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West Yorkshire leaders say they have been told it will not be escalated into Tier Three this week - although government sources insist discussions are still ongoing. The latest dramatic move means 7. Around 1. Official figures have shown that coronavirus infections are now falling in some of England's biggest cities including Manchester, despite Mr Hancock's threats to plunge many of them into Tier 3. In Nottingham the rolling weekly rate of cases peaked at 1, Manchester's current rate is The rate in Newcastle stands at Although some of the country's major cities are seeing infections tumble, the towns and boroughs around them are starting to see the steep increases, which may explain the Government's keenness to lockdown in more areas.

Table showing the different alert levels, Tier 1 as medium, Tier 2 as high and Tier 3 as very high. But they are still a far-cry from the true numbers seen during the peak of the first wave in the spring, when at least , Britons were catching the illness every day. Deaths are also rising in line with the nation's growing outbreak, with today's figure a 40 per cent rise on the laboratory-confirmed fatalities added to the UK's official toll exactly a week ago.

Health chiefs yesterday posted more victims, in the darkest day of Britain's Covid crisis since the start of June. Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner was today accused of calling a Tory MP 'scum' after he claimed members of the opposition frontbench view coronavirus as a 'good crisis'. The clash between Ms Rayner and Conservative backbencher Chris Clarkson happened during an opposition day debate in the Commons this afternoon as MPs debated funding for areas facing additional coronavirus restrictions. Speaking in the House of Commons, Mr Clarkson suggested senior Labour figures viewed the current outbreak as an opportunity to be exploited.

Ms Rayner, who was sat on the frontbench, then appeared to heckle Mr Clarkson who asked her: 'Excuse me, did the honourable lady just call me scum? The exchange prompted an intervention from a furious Commons Deputy Speaker Dame Eleanor Laing who said she would not accept such comments in the chamber 'under any circumstances'. The figures come as Professor John Edmunds, an epidemiologist based at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and member of Number 10's scientific advisory panel, told MPs that the three-tier lockdown system will only slow down the outbreak and not shrink it.

The ultimate outcome, he said, can only be stabilised 'high incidence everywhere' because 'nobody expects' the policies to bring the reproduction rate R in crisis-hit areas below one. If the R stays at one or above the epidemic will never shrink and Professor Edmunds warned the policy would just lead to constant pressure on hospitals and regular deaths. The scientist, who has already called for at least one 'circuit breaker' lockdown for the whole UK and repeated his support for one in front of MPs today, claimed the Government is 'not being as cautious as I would like'.

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He said England is already at the point where the NHS in the North will be under immense strain in the coming weeks, and warned he doesn't see a way out of the current situation without 'deaths in the tens of thousands'. Official data shows, however, that infection rates are already coming down in many parts of England. A PHE report last week revealed almost a third of local authorities in the country — 41 out of — saw per-person infection rates drop in the week ending October, up from only two that had a downward trend the week before.

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But Boris Johnson once again stuck to his 'tiers' system today and dismissed the idea of a 'circuit breaker'— which is backed by Labour and has already been implemented in different forms in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales — saying: 'It would involve closing schools, it would involve shuttering businesses with all the psychological, emotional damage that lockdown of that kind brings. More than seven million people will be in the top level of Boris Johnson's three-tier lockdown system by Sunday, with the new socialising bans being imposed on Greater Manchester and parts of Yorkshire.

Around 43million people in Britain will be living under tougher restrictions come Sunday. Professor Mark Woolhouse, an epidemiologist at the University of Edinburgh, said in the Science and Technology Committee today that it was a 'reasonable' decision for the Government to target the hospitality industry in lockdowns. He said there is evidence that the virus spreads in pubs and restaurants, even if it was weak. Officials have to enforce social distancing somehow, he said, and there wasn't good enough evidence for them to pick anywhere other than the hospitality industry.

Professor Woolhouse told MPs: 'The problem is that a decision has to be made. We're not reducing contacts through schools, which many people would agree with, and the hospitality industry is taking the brunt. The evidence we've all seen is suggestive that hospitality is making a contribution but, more to the point, it's almost a race to the bottom.

It's very strong for homes and household transmission. But Mr Johnson said the money would now be 'distributed to the boroughs' instead of going through the mayor's office. The Labour leader said: 'Stop bargaining with people's lives, stop dividing communities and provide the support that's needed in Manchester.

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Professor Edmunds's comments come as:. They've already been infected but it will take some time to be hospitalised — and the same goes for deaths. It's slower and lower in the South West and South East than in the more urban centres I don't think it's going to reach the height of the epidemic in March and April — not quite — but in many parts it may already be quite similar'. Department of Health data show that the second wave in Britain is continuing to grow, with 21, more positive tests announced yesterday, taking the daily average to 18, The deaths of another people were confirmed, a rise of more than two thirds The ratio has not been worse since , according to the Office for National Statistics.

