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The Duke was ridden by Martin Becher. The fence Becher's Brook is named after him and is where he fell in the next year's race. In and three significant events occurred to transform the race from a small local affair to a national event. Firstly, the Great St. Albans Chase, which had clashed with the steeplechase at Aintree, was not renewed after , [21] leaving a major hole in the chasing calendar.

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Secondly, the railway, opened from Manchester to Liverpool in , was linked to a line from London and Birmingham in enabling rail transport to the Liverpool area from large parts of the country for the first time. Finally, a committee was formed to better organise the event. Over time the first three runnings of the event were quickly forgotten to secure the race its place in history as the first official Grand National.

It was won by rider Jem Mason on the aptly named, Lottery. By the s, Lynn's ill-health blunted his enthusiasm for Aintree. Edward Topham, a respected handicapper and prominent member of Lynn's syndicate, began to exert greater influence over the National. He turned the chase into a handicap in [23] after it had been a weight-for-age race for the first four years, and took over the land lease in One century later, the Topham family bought the course outright.

Later in the century, the race was the setting of a thriller by the popular novelist Henry Hawley Smart. For three years during the First World War , while Aintree Racecourse was taken over by the War Office , an alternative race was run at Gatwick Racecourse , a now disused course on land now occupied by Gatwick Airport.

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The first of these races, in , was called the Racecourse Association Steeplechase, and in and the race was called the War National Steeplechase. The races at Gatwick are not always recognised as "Grand Nationals" and their results are often omitted from winners' lists. On the day of the Grand National , before the race had begun, Tipperary Tim's jockey William Dutton heard a friend call out to him: "Billy boy, you'll only win if all the others fall down! By the penultimate fence, this number had reduced to three, with Great Span looking most likely to win ahead of Billy Barton and Tipperary Tim.

Great Span's saddle then slipped, leaving Billy Barton in the lead until he too then fell. With only two riders completing the course, this remains a record for the lowest number of finishers. Although the Grand National was run as normal in and most other major horse races around the world were able to be held throughout the war , the commandeering of Aintree Racecourse for defence use in meant no Grand National could be held from to During the s the Grand National was dominated by Vincent O'Brien , who trained different winners of the race for three consecutive years between and The Queen Mother on Devon Loch 's collapse moments from certain victory.

The running of the Grand National witnessed one of the chase's most bizarre incidents. Forty yards from what seemed like certain victory, Devon Loch suddenly, and inexplicably, half-jumped into the air and collapsed in a belly-flop on the turf. Responding to the commiserations of E. Had Devon Loch completed the race he might have set a new record for the fastest finishing time, which E. Many explanations have been offered for Devon Loch's behaviour on the run-in, but the incident remains inexplicable.

In modern language, the phrase "to do a Devon Loch" is often used to describe a last-minute failure to achieve an expected victory. Commentator Michael O'Hehir describes the chaotic scene at the 23rd fence in A loose horse named Popham Down, who had unseated his rider at the first jump, suddenly veered across the leading group at the 23rd, causing them to either stop, refuse or unseat their riders. Racing journalist Lord Oaksey described the resulting pile-up by saying that Popham Down had "cut down the leaders like a row of thistles".

Foinavon, whose owner had such little faith in him that he had travelled to Worcester that day instead, [37] had been lagging some yards behind the leading pack, giving his jockey, John Buckingham , time to steer his mount wide of the havoc and make a clean jump of the fence on the outside. The s were mixed years for the Grand National. In , eight years after Mrs.

Mirabel Topham announced she was seeking a buyer, the racecourse was finally sold to property developer Bill Davies. Davies tripled the admission prices, and consequently, the attendance at the race , won by L'Escargot , was the smallest in living memory. It was after this that bookmaker Ladbrokes made an offer, signing an agreement with Davies allowing them to manage the Grand National. During this period, Red Rum was breaking all records to become the most successful racehorse in Grand National history. Red Rum became, and remains as of , the only horse to have won the Grand National three times, in , , and He also finished second in the two intervening years, and In , he was in second place at the last fence, 15 lengths behind champion horse Crisp , who was carrying 23 lbs more.

Red Rum made up the ground on the run-in and, two strides from the finishing post, he pipped the tiring Crisp to win by three-quarters of a length in what is arguably the most memorable Grand National of all time. Red Rum finished in 9 minutes 1. Two years before the Grand National , jockey Bob Champion had been diagnosed with testicular cancer and given only months to live by doctors.

But by he had recovered and was passed fit to ride in the Grand National. He rode Aldaniti , a horse deprived in its youth and which had only recently recovered from chronic leg problems. From to , Seagram sponsored the Grand National. The Canadian distiller provided a solid foundation on which the race's revival could be built, firstly enabling the course to be bought from Davies and to be run and managed by the Jockey Club.

It is said that Ivan Straker, Seagram's UK chairman, became interested in the potential opportunity after reading a passionate newspaper article written by journalist Lord Oaksey, who, in his riding days, had come within three-quarters of a length of winning the National. Coincidentally, the race was won by a horse named Seagram. The result of the Grand National was declared void after a series of incidents commentator Peter O'Sullevan later called "the greatest disaster in the history of the Grand National. While under starter's orders, one jockey was tangled in the starting tape which had failed to rise correctly.

