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Ner-David, H. Reclaiming nidah and mikveh through ideological and practical reinterpretation. Nikunen, K. Cosmo girls talk: Blurring boundaries of porn and sex. Paasonen, K. Saarenmaa Eds. Oxford: Berg. Page, S. Sexuality and Christianity: Understanding the attitudes and negotiations of young adults in the UK.

Obinna Eds. Counter-normative identities: religious young adults subverting sexual norms. Stella, Y. Taylor, T. Rogers Eds. Hindu, Muslim and Sikh young adults: Gendered practices in the negotiation of sexuality and relationship. Parker, I. Young people, sex and relationships: The new norms. Institute for Public Policy Research.

Accessed 20 July Pellegrini, A. Plaskow, J. Weaving the visions: New patterns in feminist spirituality. New York: HarperOne. Plummer, K. Intimate citizenship: Private decisions and public dialogue. Price, R. Celibacy and free love in early Christianity. Theology and Sexuality, 12 , — Puar, J. Terrorist assemblages: Homonationalism in queer times. Raab, K. New York: Columbia University Press. Rayside, D. The inadequate recognition of sexual diversity by Canadian schools: LGBT activism and uneven institutional response.

Journal of Canadian Studies, 48 1 , — Regnerus, M. Forbidden fruit: Sex and religion in the lives of American teenagers. Rehaag, S. Bisexuals need not apply: A comparative appraisal of refugee law and policy in Canada, the United States, and Australia. Rich, A. Of woman born: Motherhood as experience and institution.

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Compulsory heterosexuality and lesbian existence. Signs, 5 4 , — Ritchie, A. Sexualities, 9 5 , — Robins, K. Docile bodies and heteronormative moral subjects: Constructing the child and sexual knowledge in schooling. Rubin, G. Thinking sex: Notes for a radical theory of the politics of sexuality. Vance Ed. Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Ruether, R. Sexism and god-talk: Toward a feminist theology. Satha-Anand, S. Buddhism on sexuality and enlightenment. Scherrer, K. Coming to an asexual identity: Negotiating identity, negotiating desire.

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Sexualities, 11 5 , — Seitz, D. Unpacking queer secularity: Queer kids, schools and secularism in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Selby, J. Polygamy in the Parisian banlieues?

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Sharma, S. Young women, sexuality and Protestant church community: Oppression or empowerment? Good girls, good sex: Women talk about church and sexuality. Sheff, E. Poly-hegemonic masculinities. Shepherd, N. Religious socialisation and a reflexive habitus: Christian youth groups as sites for identity work. Shipley, H. The spaces in between: Religion, sexual identity, media and education in Ontario. Van Arragon Eds. Religious freedom and sexual orientation: equality jurisprudence and intersecting identities. Canadian Journal of Women and Law , 27 2 , — Values and practices: How are youth in Canada integrating religion and sexuality in their daily lives?

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Religion, youth and queer identities in Canada. Jaime Ed. Smith, C. Is moralistic therapeutic deism the new religion of American youth? Implications for the challenge of religious socialisation and reproduction. Heft Ed. New York: Fordham University Press. British sexual cultures. Higgins, C. Storey Eds. Bullying and social exclusion anxiety in schools. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 33 3 , — Strhan, A. English Evangelicals, equality and the city. Taylor, C. Every class in every school: Final report on the first national climate survey on homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia in Canadian schools.

Accessed 18 Dec Canadian Review of Sociology, 48 3 , — Taylor, Y. Queering religion, religious queers. Mapping queer, mapping me: Visualising queer religious identity. Thompson, S. The Journal of Sex Research, 27 2 , — Toft, A. Bisexuality and Christianity: Negotiating disparate identities in church life.

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Tolman, D. Dilemmas of desire: Teenage girls talk about sexuality. London: Harvard University Press. Trzebiatowska, M. Vocational habit u s: Catholic nuns in contemporary Poland. Contributions from sociology. Uecker, C. Religion, pledging and the pre-marital sexual behavior of married young adults. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 70 3 , — Valverde, M. A new entity in the history of sexuality: The respectable same-sex couple.

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  5. Feminist Studies, 32 1 , — Warner, M. Introduction: Fear of a queer planet. Social Text, 29 , 3— Weeks, J. The world we have won: The remaking of erotic and intimate life. The languages of sexuality. White, H. Virgin pride: Born again faith and sexual identity in the faith-based abstinence movement. Wilcox, M. Queer women and religious individualism. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.

    Winston, D. Teach your children well: Closing observations on constructing religious identity in the next generation. Wolin, L. Gender issues in advertising — An oversight synthesis of research — Journal of Advertising Research, 43 1 , — Woodhead, L. Liberal religion and illiberal secularism. Evans, T. Rivers Eds. Yip, A. Sociology, 39 1 , 47— Homophobia and ethnic minority communities in the United Kingdom. Trappolin, A. Wintemute Eds. Oxford: Hart Publishing. When religion meets sexuality: Two tales of intersection.

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    What It's Like To Date When You're Asexual

    Suomi25 deitti. It was awesome not to have to do all the work of educating her, and it was awesome to discuss my asexuality like it was a totally OK thing, rather than a big deal. It presents penetrative sex as the be-all-end-all of experiences of physical intimacy. Engaging with asexual communities has taught me to let go of that hierarchy of physical acts a little and to recognize that each individual relationship is unique, even in terms of the path acts of physical intimacy follow.

    Only one of those so far has included sex. I have yet to ever desire to be physical with another person in the sexual or romantic context. My relationship history has been sparse. I have only actually gone on dates a handful of times, although I have connected with people online interested in dating several times. Casye: I have really only had two significant long-term relationships in my life. My current relationship is with a girl who is also my best friend from high school.

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    The only difference is, an ace person may have different boundaries. Michael: Always be open to communicating what you are seeking out. If you have intentions, do your best to let them be known. At the same time, create an atmosphere where everyone feels safe and free to communicate their needs to you as well. The totality of experiences of people on the ace spectrum is vast, so also be aware that some ace people may be open to sex in a relationship without the presence of sexual attraction, while others may be repulsed by the idea.

    Kim: Ask the asexual person how they experience sex and sexuality. Not what asexuality is — do that research yourself, there are plenty of resources online — but how they individually experience it. Communicate and check in with each other often. It might take on a new or adjusted form as I become more confident in who I am and who I want to be in life.

    Casye: Just like anyone else, I want to be loved and respected by my friends and partners.