The eye-watering figures will raise fresh concerns about a grim reckoning of tax rises and austerity when the government has to borrow the books. The Office for National Statistics estimates that around 27, people are catching the virus every day in England, its highest prediction since they began in May. All indicators — across positive cases, deaths and hospital admissions, are they highest they have been for at least four months.

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Professor Edmunds said that he fears the three-tier lockdown system — introduced this month by Boris Johnson instead of leaning towards national measures — will not squash the UK's second surge. What worries me a little bit is where the strategy leads to at the moment.

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So that, for me, is the logical conclusion of this strategy that we're following — I would not follow that strategy. He said that without putting the entire country into the toughest lockdown rules now, the country would be left to face hospitals under strain and large numbers of infections sweeping across the country. Nicola Sturgeon today announced pub and restaurant closures across the central belt of Scotland will be extended by a week to November 2 after the country recorded its highest number of coronavirus deaths since May. The First Minister imposed the closure of hospitality venues in Covid hotspots as well as a 6pm indoor hospitality curfew in other areas earlier this month.

The rules were originally due to last for two weeks and end on October 26 but Ms Sturgeon said today that the measures will have to be kept in place for longer. She said extending the shutdown to November 2 would allow for a 'smooth' transition to a new tiered system of restrictions, scheduled to come into effect on the same date. The original introduction of the measures prompted hospitality chiefs to warn of a 'death sentence' for hundreds of Scottish venues.

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Ms Sturgeon made clear she believed the extension of the measures was necessary after Scotland recorded a further 28 Covid deaths and an additional 1, cases - the highest number of fatalities since May The incidence of the virus — the number of people who are newly catching the virus — would be unlikely to go down during Tier Three lockdowns, he said, but also unlikely to go up.

He repeated his earlier calls for a circuit breaker lockdown which could turn back the clock on the outbreak all over the UK, which could then be followed by tighter rules to stop outbreaks getting out of control again. Professor Edmunds explained: 'If you put the [Tier Three] measures in place the incidence stays roughly the same so the measures are there So instead of holding the incidence at this high level where hospitals are under strain you hold it at a lower level where they're not under such strain.

That's one option. Professor Edmunds's comments come as the Government is introducing sweeping new rules this week as it thrusts millions of people in the North of England into Tier Three. The premier also jibed that he had a 'great conversation' with Sheffield City mayor Dan Jarvis, who today agreed a deal for the region to be escalated to Tier Three from Saturday.

Alongside a ban on households mixing indoors, pubs and bars will have to shut from midnight on Saturday, as well as betting shops, casinos and soft plays.

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  8. A furious blame game erupted between Boris Johnson and Andy Burnham pictured after talks over a Tier Three lockdown bailout failed. Boris Johnson moved to sideline Andy Burnham today after their vicious slanging match over Greater Manchester's lockdown. However, gyms and leisure centres can stay open - with Liverpool also getting their rules eased after a protest at double standards between regions. Talks with Tees valley and Tyneside have been 'paused' because data suggests measures to cut infection rate may be working.

    The sum granted to South Yorks is in roughly in line with that handed to Merseyside and Lancashire, adjusting for population size. In an apparent swipe at his Labour colleague today, Mr Jarvis said: 'We all recognise the gravity of the situation and have taken the responsible route to ensure we save lives and livelihoods, and protect our NHS.

    In a round of interviews this morning, Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick dismissed the idea that Mr Burnham learned news of the package during an explosive press conference last night. Mr Jenrick also complained that the haggling with Mr Burnham had held up crucial action to protect the public. Another source claimed the mayor had told the PM it was 'important to him that he got more than Lancashire and Merseyside', the other two areas already under Tier Three.

    These include the rule of six, a 10pm curfew, group sport to be played outdoors only and a maximum of 15 guests at wedding ceremonies. Tier two restrictions mean people are prohibited from socialising with anybody outside their household or support bubble in any indoor setting. Two households may be allowed to meet in a private garden and public outdoor spaces, as long as the rule of six and social distancing are followed. Tradespeople - such as plumbers and electricians - can continue to go into a household for work.

    This definition extends to pubs which sell 'substantial' meals, which like restaurants will be allowed to stay open but only serve alcohol to people eating a meal.

    Locals are advised only to leave their areas for essential travel such as work, education or health, and must return before the end of the day. Overnight stays by those from outside of these 'high risk' areas are also be banned. Households are not be allowed to to mix either indoors or outdoors.

    Why can't the Prime Minister and the Chancellor understand this?