Everyone here is online, located nearby and ready to go. We also provide end-to-end encryption and automatically delete your chats in 24 hours, unless you want it to last longer. To create an account you can login with Google Sign-in.

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To go online, you need to create and post a personal ad saying what kind of experiences you are looking for: flirt, fwb, fast dating, casual relationship with no strings attached, hooking up, arrangement, girlfriend or boyfriend. Optionally, you can upload a photo, audio or text message. Say hi to begin a secret affair. As soon as you go offline, your ad becomes invisible. Chats are created automatically upon matching someone and all chats self-destruct in 24 hours so you can talk to strangers without being concerned about your privacy.

However, the timer can be disabled by mutual agreement. All chat messages, including photos and audio, shared in a stranger chat cannot be saved to the phone. If the interlocutor takes a screenshot, an automatic notification will be sent within meetup chat to inform both chat partners.

Our system sends automatic alerts on trigger words that might be used by scammers. We strongly recommend not to give out your phone number or social media accounts! This could lead to abuse or even blackmail. Keep chatting anonymously via Pure and do not switch to other messengers, this will save you from all sorts of troubles. PURE is an open dating community for straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, and queer people.

Adults only, you must be at least 18 years old to use the app. Niki Adams from the English Collective of Prostitutes echoes that view. She told the BBC most sex workers in the UK are mothers and if they are continuing to work, it is because they are desperate for money.

More on this story

In Daulatdia brothel in Bangladesh, police guard the entrance, preventing customers from entering. It is one of the world's biggest brothels, a shanty town made up of tin sheds and narrow alleyways that is home to 1, women and their children. The brothel has been closed since March, leaving many of the women struggling to buy essential items and relying on donations from charities. Nazma supports three children who live with her sister back in her village.

She came to the brothel 30 years ago when she was just seven. Although she needs money, she worries about the dangers of working during the pandemic. We'd be scared to go to bed with our clients anyway, as we don't know who is affected," she says. Daulatdia sits on the banks of the Padma River, near a major ferry terminal.

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It is the main transport hub that connects the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka with the country's southern districts. Prior to the coronavirus outbreak, thousands of truck drivers would pass through the area every day, delivering agricultural products and other goods to Dhaka. While the Bangladeshi government and local aid organisations have delivered some emergency funds to the women, Srabanti says it hasn't been enough and some women received nothing at all.

In early May, Srabanti organised a private aid delivery, distributing packets of basic supplies for each of the 1, women registered at the brothel. Reduced access to healthcare services is an issue facing sex workers globally, according to Prof Sanders. The problem is particularly acute in areas where there is high demand for regular antiviral drugs from those living with HIV.

Prof Sanders is working with a team in Nairobi to develop an "Uber-style" app that will enable sex workers to order medication using their phones and have it delivered. Back in Daulatdia brothel, another sex worker who didn't want to be named is returning from a trip to see her daughter, who lives in a nearby home for the children of sex workers. We might get infected from them.

This fear of getting infected will come up all the time. Coronavirus: Extra support for women involved in prostitution. Coronavirus: Sex workers 'should have access to support fund'. Coronavirus: Zambia sex workers praised for contact tracing. Coronavirus: Offline sex workers forced to start again online.

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Sex workers 'should have access to emergency fund' Virus forces offline sex workers to start again online. But some sex workers find themselves unable to keep working - even if they would choose to. Many of the women and children who live in the brothel are victims of trafficking.