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Her background is in nursing and she works across all aspects of diabetes care to provide the most up to date advice. His medical expertise is in endometrial cancer and he has an international reputation in the field of endoscopy surgery and training. He has had senior academic experience in laboratory and health services research and has had national and regional responsibilities for undergraduate and postgraduate education in obstetrics and gynaecology with senior roles in the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the University of Leeds.

For the eight years before he was appointed National Clinical Director for Cancer, he was leading the Yorkshire Cancer Network as medical director and over the last four as director as well. Her experience has seen her leading and influencing national maternity standards and guidance.

She also influences healthcare, nationally and internationally through research, education and publications and is frequently invited to speak at national and international conferences. She is a member of the British Journal of Midwifery editorial board and until recently was an active member of the Maternity and Newborn Forum at the Royal Society of Medicine.

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Her voluntary work currently includes Midwifery Advisor for the Wellbeing Foundation Africa and until recently a trustee. Previously as head of programme communications at NHS England she led the communications and marketing team for Expo Jacqui Dyer is an independent health and social care consultant with a background in adult mental health commissioning as well as community and family social work.

Jacqui has worked with a wide range of vulnerable care groups and has a strong passion in grass roots community empowerment. As an experienced counsellor, trainer, personal and professional development coach and group facilitator, Jacqui brings many dimensions to her insights.

Additionally Jacqui was an appointed member of the Ministerial Advisory Group for Mental Health chaired by the Minister for Care and Support, which oversaw the implementation of the national mental health strategy and a member of the Ministerial Advisory Group for Mental Health. His clinical specialisms are in diabetes, endocrinology and thyroid problems. Dr Dyer also holds the position of Associate Medical Director for Long Term Conditions and Transformation and has a long-standing interest in integrated care models, patient self-management and prevention in long term conditions.

He has experience of management of acute medical admissions and sub-specialty endocrine and thyroid cancer management. In his Lead Medical Director role for the Devon Sustainability and Transformation Partnership he chairs the Clinical Cabinet, which brings together medical directors and clinicians from across the health system.

With a passion for high quality, person centred and innovative patient care and services provided in local community settings, Karen became involved in Practice Based Commissioning in and remained active in representing frontline patient and clinician experience right through to the formation of Clinical Commissioning Groups CCGs in April He was previously the Medical Director for NHS Connecting for Health, where he had responsibility for clinical engagement in health informatics as a driver for clinical quality and productivity improvement.

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He has held a number of strategy and policy advisory roles within the Department of Health, including clinical lead for the Hospital at Night programme. Amy C. Edmondson is the Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at the Harvard Business School, a chair established to support the study of human interactions that lead to the creation of successful enterprises that contribute to the betterment of society. Edmondson has been recognized by the biannual Thinkers50 global ranking of management thinkers in , , and and was honoured with the Talent Award in She studies teaming, psychological safety, and leadership, and her articles have been published numerous academic and management outlets, including Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Harvard Business Review and California Management Review.

Her books — Teaming: How organizations learn, innovate and compete in the knowledge economy Jossey-Bass, , Teaming to Innovate Jossey-Bass, and Extreme Teaming Emerald, — explore teamwork in dynamic organizational environments. In Building the future: Big teaming for audacious innovation Berrett-Koehler, , she examines the challenges and opportunities of teaming across industries to build smart cities. Her new book,The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation and Growth Wiley, , offers a practical guide for organizations serious about success in the modern economy.

Before her academic career, she was Director of Research at Pecos River Learning Centers, where she worked on transformational change in large companies. Nigel was Policy Director of the NHS Confederation for 11 years and has a wealth of experience in health and social care. He joined the organisation from his former role as Director of the London Health Economics Consortium at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where he remains an honorary visiting professor. Nigel has a strong interest in new models of service delivery and a practical focus on what is happening at the front line as well as a wealth of experience in wider health care policy in the UK and internationally.

In her free time she enjoys running and is a run director at Chipping Sodbury parkrun. Ellen believes that patients should be at the heart of decisions about their own care and advocates for patient leadership in the development of health and social care services. Following qualification, Sarah practiced as a nurse in a range of hospital settings including intensive care.

She later developed an interest in health promotion and public health and trained as a Health Visitor and Practice Teacher in Brighton. In addition to leading the agenda for commissioning for quality and safety in NHS services across the south, Sarah has initiated multiple patient and public involvement activities. She is also an accredited coach and special advisor to the CQC. Garrett joined the London Ambulance Service as Chief Executive in May at a time when the service was in special measures. Before Transport for London, he was the director of a transport consultancy.

Working alongside NHS Improvement, the Care Quality Commission and the Department of Health and Social Care, she leads on ensuring the views and experiences of patients and staff England are captured in order to drive improvements in patient experience and outcomes. South Oxhey is an area of significant deprivation in South West Hertfordshire.

She specialises in the diagnosis and conservative treatment of urinary and bowel continence conditions for all populations. Her interests include leadership, improving the way healthcare is delivered and learning from sources beyond healthcare. Paula has been a sepsis nurse since providing direct clinical support to teams caring for people with complex infections and sepsis. She also works with both primary and secondary care teams to improve sepsis care at a strategic level.

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Key areas of work include improving the outcomes and responsiveness of intermediate care to meet new national standards. She contributes to the greater work of the programme, which includes continuing the roll out of the Enhanced Health in Care Homes framework including, NHSmail into the independent social care sector and supporting community multidisciplinary teams in improving outcomes for people with frailty and multimorbidity.

Kath is passionate about partnership working across health and social care and community services.

