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The Episcopal catechism defines a sacrament as "an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace given to us". Confirmation , ordination , holy matrimony , reconciliation of a penitent , and unction are identified as "sacramental rites". This is in part due to the general confession provided for in Episcopal services. The prayer book specifies that the Eucharist or Holy Communion is "the principal act of Christian worship on the Lord's Day".

The first is centered on Bible readings and preaching. At each service, four scripture passages are read from the Old Testament and the New Testament. The readings are organized in a three-year cycle during which much of the Bible will have been read in church. The Episcopal Church teaches the real presence doctrine—that the bread and wine truly become the body and blood of Christ. However, it does not define how this happens, which allows for different views to coexist within the church. Often a congregation or a particular service will be referred to as Low Church or High Church.

In theory:.

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The daily offices can be said by lay people at home. The veneration of saints in the Episcopal Church is a continuation of an ancient tradition from the early church which honors important people of the Christian faith. The usage of the term "saint" is similar to Roman Catholic and Orthodox traditions.

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There are explicit references in the Book of Common Prayer to invoking the aid of the prophets, patriarchs, saints, martyrs and the Virgin Mary as in an optional prayer in the committal at a funeral, p. In general Anglicans pray with the saints in their fellowship, not to them, although their intercessions may be requested. Those inclined to the Anglo-Catholic traditions may explicitly invoke saints as intercessors in prayer.

The edition contains a provision for the use of "traditional" Elizabethan language under various circumstances not directly provided for in the book, and the Anglican Service Book was produced accordingly, as "a traditional language adaptation of the Book of Common Prayer together with the Psalter or Psalms of David and Additional Devotions". The center of Episcopal teaching is the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The full catechism is included in the Book of Common Prayer and is posted on the Episcopal website. The Episcopal Church follows the via media or "middle way" between Protestant and Roman Catholic doctrine and practices: that is both Catholic and Reformed. Although many Episcopalians identify with this concept, those whose convictions lean toward either evangelical Anglicanism or Anglo-Catholicism may not.

A broad spectrum of theological views is represented within the Episcopal Church. Some Episcopal members or theologians hold evangelical positions, affirming the authority of scripture over all. The Episcopal Church website glossary defines the sources of authority as a balance between scripture, tradition, and reason.

These three are characterized as a "three-legged stool" which will topple if any one overbalances the other. It also notes []. The Anglican balancing of the sources of authority has been criticized as clumsy or "muddy. It has also been associated with the Anglican willingness to tolerate and comprehend opposing viewpoints instead of imposing tests of orthodoxy or resorting to heresy trials.

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This balance of scripture, tradition and reason is traced to the work of Richard Hooker , a 16th-century apologist. In Hooker's model, scripture is the primary means of arriving at doctrine and things stated plainly in scripture are accepted as true. Issues that are ambiguous are determined by tradition, which is checked by reason. This understanding is highly dependent on the work of Friedrich Schleiermacher. A public example of this struggle between different Christian positions in the church has been the consecration of Gene Robinson , an openly gay man living with a long-term partner.

Others, however, view this pluralism as an asset, allowing a place for both sides to balance each other. Comedian and Episcopalian Robin Williams once described the Episcopal faith and, in a performance in London, specifically the Church of England as "Catholic Lite — same rituals, half the guilt". In , the church's general convention recommended parity in pay and benefits between clergy and lay employees in equivalent positions.

Several times between and , the convention expressed concern over affordable housing and supported work to provide affordable housing. In and , the convention reaffirmed the church's commitment to eradicating poverty and malnutrition , and challenged parishes to increase ministries to the poor. The convention urged the church in and to promote living wages for all. Book Europe Train Tickets and Holidays

In , the convention urged U. At its triennial general convention, the church adopted "canonical and liturgical changes to provide marriage equality for Episcopalians". The canonical change eliminated "language defining marriage as between a man and a woman". The "two new marriage rites" contain language that allows "them to be used by same-sex or opposite-sex couples". Following the general convention, bishops were able to determine whether churches and priests within their dioceses were permitted to use the new liturgies. Bishops who did not permit their use were to connect same-sex couples to a diocese where the liturgies were allowed.

This effectively granted all churches and clergy, with or without the support of their bishop, the ability to perform same-sex marriages. Openly gay, lesbian, and transgender individuals are eligible to be ordained. The Episcopal Church has a nondiscrimination policy that prohibits discrimination on the basis of "gender identity and expression". In , John Henry Hopkins ' wrote a pamphlet entitled, A Scriptural, Ecclesiastical, and Historical View of Slavery , attempting to justify slavery from the New Testament: the pamphlet gives a clear insight into the Episcopal Church's involvement in slavery.

Hyer in , opposed the points mentioned in Hopkins' pamphlet and revealed a startling divide in the Episcopal Church over the issue of slavery. Curry said that "the stain of bigotry has once again covered our land" and called on Episcopalians to choose "organized love intent on creating God's beloved community on Earth" rather than hate.

The church is totally opposed to the use of abortion as a means of birth control or family planning, but considers it a woman's right to undergo one. The Episcopal Church disapproves of assisted suicide and other forms of euthanasia, but does teach that it is permissible to withdraw medical treatment, such as artificial nutrition and hydration, when the burden of such treatment outweighs its benefits to an individual.

The Society for the Increase of the Ministry SIM is the only organization raising funds on a national basis for Episcopal seminarian support. SIM's founding purpose in — "to find suitable persons for the Episcopal ministry and aid them in acquiring a thorough education".

SIM has awarded scholarships to qualified full-time seminary students. It helps to rebuild after disasters and aims to empower people by offering lasting solutions that fight poverty, hunger and disease. Episcopal Relief and Development programs focus on alleviating hunger, improving food supply, creating economic opportunities, strengthening communities, promoting health, fighting disease, responding to disasters, and rebuilding communities.

There are about 60 trust funds administered by the Episcopal Church which offer scholarships to young people affiliated with the church. Qualifying considerations often relate to historical missionary work of the church among American Indians and African-Americans, as well as work in China and other foreign missions. In a relation of interim Eucharistic sharing was inaugurated with the United Methodist Church, a step that may ultimately lead to full communion.

Historically Anglican churches have had strong ecumenical ties with the Eastern Orthodox Churches , and the Episcopal Church particularly with the Russian Orthodox Church , but relations in more recent years have been strained by the ordination of women and the ordination of Gene Robinson to the episcopate. Dioceses and parishes are frequently members of local ecumenical councils as well. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Anglican denomination in the United States.

Arms of the Episcopal Church includes both a St. George's Cross and a St. Andrew's cross composed of nine crosses bottony.

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Ministry and worship. Background and history. Anglican Communion. Continuing Anglicanism. Anglican realignment Bartonville Agreement Congress of St. Louis North American Anglican Conference. This box: view talk edit. Further information: White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Further information: Anglican church music. See also: Anglicanism and Anglican doctrine.

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    Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. April Learn how and when to remove this template message. Christianity portal United States portal. The Episcopal Church, 2,, members, down 2. Note: The number of members given here is the total number of baptized members in cf. Baptized Members by Province and Diocese — Pew Research. Retrieved February 12, Hallmarks of the Episcopal Church".

    Retrieved June 1, Episcopal News Service.