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During the war, some parts of Kosovo and Macedonia which were occupied by the Axis powers were annexed to Albania , and an estimated Jews were captured in these territories, and consequently killed. The government of Finland generally refused to deport Finnish Jews to Germany. It has been said that Finnish government officials told German envoys that "Finland has no Jewish Problem". The majority of Finnish Jews however, were protected by the government's co-belligerence with Germany.

Their men joined the Finnish army and fought on the front. The most notable Finnish individual involved in aiding the Jews was Algoth Niska — Niska was a smuggler during the Finnish prohibition, but had run into financial troubles after its end in , so when Albert Amtmann, an Austrian-Jewish acquaintance, expressed his concerns over his people's position in Europe, Niska quickly saw a business opportunity in smuggling Jews out of Germany.

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The modus operandi was quickly established. Niska would forge Finnish passports and Amtmann would acquire the customers, who with their new passports would able to cross the border out of Germany. Only three of the Jews are known to have survived the Holocaust while twenty were certainly caught. The fates of the other twenty-five are not known. Involved in the operation with Niska and Amtmann were Major Rafael Johannes Kajander, Axel Belewicz and Belewicz's girlfriend Kerttu Ollikainen whose job was to steal the forms on which the passports were forged.

Despite Benito Mussolini 's close alliance with Hitler, Italy did not adopt Nazism's genocidal ideology towards the Jews. The Nazis were frustrated by the Italian forces' refusal to co-operate in the roundups of Jews, and no Jews were deported from Italy prior to the Nazi occupation of the country following the Italian capitulation in September Although thousands were caught, the great majority of Italy's Jews were saved.

As in other nations, Catholic networks were heavily engaged in rescue efforts. In Fiume northern Italy, today Croatian Rijeka , Giovanni Palatucci , after the promulgation of racial laws against Jews in and at the beginning of war in , as chief of the Foreigners' Office, forged documents and visas to Jews threatened by deportation. He managed to destroy all documented records of the some 5, Jewish refugees living in Fiume , issuing them false papers and providing them with funds.

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Palatucci then sent the refugees to a large internment camp in southern Italy protected by his uncle, Giuseppe Maria Palatucci , the Catholic Bishop of Campagna. Following the capitulation of Italy, Fiume was occupied by Nazis. Palatucci remained as head of the police administration without real powers. He continued to clandestinely help Jews and maintain contact with the Resistance , until his activities were discovered by the Gestapo.

(1932 - 1945)

Palatucci was arrested on 13 September He was condemned to death, but the sentence was later commuted to deportation to Dachau, where he died. On 19 July , the Gestapo rounded up the nearly Jewish inhabitants of the island of Rhodes , which had been governed by Italy since Of the approximately 2, Rhodesli Jews who were deported to Auschwitz and elsewhere, only survived. Giorgio Perlasca , who posed as the consul-general of Spain under the Spanish ambassador in Budapest , was able to put under his protection thousands of Jews and non-Jews destined to concentration camps.

Martin Gilbert wrote that, in October , with the SS occupying Rome and determined to deport the city's Jews, the Vatican clergy had opened the sanctuaries of the Vatican to all "non-Aryans" in need of rescue in an attempt to forestall the deportation. A further Jews had been given shelter in the Vatican and its enclaves.

He used diplomacy to aid the victims of the Holocaust, and directed the Church to provide discreet aid. The Nazis were furious and The Reich Main Security Office , responsible for the deportation of Jews, called him the "mouthpiece of the Jewish war criminals". Following the capitulation of Italy, Nazi deportations of Jews to death camps began. Pius XII protested at diplomatic levels, while several thousand Jews found refuge in Catholic networks.

On 27 June , Vatican Radio broadcast a papal injunction: "He who makes a distinction between Jews and other men is being unfaithful to God and is in conflict with God's commands". When the Nazis came to Rome in search of Jews, the Pope had already days earlier ordered the sanctuaries of the Vatican City be opened to all "non-Aryans" in need of refuge and according to Martin Gilbert , by the morning of 16 October, "a total of Jews had been given shelter in the Vatican and its enclaves, while another 4, had been given sanctuary in the many monasteries and convents of in Rome.

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Only 1, of Rome's 6, Jews were seized that morning". After the meeting, the ambassador gave orders for a halt to the arrests. Pius directly protested the deportations of Slovakian Jews to the Bratislava government from The neutral powers led a major rescue effort and Pius' representative, Angelo Rotta, took the lead in establishing an "international Ghetto", marked by the emblems of the Swiss, Swedish, Portuguese, Spanish and Vatican legations, and providing shelter for some 25, Jews.