A false start was declared, but due to a lack of communication between course officials, 30 of the 39 jockeys did not realise this and began the race. Course officials tried to stop the runners by waving red flags, but many jockeys continued to race, believing that they were protesters a group of whom had invaded the course earlier , while Peter Scudamore only stopped because he saw his trainer, Martin Pipe , waving frantically at him.

Seven horses completed the course, meaning the result was void. The first past the post was Esha Ness in the second-fastest time ever , ridden by John White and trained by Jenny Pitman. The Grand National was postponed after two coded bomb threats were received from the Provisional Irish Republican Army.

The course was secured by police who then evacuated jockeys, race personnel, and local residents along with 60, spectators. Cars and coaches were locked in the course grounds, leaving some 20, people without their vehicles over the weekend. With limited accommodation available in the city, local residents opened their doors and took in many of those stranded.

This prompted tabloid headlines such as " We'll fight them on the Becher's ", in reference to Winston Churchill's war-time speech.

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Hedgehunter , who would go on to win in , fell at the last while leading. In John Smith's took over from Martell as main sponsors of the Grand National and many of the other races at the three-day Aintree meeting for the first time.

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The victory was also the first for trainer Venetia Williams , the first female trainer to triumph since Jenny Pitman in The race was also the first National ride for Liam Treadwell. In the National became the first horse race to be televised in high-definition in the UK. In August Crabbie's was announced as the new sponsor of the Grand National. In March it was announced that Randox Health would take over from Crabbie's as official partners of the Grand National festival from , for at least five years.

The race was not run owing to the coronavirus pandemic ; in its place, a virtual race was produced using CGI technology and based on algorithms of the 40 horses most likely to have competed. Its winner was Red Rum by less than a length, having just passed Manifesto. The Grand National is run over the National Course at Aintree and consists of two laps of 16 fences, the first 14 of which are jumped twice. The Grand National was designed as a cross-country steeplechase when it was first officially run in The runners started at a lane on the edge of the racecourse and raced away from the course out over open countryside towards the Leeds and Liverpool Canal.

The gates, hedges, and ditches that they met along the way were flagged to provide them with the obstacles to be jumped along the way with posts and rails erected at the two points where the runners jumped a brook. The runners returned towards the racecourse by running along the edge of the canal before re-entering the course at the opposite end. The runners then ran the length of the racecourse before embarking on a second circuit before finishing in front of the stands.

The majority of the race, therefore, took place not on the actual Aintree Racecourse but instead in the adjoining countryside. That countryside was incorporated into the modern course but commentators still often refer to it as "the country". There are 16 fences on the National Course topped with spruce from the Lake District.

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  • The cores of 12 fences were rebuilt in and they are now made of a flexible plastic material which is more forgiving compared to the traditional wooden core fences. Some of the jumps carry names from the history of the race.

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    All 16 are jumped on the first lap, but on the final lap, the runners bear to the right onto the run-in for home, avoiding The Chair and the Water Jump. The following is a summary of all 16 fences on the course: [64] [65] [66] [67]. The drop on the landing side was reduced after the Grand National. It was bypassed in on the final lap, after an equine casualty. The second became known as The Fan, after a mare who refused the obstacle three years in succession. The name fell out of favour with the relocation of the fences. In the 20th became the first fence in Grand National history to be bypassed on the final lap, following an equine fatality.

    Height: 5 feet 1. It was bypassed on the final lap for the first time in so that medics could treat a jockey who fell from his mount on the first lap and had broken a leg. Becher's has always been a popular vantage point as it can present one of the most spectacular displays of jumping when the horse and rider meet the fence right. Jockeys must sit back in their saddles and use their body weight as ballast to counter the steep drop.

    It takes its name from Captain Martin Becher who fell there in the first Grand National and took shelter in the small brook running along the landing side of the fence while the remainder of the field thundered over.

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    It is said that Becher later reflected: "Water tastes disgusting without the benefits of whisky. Before the First World War it was not uncommon for loose horses to continue straight ahead after the jump and end up in the Leeds and Liverpool Canal itself. It was bypassed for the first time in on the final lap as vets arrived to treat a horse who fell on the first lap. A grandstand was erected alongside the fence in the early part of the 20th century but fell into decline after the Second World War and was torn down in the s. The runners then cross the Melling Road near to the Anchor Bridge, a popular vantage point since the earliest days of the race.

    This also marks the point where the runners are said to be re-entering the "racecourse proper". In the early days of the race, it is thought there was an obstacle near this point known as the Table Jump, which may have resembled a bank similar to those still seen at Punchestown in Ireland.

    In the s the Melling Road was also flanked by hedges and the runners had to jump into the road and then back out of it. Despite some tired runners falling on the 30th and appearing injured, no horse deaths have occurred at the 30th fence to date. On the first lap of the race, runners continue around the course to negotiate two fences which are only jumped once:. The fence was the location where a distance judge sat in the earliest days of the race. On the second circuit, he would record the finishing order from his position and declare any horse that had not passed him before the previous runner passed the finishing post as "distanced", meaning a non-finisher.