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Pre-Covid they used to bring their partners around, which is great. Filming Housewives is very full-on. I never used to be. I think my kids are really proud of me. I changed when I turned I had lots of opinions, but would keep them to myself, get home and have a moan about things. Now I speak my mind. Celebrity News. By Emily Whitwam.

Video Loading Video Unavailable. Click to play Tap to play. The video will auto-play soon 8 Cancel Play now. Get the best celeb exclusives and video house tours to your inbox every evening with our daily newsletter Sign up When you subscribe we will use the information you provide to send you these newsletters. Our Privacy Notice explains more about how we use your data, and your rights. You can unsubscribe at any time. Thank you for subscribing We have more newsletters Show me See our privacy notice. More On Real Housewives. Dani Dyer Dani Dyer posted a photo on Instagram but quickly deleted it soon after.

Danielle Armstrong Danielle Armstrong took to her Instagram to share a clip of her wearing a skimpy orange crop top and matching leggings. Cheryl Cheryl has posted an adorable clip of her and Liam Payne's son Bear, three, reading out a hilarious Christmas message for her Instagram fans. Gemma Atkinson Gemma Atkinson took to Instagram to share the incident with her followers. Most Read Most Recent. Lifestyle Ever wandered what the the Gladiators look like now? Take a look at the famed athletes, and how they have changed over the years.

Lifestyle Find out the real reasons behind the sudden dismissals from Gogglebox and the families that made a comeback after leaving the show.

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Gogglebox Gogglebox star Ellie Warner lives in the cosy family home she films in with sister Izzi. This time there were sniper bullets and artillery shells raining from the skies and sea as an intense battle raged during the season of peace and goodwill.

The fighting, which took place to establish control of two small but strategically important Norwegian islands, saw the British first deploy some of the tactics of land, sea and air assault which would successfully be used during D-Day two and a half years later. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and her husband, incoming second gentleman Doug Emhoff, will receive their vaccinations the week after the Bidens. The U. Senate adjourned a rare Saturday session with a call from Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell to avoid last minute disagreements that could delay new funding for Americans and small businesses struggling with the steep economic and health costs of the COVID pandemic.

Both Republicans and Democrats said the last major sticking point was a Republican push, led by Senator Patrick Toomey of Pennsylvania, for language to prevent expiring Fed coronavirus lending programs from being revived, including credit facilities for mid-size companies and municipal borrowers. Nathan Larson, 40, made the girl wear a long-haired wig to make her look older and told her to pretend to be mute during their travel, Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims announced on Saturday.

Mims said detectives learned that Larson, a resident of Catlett, Virginia, met the girl previously through social media, flew to California and persuaded her to sneak out of her house around 2 a. Larson was taken into custody and the girl was rescued by a Denver police officer who stopped the pair during their layover in Colorado, Mims said. The Supreme Court on Friday decided it's too early to challenge President Trump's attempt to discount undocumented immigrants from the census.

Over the summer, Trump issued a dubiously legal executive order that would stop undocumented immigrants from counting toward congressional apportionment and federal funding determined by the census. Several states challenged the move in court, but on Friday, the Supreme Court handed Trump at least a temporary victory. The court's conservatives — three of them appointed by Trump — united in a decision, saying the states' challenge was "not suitable for adjudication at this time.

The court's liberal justices disagreed, saying "governing statutes, decades of historical practice, and uniform interpretations from all three branches of government demonstrate" that undocumented people can't be excluded from the count. The decision means Trump can try to remove undocumented people from the apportionment count, and that the opposition will have to sue again later if they'd like to stop the changes from taking effect. When first hearing the case in court, several conservative justices seemed skeptical of the Trump administration's arguments for discounting the undocumented.

The Trump administration has taken several steps to change the Census in ways that would likely depress the count of undocumented immigrants and marginalized groups, decreasing funding and congressional seats in left-leaning areas. That included adding a question of citizenship to the survey — a move Trump eventually abandoned. It is often considered the most secretive and ruthless of all spy networks, emerging briefly from the shadows to confront Israel's enemies before vanishing once more.

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Former spies in the elite intelligence service say it is always on the lookout for recruits as it adapts to new dangers in the region, and that television programmes such as Apple TV's "Tehran" and Netflix's "The Spy," are fuelling applications. On November 27, Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was gunned down near Tehran in an ambush that seemed to have been plucked straight from the script of the Israeli spy series, which was first broadcast on public network Kan.

Congressional Democrats have agreed to take direct aid for state and local governments out of a new coronavirus relief package in exchange for Republicans dropping their demand for liability protections for businesses. The pandemic has also hurt finances in states like Florida, which are dependent on tourism revenue, and Wyoming which raises money through energy taxes. Biden has expressed support for state and local aid to plug budget shortfalls.

New York City is overhauling how it admits students to some of its most competitive public schools to make them less segregated by race and wealth, Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Friday. Some selective Manhattan high schools, particularly in wealthy neighborhoods, are allowed to give children who live nearby priority in admissions, which has tended to put children living in poorer neighborhoods at a disadvantage.

The city will also end "screening" practices at hundreds of middle schools that admit students based on a mixture of grades, test results, attendance rates. Close this content.

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Read full article. Ethan Cadeaux December 14, , PM. That brand of football is why Rivera feels his club is truly a team. Story continues. Latest Stories. Yahoo News. Things are clicking right now for Washington. Players are embracing a 'team' first attitude; egos aren't getting in the way they may have in years past. While Washington is riding high, as Chase Young alluded to on Sunday night , the job is not done. The Burgundy and Gold control their own destiny, but a Seahawks team awaits on Sunday.

Matchups with the Panthers, Rivera's old team, and the revitalized Jalen Hurts-led Eagles to conclude the season aren't easy victories, either. But, as Rivera said in his postgame victory speech Sunday , Washington is relevant again. Now, it's time for them to continue to prove they belong. Those things have been really good," Rivera said. Perna's remarks came a day after a second vaccine was added in the fight against COVID, which has killed more than , people in the U.

Perna acknowledged the criticism and accepted blame.

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Donald Trump was last night at odds with one of his closest allies, secretary of state Mike Pompeo, over who was responsible for the massive cyber-attack on the US government. While Mr Pompeo fell into line with the consensus that Russia orchestrated the hack, Mr Trump suggested without evidence that China could have been the culprit, adding that it may have also helped rig the election in favour of Joe Biden.

Russia, Russia, Russia is the priority chant when anything happens because Lamestream is, for mostly financial reasons, petrified of discussing the possibility that it may be China it may! White House officials told the AP that the doses sitting in Pfizer's warehouse were being held to ensure the first recipients get their second doses.

Jalisco state officials said Aristoteles Sandoval was shot in the back by an unidentified assailant while his security detail were outside. A shootout erupted as his bodyguards began moving Sandoval to hospital.