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Vince Carter, on the beloved Actor Superman Returns. He was a contract player at Warner Bros. Actor Route Tall, dark and handsome, not to mention a charismatic rebel of 60s Hollywood, actor George Maharis real Greek family name is Mahairas was born in in Astoria, New York as one of seven children.

His immigrant father was a restaurateur. George expressed an early interest in singing and Actor A Hard Day's Night. He was educated at Monmouth School. Initially interested in a teaching degree, he turned to acting instead and studied for the stage at the College Actor Hellraiser. He died on October 7, in London, England. Actor Bewitched.

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Sargent was a trim, handsome man with a longish chin. He played a variety of gawky businessmen roles in feature films before finding a niche in tv history as the second Darrin on "Bewitched". Shortly before his death, Sargent publicly proclaimed he was gay, and became what he called "a retroactive Actor Damn Yankees. Dreamy Tab Hunter stood out in film history as one of the hottest teen idols of the s era.

With blond, tanned, surfer-boy good looks, he was artificially groomed and nicknamed "The Sigh Guy" by the Hollywood studio system, yet managed to continue his career long after his "golden boy" prime. A typing clerk at the UN in his salad days, he eventually moved to Los Angeles due to his asthmatic condition and Actor Millennium.

As a child he amused himself with improvised puppet theater performances. He had a traumatic experience in , when present for Actor The Brady Bunch. Robert Reed was an American actor, mostly known for television roles. He returned to this role in several of the sitcom's sequels and spin-offs. Reed was born under the name Actor The Towering Inferno. As the impeccably handsome Dr.

Kildare, the slim, butter-haired hunk with the near-perfect Ivy-League charm and smooth, intelligent demeanor, had the distaff fans fawning unwavering over him throughout the series' run. While this Actor Are You Being Served? He was an actor, known for Are You Being Served? He was married to Ron Lynch. He died on March 8, in Paddington, London, England. Actor Coronation Street.

Actor Scarface. Attractive, dark-featured character actor with a voice like thunder, and eyes like a wolf, who was featured in less than sympathetic roles throughout his career. Soon after graduation, he relocated to Actor Star Trek.

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Although primarily known for playing Hikaru Sulu in the television series Star Trek: The Original Series and the first six features, George Takei has had a varied career acting in television, feature films, live theater and radio. He also is a successful writer and community activist. Actor Gladiator.

Preeminent British classical actor of the first post-Olivier generation, Derek Jacobi was knighted in for his services to the theatre, and, in fact, is only the second to enjoy the honor of holding TWO knighthoods, Danish and English Olivier was the other. Modest and unassuming in nature, Widely regarded as one of greatest stage and screen actors both in his native Great Britain and internationally, twice nominated for the Oscar and recipient of every major theatrical award in the UK and US, Ian Murray McKellen was born on May 25, in Burnley, Lancashire, England, to Margery Actor Rebel Without a Cause.

Salvatore Sal Mineo Jr. His siblings were Michael, Victor and Sarina.

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Sal was thrown out of parochial school and, by age eight, was a member of a street gang in a tough Bronx neighborhood. His mother Signifying intelligence, eloquence, versatility and quiet intensity, one of the more important, critically acclaimed black actors to gain a Hollywood foothold in the s was Paul Winfield.

Born in in Los Angeles, he lived there in his early years before moving with his family to Los Angeles' Actor Dark Shadows. Keith Prentice is probably best remembered for his role in Boys in the Band, a film whose title makes it sound like a musical, but in fact it was a dark, mostly negative portrayal of a group of gay men living in the s, and it was anything but upbeat and was not a musical at all. He has been married to Steve Alden Nelson since June 23, Actor Alien: Resurrection.

Actor Scrooged. John Soursby Glover, Jr. Glover was Actor The Painted Bird. His entrance was just as dramatic as some of his roles. On the evening of his birth Udo's mother requested extra time with her new baby. The nurses had gathered all of the other babies and returned them to the nursery when Actor The Prestige. Like a number of British actors of the same generation John Hurt and Alan Rickman , to name two , Roger Rees originally trained for the visual arts.

He was born on May 5 in Aberystwyth, Wales, and acted in church and Boy Scouts stage productions while growing up in South London, but studied Actor The Boys in the Band. Robert La Tourneaux was born on August 10, in St. Actor Romeo and Juliet. Actor Robin of Sherwood. He has been in innumerable films, television, plays and radio dramas and Actor Four Weddings and a Funeral.

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He has been married to Sebastian Fox since June Actor Argo. Victor Garber has been in some of the most memorable projects of the past four decades. Actor Shakespeare in Love. Actor Unman, Wittering and Zigo.

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He was previously married to Paul Cottingham. Actor Defiance. Born in Stockholm, Sweden to a German mother and Russo-Finnish father, Allan Corduner moved to England with his parents at the age of one year old, growing up in London. His parents were artistic and encouraged his early ambition to become a concert pianist - he is still extremely accomplished on Actor Body Double. Michael Kearns was born on January 8, in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Actor The Crow. A veteran of nearly films, Jon Polito is most recognized for his work with The Coen brothers, as well as his many television appearances as a series regular and guest star. He died on September 24, in Bushkill Falls, Pennsylvania. She smiled back very sexily but it didn't lead to anything else, sadly. Kelly was now asking for volunteers to be pegged by her strap-on. I briefly considered it but it did look a bit bigger than anything I'd ever tried before and though I'd given myself an enema before the make-up artist arrived, that had been at 7.

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