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Port drove him to the station and spoke "as if nothing had happened". The man was too scared to say anything about the previous night. Another man, a Muslim in his early twenties, who had never consumed alcohol or drugs, met Port on the Fitlads website in early summer and went to his flat on five occasions. Port gave the man poppers, a legal recreational drug, which he used. After a couple of minutes the young man fell asleep. It was like I was going mad. Port helped him to Barking station.

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The man recalls "screaming and shouting" during the journey. British Transport Police attended and an ambulance was called. But the young man did not want to involve the police for fear of his parents - who knew nothing of his sexuality - discovering what had happened. Port was "worried and jittery", according to police at the scene. He claimed the young man had arrived at his flat in that state and he was merely taking him home. The church of St Margaret of Antioch is an island of calm in the urban bustle of Barking, on the eastern side of London. Sitting inside a pleasant park, and bordered on the north by a ruined abbey, it's a sudden scenic contrast from the busy surrounding roads and the high street leading away to the train station.

On the morning of 28 August , while walking her dog, Barbara Denham found the body of a young man in an upright position in the south-west corner of St Margaret's graveyard.

Just over three weeks later, on 20 September , Denham was again walking her dog, and found another body on the same spot. Kovari, also known as Gabriel Kline, was a Slovakian who had come to London in spring from Spain, where he had been living with his boyfriend, Thierry Amodio. He struggled to find a stable place to live until he met John Pape, who invited him to stay in the spare room of his south London flat. After several weeks with Pape, Kovari announced he had found a room to rent in Barking. Pape insisted he could stay longer, but Kovari wanted to move on.

On 23 August , Kovari moved out. Three days later Pape texted Kovari: "Hey, hows it going in Barking? On the day he moved out, Kovari had messaged another friend with a Google map pinpointing the location of his new home - Cooke Street, Barking. Watch it on iPlayer. Two days later the friend received a message from Kovari saying "I'm fine" and then a smiley face emoticon.

Ryan Edwards was a neighbour and friend of Port, although as Port got ever more into drugs they had seen each other less. On 24 August Port sent a message inviting Edwards to meet his "new Slovakian twink flatmate". The next day Kovari messaged Edwards and said that "Stephen is not a nice person". Something had happened to make him unhappy in his new home.

In the afternoon of the following day Port sent a text message to Edwards who replied by asking: "How is Gabriel?

Port said he had "gone to stay with another local guy… some soldier guy he had been chatting to online". When Kovari's body was found on 28 August, he was wearing sunglasses. Two bags placed next to him contained his possessions. His clothing was pulled up to reveal his midriff, just as Anthony Walgate's had been. I ended up Googling the report of Gabriel's death.

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Another young man - 22, 23 - who'd died in unexplained circumstances. That set off alarm bells. Within a few days Pape had contacted Gabriel's former boyfriend Thierry Amodio on Facebook with his concerns. Amodio was conducting his own research and, on 10 September, he messaged someone called Jon Luck after noticing he had started following Kovari on Facebook. In his reply, Jon Luck expressed surprise on hearing Kovari had died and said they had spent two nights together around 22 August.

He said Kovari had been collected from his home by an older Irish man called Tony who drove a green Toyota. Jon Luck described the parties as places where older men "get young guys so high that they then just rape them". Two days later, Amodio messaged Jon Luck to say that the police had called to tell him of Dan's death. Please don't let them arrest me, i will try find a much info as i can to help you… please let me know if you have any more info from the police, names etc.

Amodio asked him to call police and provided the number of a Barking and Dagenham detective, but Jon Luck said he was "scared" and made excuses.

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That afternoon, the detective whose number had been given to Jon Luck responded to emails sent by Amodio the previous evening. He had provided a link to Jon Luck's Facebook profile. He had also sent the detective a story from the Barking and Dagenham Post about the death of Anthony Walgate and asked: "Can this be related to Gabriel and Daniel? The detective replied that: "The news on the Barking and Dagenham post is nothing about Gabriel or Daniel.

Amodio emailed again four days later: "Any update regarding Gabriel? It took three days for a response: "I have not received any phone call or text messages or email from Jon Luck. I would appreciate it if you could get him to contact me. Jon Luck never contacted detectives, nor they him. Whitworth's body was found on the same spot as Kovari's on the morning of 20 September , only hours after Jon Luck had first mentioned "Dan". His mobile phone was missing and later tests showed that a small brown bottle found with his body contained GHB. His left hand contained an apparent suicide note.

It claimed responsibility for the death of Gabriel:. I didn't notice while we was having sex that he had stopped breathing. I tried everything to get him to breathe again but it was too late, it was an accident, but I blame myself for what happened and I didn't tell my family I went out. I know I would go to prison if I go to the police and I can't do that to my family and at least this way I can at least be with Gabriel again, I hope he will forgive me.

I have taken what g I have left with sleeping pills so if it does kill me it's what I deserve. Feeling dizey now as took 10 min ago so hoping you understand my writing. Sorry to everyone.

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  4. Whitworth was an ambitious young chef who was building a promising career. He lived in Kent with his long-term boyfriend Ricky Waumsley. When apart they stayed in constant touch, and it was Waumsley who raised the alarm after his boyfriend did not return home. Those who knew Whitworth were appalled at the suggestion he had killed someone. And they did not believe he had been suicidal. But Barking and Dagenham Police, despite again seeking advice from a homicide assessment team, deemed the death non-suspicious and accepted the note at face value.

    The prosecution told Port's eventual trial that detectives neither fully investigated Whitworth's movements in the hours before his death nor tried to find the person referred to in the note as "the guy I was with last night". Port's DNA was on the blue bedsheet, on Whitworth's body and on his clothes. It was also on a sleeve that the note was found in. The police already had his DNA on their database. They exchanged messages. On 3 September, Port asked if they could go for a drink before dinner at his Barking flat: "Just so you can get to know me a bit so you know I'm not some psycho.

    How did police miss Barking serial killer Stephen Port?

    Whitworth was last seen by a colleague leaving work in Canary Wharf on 18 September. He mentioned he was going to meet friends in Barking. Tests showed he had also taken sleeping tablets, which was consistent with the "suicide note".