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The door swings shut. You have to ring the bell to cross the threshold. Hewitt the troop convoys sortied from Hampton Roads in two sections, the first at Z, 23 October heading southeast, and the second at Z, 24 October heading northeast. Meantime, to avoid congestion and covering group sailed from Casco Bay, while Air group departed Bermuda on the 25th. By the 28th all groups had rendezvoused and on 8 November landings were commenced on the African coast, without a ship having been lost or damaged in the crossing.

In the combined convoy were 35 commissioned naval auxiliaries, largely combat loaded transports and cargo vessels carrying 65, troops, escorted by 11 combatant warships plus a protective screen, air group and convoy screen. Task Force 34's mission was to establish the Western Task Force on beachheads ashore near Mehdia, Fedala and Safi, and support subsequent coastal military operations in order to capture Casablanca as a base for further military operations.

In the meantime a similar operational convoy had sailed from U. Immediately following the occupation of Moroccan and Algerian ports in November , troop tanker and general supply convoys were organized to take advantage of the opening of the Mediterranean, which led successively to the defeat of the Axis in Libya and Tunisia, the invasion of Sicily and Italy, the surrender of the Italian navy and the occupation of South France. The general plan for bettering the shipping situation was to move Mediterranean and North African area supplies directly from the U.

These convoys were organized, sailed and escorted by the U. After May these convoys proceeded all the way to Alexandria or Port Said.

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  • The UG and LM convoy systems remained synchronized with each other to accommodate the maximum amount of shipping with minimum congestion in key ports and dangerous areas in the Mediterranean. Commencing with UGF 2, sailing New York 6 November , fast convoys were sailed at irregular intervals of about 25 days until June , after which they were suspended for nearly a year, except for one convoy in September and one in May. See Appendix KKK. UGF 12 and onward were routed to Naples Marseille in at which point a turnaround period of 6 days was established.

    The minimum declared speed for inclusion was uniformly To prevent being sighted from shore, Commodores altered speed to pass Gibraltar Straits during darkness until September , after which the danger was negligible. Convoy composition for the period through averaged about 16 ships 10 troopships and 6 tankers and 10 escorts per convoy.

    During , however, as requirements lessened in the Mediterranean, size diminished to an average of only 5 ships and 4 escorts. From December to March the Army computes , embarkations in 24 UGF convoys, an average of 22, troops per convoy. No casualties from enemy action were ever suffered by these fast convoys, with the exception of one escort vessel damaged in UGF 10 in the Mediterranean on 14 June Immediately following "Torch Operation" UGS convoys were inaugurated, at an average rate of two a month until 27 July when, commencing with UGS 13, the interval was shortened to 10 days in order to maintain a reasonable size.

    In September a proposal to reduce the size of convoys by shortening the interval to 7 days was seriously considered, even though a 2 or 3 additional escort groups would have been needed. It was abandoned, however, due to the fact that our Army would have been unable to unload ships that fast, and due to complications which would have arisen with a corresponding alteration of the Mediterranean system.

    The change was necessitated by the very large size of convoys in December , in some cases over ships, and the need to find bottoms for other theaters. The W. This was based on a total of W. The 6 days per turnaround, it was figured, would be saved as a result of a reduction in waiting time to go on berth as well as awaiting sailing both at this end and abroad. In addition time would be saved on loading berth and making repairs due to better spacing. At first convoys were sailed from New York, but to relieve congestion there, beginning with UGS 11 and GUS 8, the port of departure for most ships was shifted to Norfolk at the end of June Such ships as were required to load in New York sailed under escort 3 days prior to the main convoy and proceeded to Lynnhaven Roads where masters attended the sailing conference prior to the convoy departure.

    Commencing with UGS 57 in October , however, to permit longer loading time the New York section sailed only one day earlier and rendezvoused well out at sea with the main convoy. At about this time the routes were reversed to take better advantage of winter weather, the east-bound UGS using the more northerly GUS route.

    At the other end, convoys were first routed to Casablanca, with British local escorts receiving shipping for the Mediterranean and delivering to GUS at a rendezvous at sea. Late in May the first British convoy traversed the entire Mediterranean. After August UGS convoys as such were escorted through the Mediterranean by the British, so that with KMS also sailing every 10 days there was one convoy sailing about every 5 days each way between Gibraltar and Port Said, all under British escort.

    With air attacks on these convoys increasing along the Algerian coast, and with adequate British escorts unavailable, CominCh reversed an expressed policy of leaving full responsibility for escorting inside the Mediterranean to the British. Returning GUS convoys thereafter assembled at Oran.

    The minimum declared speed remained throughout at 9. From Europa Point to Bizerte was an additional miles, or about 3. The return voyage from Bizerte to Cape Henry, averaged just.

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    In order to arrange a daylight passage through the Tunisian war channel it was necessary to limit arrival at Gibraltar to between Z and Z. On a 10 day interval, 7 groups of escorts were needed: 20 days at sea to Bizerte, 6 days at Bizerte, 20 days at sea to Cape Henry and 24 days at Hampton Roads - a cycle of 70 days. With convoys dispersing off Gibraltar only 6 groups were necessary.

    When the interval was cut to 5 days, however, 12 groups were required on the basis of 17 days to Oran, 7 days at Oran, 19 days to Cape Henry and 17 days at home base - a cycle of 60 days. The number of escort vessels per group or convoy, however, was cut in half to about 5 when this 5 day schedule began, so no additional vessels were assigned. A minimum of 14 7 Commodores and 7 Vice Commodores were needed for the day schedule to Bizerte. When convoys dispersed off Gibraltar the necessary minimum was reduced to 12, but under the 5-day schedule to Oran commencing January requirements doubled to For protection purposes various limits were placed upon the size of UGS convoys, ranging from 60 to ships.

