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Given that the letter under complaint was not intended to be published as a letter, the complainant believed that the Group had not had an opportunity to present fully its view on the debate, and this represented a breach of Clause 2. The newspaper did not believe that it had breached the Code. It said that the fact that the comments submitted had been intended for publication was not in dispute.

It said that the comments had been emailed after the print deadline for the next edition of the newspaper; therefore it was decided that the comments should instead be published the following week, as a letter. It said that it is the policy of the newspaper not to publish letters without a name, even when the letter is submitted on behalf of a group. Nonetheless, the newspaper accepted that it would have been preferable to check the identity of the sender and whether or not the comments were intended as a letter for publication.

While the newspaper did not believe that it had published any significant inaccuracies, the week after the publication of the letter under complaint the newspaper printed the following clarification:. The complainant was concerned that the clarification had not included her name, and so did not fully make clear the position. A fair opportunity for reply to inaccuracies must be given when reasonably called for. It was accepted that the complainant had submitted the comments, albeit on behalf of the Residents Group.

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It was also accepted that they were meant for publication. It was not inaccurate or misleading for the newspaper to have attributed the comments to the complainant in circumstances where it was made clear that she was writing on behalf of the Group, and where the letter represented her views.

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This did not breach Clause 1. Publication in this form misleadingly suggested that she had chosen to engage with the newspaper using the medium of the letters page. However, as she had acted to introduce the views of the Residents Group into the ongoing public debate, this distinction was not significant, and no clarification was required.

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The terms of Clause 2 provide for an opportunity to reply to published inaccuracies; it does not require newspapers to continue publishing opposing views on a controversial topic. The concerns raised by the complainant in this regard did not raise a breach of Clause 2. Charitable Status: As a constituent of the United Synagogue, the congregation operates within that organisation's registered charity status registered charity no.

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  • From the edition until the Jewish Year Book ceased publication in , the congregation was listed simply as "Watford Synagogue". Milosawer's appointment and his listing as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books through By , the congregation was advertising for a new minister. He died in office. Glinert's listing as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books through Turetsky's listing as minister of the congregation in Jewish Year Books and Subsequent to leaving Watford, he left orthodox judaism and joined Liberal Judaism.

    He ceased being minister of the congregation towards the end of or early Thereafter, the years of service of the officers are extracted from Jewish Year Books. It is assumed that when an officer is listed in a particular book, he had assumed office by the year prior to the year of the book and continued until at least until the next year. Click HERE for links to the various reports. Subsequent Rev. All registers would now be held by current register office. Search the All-UK Database. The records in the database associated with Watford include:. Watford Jewish Cemetery Information.

    Although there is no Jewish cemetery in Watford, the United Syngogue cemetery in Bushey is situated just a short distance from the boundary with Watford. List of United Synagogue Congregations.

    Anglo-Jewish Writers: Twentieth Century | Jewish Women's Archive

    Jewish Congregations in Greater London and its Outskirts. Page created: 21 May Data significantly expanded and notes added: 15 July Latest revision or update: 30 July Terms and Conditions, Licenses and Restrictions for the use of this website:. All material found herein is owned by or licensed to us. You may view, download, and print material from this site only for your own personal use. You may not post material from this site on another website without our consent. You may not transmit or distribute material from this website to others.

    You may not use this website or information found at this site for any commercial purpose. All Rights Reserved.

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    Watford Jewish Cemetery Information Although there is no Jewish cemetery in Watford, the United Syngogue cemetery in Bushey is situated just a short distance from the boundary with Watford. Brooklyn is in New York! JCR-UK is a genealogical and historical website covering all Jewish communities and congregations throughout the British Isles and Gibraltar, both past and present. Borough of Watford Watford, in the the county of Hertfordshire, is a local government district with borough status. The present congregation was established in Congregation Data.

    Watford and District Synagogue.

    04601-15 Butler v Watford Observer

    Former or Alternative Names:. Current Status:. Date Founded:. The present congregation dates from December The congregation joined the United Synagogue as an affiliated synagogue in viii , becoming a constituent full mmber synagogue in about Officers to xxiv :.

    Watford, Hertfordshire

    President or Chairman - S. Vice Chairman - S. Hudes c. Gasson c. Secretar y - M.