every effort will be made to admit latecomers as soon as a suitable break occurs, but admission is not guaranteed and is at the discretion of the Duty Manager By purchasing, you agree that the tickets are for the personal use of you and your party only, and will not be resold or transferred. Any resale or attempt to resell the tickets at a price higher than purchased will result in your tickets being cancelled without prior notification.

In the event of a cancellation by the organiser or by RAMM i. RAMM will use every reasonable effort to contact purchasers either by phone or email using the details provided at the time of purchase and advise them to return the tickets. The right to admission to an event is reserved by RAMM, who may take health and safety, environmental and security concerns into account at their reasonable discretion.

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RAMM would advise customers that no refunds will be offered to customers who are refused entry or ejected from the venue on account of late arrival, being or appearing to be under age when purchasing alcohol, abusive, threatening, engaging in drunken or other antisocial behaviour, carrying offensive weapons or illegal substances, or making unauthorised audio, video or photographic recordings. We accept all major credit cards and debit cards except American Express.

Your tickets are valid only for the number of persons, the date and time stated on its surface.

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During your visit you must retain your ticket safely for production on demand by our representatives. These details are not shared with any third parties without your consent. Online bookings will only remain held for 10 minutes without payment Once your online booking has been confirmed an order confirmation will be sent to the email address you specified On arrival at the event, the following will be required in order to validate an eticket purchased though the RAMM website: Appropriate proof of entitlement to any discounted ticket rate such as NUS card or benefit documents for each person to be admitted with the ticket A legible ticket or purchase confirmation Any bar operating as part of a function may be closed by the duty manager at any time if any person using the bar shall behave in an unruly, disorderly or unseemly manner or it, in the exercise of his absolute discretion, he is of the opinion that such unruly, disorderly or unseemly behaviour may occur there.

Children The Royal Albert Memorial Museum is suitable for children All children under the age of 11 should be accompanied at all times by someone over the age of 16 Parents with young children are welcome in the Royal Albert Memorial Museum Some temporary exhibitions may contain content not suitable for children.

These will be clearly advertised and signposted. You should check this with the venue management before finalising your plans for an event. The Hirer shall indemnify the Council against all costs, claims an demands in respect of any such accident or injury as aforesaid. All internal or external decorations shall be subject to the approval of the management.

These should not be fixed to the fabric of the building or internal walls and should be removed to the satisfaction of the venue management. The Hirer must ensure that a competent person is in attendance during the operation of any additional special effects, stage lighting, additional venue lighting, audio visual equipment or any electrical equipment. Red wine, orange juice and other staining or sticky drinks are not to be provided or drunk on the premises without the former consent of the venue management.

The Hirer shall also, in addition, be responsible for any loss or damage occasioned by the Council for exceeding the designated times. The designated times being those booked by the Hirer and stated in the letter of confirmation. The Hirer shall indemnify the Council against all sums of money, which the Council may have to pay by reason of any infringement of copyright occurring during the whole of such time as the venue or any part thereof is being used by the Hirer.

It will not be used for any other purpose unless you opt in to receiving communications from RAMM.

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Failure to do so may result in the booking being cancelled. First aid provision RAMM can provide basic first aid in the event of a minor accident.