In Rome, some 4, Italian Jews and escaped prisoners of war avoided deportation, many of them hidden in safe houses or evacuated from Italy by a resistance group organized by the Irish-born priest and Vatican official Hugh O'Flaherty. O'Flaherty used his political connections to help secure sanctuary for dispossessed Jews. Ho Feng Shan — Chinese Consul in Vienna started to issue visas to Jews for Shanghai, part of which during this time was still under the control of the Republic of China, for humanitarian reasons. After , the occupying Nazi-aligned Japanese ghettoised the Jewish refugees in Shanghai into an area known as the Shanghai ghetto.

Between and , around 20, Jews were given visas for Bolivia under an agricultural visa program. Although most moved on to the neighboring countries of Argentina, Uruguay and Chile, some stayed and created a Jewish Community in Bolivia. In a notable humanitarian act, Manuel L. McNutt , facilitated the entry into the Philippines of Jewish refugees fleeing fascist regimes in Europe, while taking on critics who were convinced by fascist propaganda that Jewish settlement is a threat to the country. The land would house homeless refugees in Marikina Hall, dedicated on 23 April The Religious Society of Friends , known as Quakers , from played a major role in assisting and saving Jews through their international network of centres Berlin, Paris, Vienna and organizations.

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Also individual Friends did rescue work. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. See also: List of Righteous among the Nations by country. Main article: Rescue of Jews by Poles during the Holocaust. Main article: Rescue of the Danish Jews. Main article: The Holocaust in Serbia. Main article: Rescue of the Bulgarian Jews.

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Main article: The Holocaust in Albania. Main article: Rescue of Jews by Catholics during the Holocaust. Main article: Norwegian Righteous among the Nations. This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. February See also: Rescue of Jews by Catholics during the Holocaust. They refused to comply. The underground resistance even warned that anyone who turned in a Jew would be executed. Liliana Picciotto , the historian of the archive of Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea Foundation Center for the Contemporary Jewish Documentation writes that of the 32, Jews living in Italy under German occupation, only 8, were arrested, whereas 23, escaped unharmed.

She speculates that the overall percentage of Jews who survived in Italy owed this to the solidarity the persecuted found among the local population. Archived from the original on 12 February Retrieved 17 March SWI swissinfo. Retrieved 31 May Retrieved 31 May — via Haaretz. Sylwetki in Polish. Institute of National Remembrance , Poland. Archived from the original pdf on 9 December Retrieved 3 September The Forward.

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Righteous Among the Nations - Yad Vashem. The Jewish Foundation for the righteous. Retrieved 5 September Keene State College.

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  6. The Holocaust: Timeline of Jewish Persecution.
  7. Retrieved 19 June Washington Post. Retrieved 22 April Archived from the original on 19 August Archived from the original on 18 October Archived from the original on 7 January The Newark Public Library. Archived from the original on 14 August Retrieved 28 July Source: Yad Vashem Studies, vol. Archived from the original on 21 January The bill sought to reduce the age at which buggery was legal from 18 to It also sought to reduce the age at which other homosexual acts were permitted from 18 to The Bill is based on the principle of equality before the law.

    It also provides added protection for the vulnerable. I am deeply committed to the Bill, although the Government and, I believe, the Opposition regard it entirely as a matter for a free vote according to individual conscience, rather than a matter for the party Whips. I am saddened that yet another year has passed without this reform on the statute book. The House has endorsed the principle of equality not once but twice. We included child protection measures as part of the Bill last year and asked the other place to agree. Regrettably, it has rejected the Bill.

    It has opposed equality and failed to support--indeed, even properly to consider--the child protection measures. As the hon. Member for Bethnal Green and Bow said, the Bill will lead us towards a more tolerant, less bigoted society in which all people, after centuries of struggle, will at last be treated as equals. The measure is a small step in that direction. Please let us not put up barriers of bigotry now; let us move on to a more enabling and refreshing agenda.

    The report also stated that, last year, of the 1, heterosexual people living in Britain who contracted human immune deficiency virus--many of whom underwent HIV testing because of increased concern among women about the disease--only 62 contracted the disease in this country. When I pointed out to the hon.

    Member for Rochdale Lorna Fitzsimons that the great majority of the women in that group came from the sub-continent, she jumped on the statement and said that it simply showed that heterosexual populations in other countries are severely affected by the disease.