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There are several websites and online forums which allow users to post adverts looking for potential marriage partners, including Al-Jannah and Saathinight. One gay man from Leeds told the BBC it took him three years to organise a sham marriage to keep his sexual orientation under wraps, as the pair had to consider where they would live and how they would visit family.

Independent Premium Comments can be posted by members of our membership scheme, Independent Premium. It allows our most engaged readers to debate the big issues, share their own experiences, discuss real-world solutions, and more.

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Our journalists will try to respond by joining the threads when they can to create a true meeting of independent Premium. The most insightful comments on all subjects will be published daily in dedicated articles. You can also choose to be emailed when someone replies to your comment.

The existing Open Comments threads will continue to exist for those who do not subscribe to Independent Premium. Due to the sheer scale of this comment community, we are not able to give each post the same level of attention, but we have preserved this area in the interests of open debate.

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Please continue to respect all commenters and create constructive debates. Please be respectful when making a comment and adhere to our Community Guidelines. You can find our Community Guidelines in full here. Such a consideration must be made between those in an official welfare capacity, and the President of the Association. Options shall be discussed and appropriate action taken.

5 Asexuality Myths Debunked - Decoded

The Executive Committee may extend access to the minimum number of other Executive Officers it deems necessary. Names or photographs of service-users shall not appear in any material published by the Association including its website without their consent. Officers and any person who proposes any motion or stands in any election at a General Meeting may be assumed to have given consent for their name to be published in any format, unless the person specifically states otherwise.

The Association will operate under the Safe Space Statement, including all socials, social media, and during campaigns and all other events held by the Association.

  • Asexuality: Life without Sex.
  • The Palgrave Handbook of the Psychology of Sexuality and Gender.
  • What It's Like To Date When You're Asexual.
  • Asexuality: Life without Sex | The Bubble;
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A safe space shall be defined as somewhere where all individuals can, as far as is reasonably possible, feel comfortable and protected from anything that may threaten them and make them feel unsafe. To promote and maintain safe spaces, the Executive Committee, Non-Executive Officers, and service-users should:.

The Executive Committee, Non-Executive Officers, and service-users must respect the rights of others to keep their identity confidential should they wish to. It shall be assumed that individuals do not wish to be publicly linked with the Association, and will therefore not link specific individuals to us without their prior consent. This includes:. If the individual gives consent, but then later changes their mind, the post must be removed.


In addition, no assumption shall be made that giving consent to one item means consent to all items. This means that service-users are expected to not do anything that would connect other service-users to the Association without their consent. This includes, for example, tagging people in our events on Facebook where it can be publicly seen. This includes, but is not limited to:. Any complaints of breach of these statements are to follow the procedure as outlined in Section 11 of the Constitution. Parenting Scheme.

Vice Presidents.

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Welfare Officers. Exec 1. Exec 2. Library Catalogue. This includes, but is not limited to; homosexual, bisexual, transgender, genderqueer, genderfluid, genderflux, intergender, agender, non-binary, asexual, pansexual, polysexual, intersex, aromantic, biromantic, polyromantic, panromantic, homoromantic and polyamorous persons, and any other individual who is not simultaneously heterosexual, heteroromantic, allosexual, alloromantic, cisgender, dyadic, and monogamous; b.

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With the additional non-executive officers existing with the duties of represent all service-users who self-define within the area of their job description, act as a point of contact for the represented group, liaise with the Executive Committee to ensure any specific needs of the represented group are being met by the Student Group, liaise with other organisations primarily involved with members of the represented group, assess the demand for, and be able to hold, events and campaigns aimed specifically at members of the represented group: a.

Asexual and Aromantic Representative b. Bisexual and Multiorientation Representative c. Transgender Representative d. Non-Binary Representative e. Students with Disabilities Representative f. Yet in reality, it is a sexual orientation where a person does not experience any form of sexual attraction to others.

However, this definition of asexuality is rather reductive. It is best to see asexuality in terms of a spectrum:. The problem that asexuals face is that while society are beginning to recognise their orientation more, it is still not properly understood. This is largely due to the lack of discourse on the matter.

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How many films or TV programmes have you seen that involve an ace asexual person? I daresay none, or very few.

It is no wonder, therefore, that asexuality is still considered a taboo. In our hyper-sexualised society, which often values beauty and sexuality over anything else, asexuals are seen as misfits and outsiders. Firstly, asexuality needs to be represented more in the media- from advertisements, to TV series, to fiction. The second and arguably much more difficult solution is to challenge the hyper-sexualisation of individuals.