    This was due to the steadily growing number of presenters and the difficulties of reducing the sailing interval because of complications in the Mediterranean. As a result of this expansion the interval was finally reduced to 5 days, as explained. The actual average by periods is shown in the table below:. Excluding the "Torch Operation" convoy see Chap. Convoys with 10, or more each were UGS 20, 38, 39 and As shown below throughout the war and excluding Torch Operation itself, only 4 ships were sunk in convoy in the Atlantic - a remarkably low number in view of the 11, ships crossing in convoys.

    III, C, 3. Perhaps it was the distance from their pens, perhaps air protection from Bermuda and later from the Azores, or perhaps fear of the strength of our killer groups and anti-submarine forces. More likely, however, it seems to be just one of those major errors in strategy and tactics which occur in every war for inexplicable reasons. As a result 5 more ships were sunk while under U. In addition, 9 more ships were damaged in this area, of which 2 were also escorts.

    Following a futile air attack on UGS 40 east of Algiers on 11 May , these forays ceased upon strengthening of the land-based air defense and the bombings of targets in Southern France from 29 April onwards.

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    The Following table segregates casualties in the Atlantic from those in the Mediterranean, insofar as U. The first convoy for this purpose, designated TM 1, 8. The next convoy, TMF 2,. OT 1 was sailed 5 February from Aruba under U. To further replenish the oil pool in New York, the TO tankers upon returning to Aruba from Africa, loaded and made a shuttle trip under the same escort to New York and back to Aruba before proceeding again to Africa.

    This schedule began in May with TO 4 and was set up as follows: 12 days at New York, 6 days enroute between New York and Aruba both ways, 2 days loading at Aruba, 13 days both ways enroute between Aruba and Gibraltar, and 10 days or less in North Africa. This made a cycle of 64 days, and with a sailing interval of 32 days required 2 groups of escorts of 3 or 4 destroyers each.

    The shuttle convoys to and from New York are included among U. Thereafter these tankers sailed in UGF convoys. In preparation for the invasion of Europe, between 21 August and 6 April , an aggregate of 11 UT troop convoys were sailed at irregular intervals averaging 22 days from New York to Liverpool. A total of , troops were embarked in these convoys, an average of 53, each. Minimum declared speed for inclusion was 15 knots. On a schedule of 11 days voyage each way, 5 days at U. Ship limit was set first at 25, then Due to the very tight unloading schedule for other troop convoys in U.

    No casualties from enemy action were ever suffered by these high-speed convoys carrying large number of troops, as indicated below:. At the same time as the first OT convoys were sailed to the Mediterranean February , a similar tanker convoy system was inaugurated for the purpose of increasing badly needed oil deliveries, particularly aviation gas, to the U.

    Eastbound they were known as CU Curacao - U. These convoys also were completely a U. The original plan was to sail these convoys from Curacao direct to U. Sailing days were to be adjusted for days saved along route. This made a cycle of 64 days, and with a sailing interval of 32 days, 2 groups of tankers and escorts were required. For several months thereafter the interval was 12 days, with escorts laying over for 6 days in U.

    No further change was made in the schedule until late in April , when to decrease the size and to speed up turnaround of troopships, the interval was reduced to 5 days commencing with CU It is of interest to note, however, that at this point all transAtlantic and U. In the meantime, to expedite the turnaround of CU shipping, particularly the fast freighters running on Army account, after September the UC's returned to U.

    As stated, CU convoys were originally routed directly between Curacao and U. As stated, CU convoys were originally routed direct between Curacao and U. From then on convoys were sailed direct from New York to U. Returning, Irish Sea and English Channel sections rendezvoused at sea as required. The minimum declared speed for inclusion was Voyage times both ways were maintained in an extraordinarily uniform manner at about 11 days between New York and Liverpool, with virtually no change when the terminal shifted to Southampton.

    With a sailing interval of 12 days, only 4 groups of escorts were required. As the interval was successively reduced to 9, 8 and 5 days, the groups needed increased to 5, 5 and 9 respectively. Task Force 61 under CinCLant furnished the vessels. Likewise, the minimum number of Convoy Commodores needed increased from 5 to 6 to 9 respectively, with the changes in schedule. This arrangement in effect with the 8 day interval called for 6 additional officers, excluding staffs, or a total of As already explained, CU convoys originally consisted of only 12 fast tankers per convoy.

    When the New York shuttle trip was started the limit was raised to The escorts were mixed British and U. One of the sinkings was in the Eastern Sea Frontier and one off Oversay. No troop ships were hit. As originally organized, AT convoys were military or troop convoys from U. Following our entry in the war, 9 AT convoys AT 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 and 23 were sailed before being discontinued in September These consisted of 84 ships and escorts, an average of 9 ships and 11 escorts each.

    Army records indicate a total of , embarkations in 7 AT convoys.

    No casualties from enemy action were suffered. Incidentally, it was as AT 24 that the Queen Mary sank the British cruiser Curacao in a collision in which the warship had proceeded from U. One of the most satisfying aspects of the Battle of the Atlantic was the multitude of independent crossings performed by these "Monsters" without the loss of a ship, or even a person, as the result of enemy action. Certainly the high speed of these liners was a vital factor, and surely good luck played its part, too.