Abingdon School teacher 'had sexual relations with boy'
About this book Introduction This book explores contemporary issues in sexuality and relationship education for young people. Drawing upon rich empirical and ethnographic research undertaken with students and teachers in secondary schools, the author asks how school-based sexuality education can better equip young people to engage with contemporary social, political and cultural sexuality and relationships issues. Creatively working across both theoretical and practical contexts, this accessible work suggests approaches to sexuality and relationships education that can build upon the ways in which young people are developing a sense of identity; the ultimate aim being to help them to meet their emotional, spiritual and relational potential.
Challenging established approaches to sexuality education, this thought-provoking book shines a new light on alternative perspectives that can help make sexuality and relationships education more relevant and meaningful for young people in a rapidly changing world. This volume will be of interest and value to students and scholars of sexuality and relationship education, as well as practitioners.
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University of Canterbury Christchurch New Zealand. She said coming out in the context of being an MP had been "slightly more difficult" than telling her friends and family. The MP also shared a picture of herself and Ms Cobb on Twitter, writing that she is now "just happy".

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- Layla Moran: Lib Dem MP announces she is pansexual.
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She said her family and friends have been supportive, but some people had suggested being in a same-sex relationship could damage her career. I don't know if there's any other MPs who would identify as pansexual, and not that many who identify as bisexual - there are a few women who are brilliant role models who have come out in their lesbian relationships.
Ms Moran, who did not rule out running to take over as Lib Dem leader, was asked to describe pansexuality to someone who is not familiar with the term.