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Body Hair: Smooth. Fancy meeting a handsome, fit, Raymon — Vital Statistics Area: London. Cock: Extra Large. Height: 5' 9" cm. Body Type: Defined. Dark and handsome. Very sexy black guy. Height: 5' 8" cm. Body Type: Average. Lots of implements, canes and toys. Accom discrete Central London Body Type: Muscled. Researchers know that the Endeavour was the largest of the scuttled vessels, and 3D imaging revealed this ship that fit the specifications. Want to see what life was like on a sailing vessel from this era? The Endeavour Experience in Whitby — where the original vessel was constructed — features the only full-size replica, which has become a tourist attraction.

The Coralarium, which took mine months to build, was the first-ever museum of its kind. The large steel frame had cut-outs that aimed to mimic the marine world and allowed sea life to explore freely within, acting as a new habitat for coral and other species, while 30 human figures were positioned on top and inside the frame at tidal level, with others submerged beneath.

However, despite the government being involved in a constant dialogue regarding the Coralarium, and having regular consultations, on Friday 21 September, local police officers carried out a court order to destroy the human-like figures that formed the focal point of the installation.

He is involved in the management of all types of diving-related illness, including recompression treatment, as well as providing hyperbaric oxygen therapy for non-diving conditions. He remains a passionate diver and has participated in various expeditions and conservation projects throughout the globe.

As little is known about ME I need to know whether I should continue diving. Most of my dives are 40m plus. A: In the Royal Free hospital in northwest London had to shut for two months due to a mysterious illness which caused fever and persisting fatigue in staff members. Interestingly, many veterans with Gulf War syndrome have the same symptoms. Diagnosis is difficult, relying as it does on subjective criteria, but generally it involves unexplained fatigue of six months or more, which is not due to exertion and which is unrelieved by rest.

Numerous other symptoms may occur, such as memory problems, sore throats, joint and muscle pains, and unrefreshing sleep.

If any other illness could cause the symptoms then ME is excluded. Not surprisingly, most sufferers do not feel well enough even to contemplate diving. All sorts of theories as to the cause of ME abound. The only. As such, the best advice I can give you is if you feel up to diving, then make sure you get a full diving medical first. Is this normal? I am going on my first liveaboard soon so any advice would be very helpful.

A: Unfortunately, production of some intestinal gas is an unavoidable part of digestion. A human can generate anything up to two litres of wind a day, although your average is nearer ml. Its major component is nitrogen, but sadly farting a lot does not reduce your DCI risk!

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The obvious culprits include beans, cabbages, onions, mushrooms, etc, but also fizzy drinks and milk. With any luck you can then spare your cabin buddy a fragant night on your first liveaboard….

Stuart Philpott tours around a rewarding shallow wreck, the James Fennel Super-dreadnaught, ocean liner, Sherman tanks - Malin Head has it all And this can mean extra layers under drysuits, dry-gloves and even consideration about making sure we can keep people warm on long boat trips back to shore. On a science and filming expedition to Greenland, myself and cameraman Doug Allan were tasked to take samples from, place probes on and film the bottom of a Blue Lake.

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These large pools of water form in depressions in glaciers where meltwater trickles in like hundreds of tiny rivers draining into a freshwater sea. The water is only just above freezing our dive computers actually read 0 degrees C , crystal clear and from above look a spectrum of blues. Hence the name. The Arctic sun penetrates the translucent water and reflects off the white lakebed.

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The difference in depth give blues from bright electric azure in the shallows to dark indigo in the deep sections, which just scraped past 20m. And we did get a view from above. The only way to reach these lakes with your dive kit is by helicopter. After landing and kitting up, we giant-strided from the icy shore and that was when the problems started. The cold water and heat from my face was causing my full-face mask to steam up like never before, and I could not clear it. I could see absolutely nothing so dense was the coating. I found out later Doug was frantically signalling me, directing me to swim in various directions for shots and becoming more and more irate at my lack of response.

Those stood on the surface could see his gradually more animated gesticulation 20m below. I fingered my drysuit inflation valve ready to ascend if necessary. I was literally punching myself in the face trying to clear the mask and inhaling with as much force as I could generate. Suddenly the mask gave, I got a face full of ice crystals… and a deep, satisfying breath. After surfacing and sorting the mask out, we dived again to witness a landscape of hillocks and humps, crevasses and cracks, and Dali-esque ice sculptures like thinly stalked mushrooms as much as two metres high.

Early bird tickets available now from: www. The first is the cold. This may seem obvious, but I mean really cold.

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Saltwater freezes below 0 degrees C, and at 30m the waters around the iceberg read -2 degrees C on our gauges. Because of this we kept our dives short, 45 minutes maximum, and wore appropriate clothing. As an example of how cold it was, and what a difference glove selection can make, on our first dive I wore 7mm mitts. I received nerve damage to the third and fourth fingers in both hands that left them numb for about six months.

I went back to wearing the 7mm mitts on dive three. We were diving an ice island, a name given to a really big iceberg. Ours was approximately 25 sq km, so it counted. Upon this island lived some polar bears, 24 to be exact Chris Packham did a quick helicopter survey.

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We cast our gaze upwards to see a bear, paws on the cliff edge, peering down at us. We backed the little boat away and the animal looked at us, then down the cliff at the water beneath, then back at us, continuing this cycle a few times and clearly judging if the drop to the water was do-able. We kept backing away and the bear turned, with what in my mind looked like a shake of its head, and headed back inland. I was lucky enough to see, and be stalked by, three more bears on land excursions onto the ice island later in the trip.

The main environmental concerns are light and cold. Even early in the winter season there is limited daylight in Alaska. We were filming late in November and had a window of about three and a half useable hours between and Then there was the cold. There were a lot of Brass Monkeys walking around looking deeply uncomfortable.

In this episode it was the turn of the ringed seal and the final challenge was a swim under half a metre of solid ice between two holes cut in the ice 40 metres apart. And so although I was only in a 5mm suit, I was wearing a thin fleece undersuit with electrically heated pads on my thighs and lower back. This helped keep me functional in the 25 minutes I spent in the water to attempt the task and all the other filming. Normally before freediving you warm up in the water. This is where your breathing rate and metabolism slows down, blood pools around your vital organs and the spleen contracts to pump more oxygen-carrying red.

So I sat in a heated tent on the ice fully kitted up doing breathhold exercises to try and induce the dive reflex. After about 20 minutes of exercises, I signalled I was ready and I walked down to the entry hole. In the minute I was standing by the entrance, talking to camera, my neoprenesocked feet had frozen to the ice. Peeling myself off, I sat by the hole, donned my freediving fins, mask and snorkel and slipped into the black water. I was expecting the cold shock as the water percolated the suit and my body worked to heat that water up so the wetsuit could hold a layer of warm water around me as a barrier to the cold.