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It is presumed that they, as well as novices in composition, will find the present work useful in overcoming difficulties of this sort. As to the method of using it: Whenever a doubt arises in regard to the fitness of any word, and a better one is not readily suggested, let the writer turn to this word in its alphabetical place. Under it will be found the words and phrases, or some clew to the words and phrases, which, in any connection, have the same meaning as itself, or a meaning very nearly the same. That one of them, which comes nearest to expressing the exact shade of thought in the writer's mind, will be likely to arrest the attention and determine the choice.

In most cases, all the words that belong to any group will be found in that group. But in some instances, as when the same word falls into two or more groups that are near to each other, or when there are so many synonymes for a word that a repetition of every one of them under each in its alphabetical place would seem to be too formal and prolix, the inquirer is referred to some prominent word among them for a view of the whole.

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Under the word Blockhead, for example, reference is. This example is given because it is the most marked one in our language of a multiplicity of terms for the same idea. Many nouns ending in ness, and adverbs ending in ly, have been omitted in their alphabetical places, for the reason that their synonymes are sufficiently indicated by the corresponding adjectives. The aim has been to present at a single glance the words or modes of speech which denote the same object, or which express the same general idea, with only slight shades of difference. There has been no attempt at elaborate discussion of the nice distinctions that obtain between words apparently synonymous; but hints of such distinctions have been given whenever it was practicable to give them briefly in a parenthetical remark.

It contains much, however, that has been gathered from a wide field of miscellaneous reading during a long series of years. The author is under special obligations to his friends Mr. LooMIS J. England, or English. Q Geometry.

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United States. Verb Active. Verb Neuter. Zoo l A Aback, ad. Behind, back of, put down, put out of countenance, take in the rear of. Aft, behind, astern, ear. Abashment, n. Confusion, shame, Abalienate, v. Alienate, mortification, embarrassment. Lessen, diminish, dedeliver over. Abalienation, n. Alienation, 2. Remit, allow, bate, rebate, deduct. Moderate, assuage, mitigate, Abandon, v. Leave, relinquish, soothe, soften, qualify, alleviate, molquit, forsake, desert, evacuate, drop, lify, allay, appease, pacify, compose, abjure, forswear, give over, cast off, tranquillize, temper, attemper, quiet, retire from, withdraw from.

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Surrender, cede, yield, resign, 4. Remove, suppress, terforego, renounce, waive, vacate, ABDI- minate, put an end to. CATE, deliver up, give up, part with, Abate, v. Decrease, diminish, let go, lay down. Relinquished, de- slacken. Be defeated, frustrated, discarded, given up, given over, cast or overthrown. Abatelnent, ns. Diminution, de2.

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Depraved, corrupted, corrupt, crease, lessening, mitigation, assuageprofligate, vicious, sinful, wicked, dis- ment, decrement, extenuation, remissolute, reprobate, graceless, shameless, sion. Subsidence, wane, ebb. Discount, allowance, rebate, dedemoralized, lost to shame, dead to duction, reduction, drawback.

Abbey, n. Monastery, convent, cloister, Abandonment, ta.

Abandoning, re- priory, nunnery. Abbreviate, v. Shorten by cutting 2. Abarticulation, it. Abbreviation, a. Shortening by cutting Abase, v. Degrade, humble, disgrace, dis- Abdicate, va.

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Resign an o ce or dighonor, humiliate, debase, bring low, nity , surrender a right , cede, forego, take down. Depression, detru- vacate, give up, part with, lay down, sion, reduction, lowering, fall, deteriora- renounce all claim to. Resign, relinquish office eracy, vitiation, perversion, deprava- especially that of a king , vacate the tion. Abjectness, abjection, vileness, Abdication, n. Abdicating, resignation, baseness, contemptibleness, despicable- surrender, renunciation, abandonment.

Abdomen, a.

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Belly, paunch. Humiliation, condescension, sub- Abdominal, a. Large-bellied, greathumility, meekness, humbleness, lowli- bellied, big-bellied, pot-bellied, tunness, self-abasement. Abash, v. Shame, mortify, confuse, Abduce, v. Withdraw, draw confound, disconcert, discompose, DIS- away, pull back. Kidnap, carry off, run Ability, n. Power to execute amn away with, run off with.

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Withdrawing, with- efficiency, efficacy, strength, energy, drawal, withdrawment, drawing away. Siskin Carduelis qpi- aptness, knack, expertness, facility, nus. Aberrance, n. Deviation, departure. Qualification, competency, suffiAberrant, a. Deviating, wandering, ciency. Irregular, abnormal, unnatural, ment, calibre, forte, turn. Base, vile, mean, low, desunconformable, exceptional, strange, picable, contemptible, beggarly, paltry, anomalistic, eccentric, monstrous, pre- dirty, squalid, grovelling, pitiful, ignoternatural.

Deviation, diver- slavish, menial, sneaking, sordid, gence, wandering, rambling, departure.

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Irregularity, eccentricity, singu- low-minded, base-minded, earth-born, larity, peculiarity, strangeness, uncon- earth-bred. Illusion, delusion, hallucination, 2. Abjectness, n. Meanness, servility, Abet, v. Aid, assist, help, support, vileness, baseness, abasement, abjecsuccor, second, sustain, uphold,.

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  8. Renunciation upon support to. Favor, encourage, sanction, coun- donment, abnegation. Recantation, retraction, revoca3. Instigate to commit a tion, repeal, reversal, recall. Abjure, v. Renounce upon oath , Abettor, n. Assistant, helper, aider, relinquish, forego, reject, forswear, coadjutor, co-operator, ally, auxiliary.

    Advocate, adviser, promoter, in- off. Retract, revoke, recant, recall, 3. Confederate, accomplice, accesso- withdraw, disavow, take back. Clever, accomplished, talINIS.