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He works with local systems to develop their population health management capabilities, primarily through the population health management development programme. Jonathon originally qualified as a Barrister in , and then joined the Pharmaceutical Industry — working across licensing, marketing, finance, legal and compliance.

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Services were focused on business development and organisational efficiency; large scale procurements; health system development; and GP Appraisal and Revalidation. He was appointed Chief Executive Officer in August She began her nursing career as a Cadet Nurse and worked in a psychiatric hospital during placements. She trained at Cuckfield and Crawley School of Nursing. Sherree held various nurse leadership roles throughout her career, including Ward Manager on a male surgical ward and then on a gynae ward.

She was successful in obtaining directorate leadership roles in surgery and critical care and has also worked as a service manager in medicine and a general manager in orthopaedics. Sherree has previously been responsible for inpatient access, so manging patient flow and admissions both elective and emergency, over three sites and beds. She has also worked as Chief Nurse for a large teaching hospital in Sussex. This included the Executive lead for End of Life Care and ensuring patients and carers at the hospitals received the very best care during the last phase of their lives.

She continues to work in this substantive role, working with partners across the system to make a difference to patients. Sherree has now celebrated 45 years in the NHS and has continued to enjoy her nursing career throughout this time. She finds privilege in nursing and caring for people at times of vulnerability. Paul is also a trustee at Lloyds Bank Foundation which invests in charities supporting people to break out of disadvantage at critical points in their lives. Kate is involved in the Better Local Care Hampshire vanguard, working with partners to ensure appropriate access to specialist diabetes care and to promote patient self-management.

In addition, he is also a performance assessor for General Medical Council, a role he has undertaken since He is leading the re-design of clinical care pathways and service provision across the South West, in order to ensure that individuals in receipt of secure care are treated as close to home as possible, for the shortest possible period, within the least restrictive level of security. He graduated from Nottingham University with a degree in biochemistry and physiology in He has worked as a social researcher in a maternity unit; a number of roles in health promotion and public health before joining the public health training scheme.

Since Feb he has worked for Sheffield as director of public health. Jill has contributed to the development of specialist nursing nationally and internationally through education, research and publications. She studied biochemistry and worked in both private and NHS laboratories before taking up roles in customer service, sales and marketing, during which time she gained post-graduate qualifications in marketing and public relations.

She programme managed for the South Central PCT Alliance including work to determine behaviours of patients utilising urgent care services. She also lectures and trains in social marketing and has contributed to key documents for the Department of Health and the National Social Marketing Centre. Her current role is in NHS England for the Thames Valley SCN, allowing her to capitalise on her networking passion and develop the network for change and improvement in the area of Children and Maternity services — subjects both very close to her heart.

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Her role recognises the importance of co-producing and co-designing personalised care and raising the voice of people with lived experience at a national, regional and local level. Mitchell became one of the first people in England to have a personal health budget which enabled him to live at home and lead a full life until his death in March, Jo is a qualified counsellor and was awarded an MA with distinction from the University of Manchester in Prior to working with the Point of Care team, Bev worked in the Healthcare Commission, Commission for Health Improvement, and Audit Commission, delivering thematic reviews of services including maternity care and care for people with long term conditions.

The Point of Care Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation working to improve the quality of care by putting patients and staff at the heart of care. Our work includes the Sweeney programme, which brings together our quality improvement work; and the Schwartz programme, which delivers training in Schwartz Rounds, a unique forum to help healthcare workers address the psychological and emotional challenges of their everyday work.

Jackie Fleeman was one of the first learning disability strategic health facilitators in England. She works in Derbyshire and leads a small team who support GP practices with annual health checks and manages the learning disability acute liaison nurse at Derby Acute Hospital. The team employs three people with a learning disability to support their work with primary care. Jackie is a LeDer reviewer and has recently completed a project to increase the uptake of screening.

He was appointed a British Heart Foundation fellow whilst exploring the link between cardiovascular disease, calcium signalling and abnormalities of calcium metabolism in chronic kidney disease. In Richard took up post at Derby City Hospital as a single handed nephrologist. Over the next decade, the department expanded and developed a strong clinical research and safety programme.

As a whole, the department has interests in cardiovascular consequences of CKD and dialysis, infection and vascular access. As part of the team, he is involved in the coordination of two cohort studies looking at chronic kidney disease in primary care RRID and the short and long term consequences of acute kidney injury ARID. More recent projects include the development of PROMs for renal patients and developing home therapies for patients on dialysis. Within the acute trust he has been clinical lead for renal disease for 15 years and clinical director for medicine.

He was also the clinical lead for the Kidney Care National audit on vascular access and transport in the haemodialysis population. Anne has a background in finance, governance and business intelligence and has held various roles as part of executive and senior teams over the past 20 years, within the NHS and commercial sector. Marion Foreman has been a nurse for nearly 50 years and is a personal trainer. She has worked across many areas in the NHS and now focusses on helping frail older people and people on their cancer journey to exercise safely and effectively.

She is passionate about encouraging people to make the most of their health and wellbeing and to do the best they can to remain active. Kim Forey leads on the personalisation agenda as the Director of Integration. As well as regular visits to hospitals and care homes as part of Kissing it Better, Jill speaks at conferences across the country and writes articles for national newspapers and magazines. James Freed is Chief Information Officer for Health Education England and is passionate about digital literacy and the professionalism of health informaticians across the health and care system.

He trained as a molecular biologist for several years before making the move to process redesign and IT. He cut his teeth on national IT implementation following a move to NHS Connecting for Health where he worked in pathology, order communications, and prevention, screening and surveillance. James moved to the Health Protection Agency where he managed an operational Information Management department.