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Avatar, Flagstaff, AZ: New Age seminars similar to est and Lifespring , enables participant to have conscious shift of beliefs. Awareness Research Foundation, Inc. Teaches the balancing of vibrational centers for health through diet, exercise, herbs, and purification procedures. Bailey, Alice: Founder of the Arcane School. Often used as a symbol of Satan , especially in Satanism , and depicted as a Goat's Head symbol, an upside down five-pointed star cf. If these dead persons then accept the LDS gospel while in Spirit Prison, they can potentially attain full salvation or godhood exaltation.

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This ceremony is performed only in an LDS Temple. See Baptismal Regeneration. Baptismal Regeneration: The belief that regeneration i. All Christians should be baptized Matthew The teaching that baptism is a prerequisite for salvation, however, is considered by many evangelicals to be a heretical compromise of the biblical gospel of salvation by grace alone Ephesians The extreme version of baptismal regeneration, which denies the salvation even of baptized Christians outside some particular church group, is clearly heretical.

The Beatles: A highly influential rock-and-roll group from the s.

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The Beatles are widely credited with increasing the popularity of Eastern religions in the United States. Publishes Believer's News. Bell, Art: Popular late-night radio talk show host. While his Coast to Coast weeknight broadcast and Dreamland weekend broadcast focus on a wide array of New Age and occult issues, as well as many conspiracy theories, one of the most common subjects discussed by guests on the program is UFO s.

Beltane: Occult , Celtic holiday, also called Walpurgisnacht, celebrated on the night of April Celts are alleged to have conducted fertility rituals and human sacrifice. Some people involved in the occult and UFO studies believe the Triangle is a supernaturally dangerous area, with many ships and airplanes disappearing in the Triangle in the 20th century. Bernard, David: A well-known Oneness Pentecostal writer and speaker.

Krishnamurti later renounced that role. Publishes The Prophetic Watchman newsletter. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh: Though this Indian guru is deceased, many followers still practice his unique form of Hindu philosophy and sexual yoga system to gain enlightenment. Bhakti Yoga: Type of yoga or spiritual exercise involving devotion to a guru. Bible: Considered scripture by Christianity.

Bible Believers, Inc. Bible Code, Michael Drosnin: Bestselling book teaches that prophecies are hidden in a complex network of letters and words within the Old Testament.

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Drosnin claims that he attempted to warn Israeli leader Yitzak Rabin of his impending assassination based on a prediction in the biblical code. The theory is a form of numerology and has some associations with the Jewish occultism of the Kabbalah. Bible Students: Various semiautonomous groups that broke away from the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society after Joseph Rutherford took control of the organization. Groups across the country go under various names e.

Bible Way Publications, Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Bible Students group. Bind: See Spell. Bioenergy: New Age practice of healing. Balances the life-energy by opening blocked meridians see acupuncture. Biofeedback : The use of EEG electroencephalographic feeback instruments to monitor brain waves and skin resistance with the goal of modification of brain waves.


Participants can learn to control heart rates or generate brain wave activity alpha, beta, and delta at will to induce altered states of consciousness. Bio-Magnetics: New Age , the realigning of magnetic fields allegedly surrounding the body. Black candles are used and Catholic prayers recited backwards.

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Allegedly, the communion is occasionally performed using human blood and flesh. Black Muslim: Generic term referring to Nation of Islam and related groups.

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  8. Blessed Be: A common greeting used among Wiccans to invoke or wish happiness and well-being. Blood Atonement Doctrine: The belief, taught by the second Mormon Prophet, Brigham Young, that for certain sins the blood of Christ will not atone and for which the sinner's own blood must be shed to receive forgiveness Journal of Discourses, Vol. No longer taught by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints , the belief is often preached and sometimes practiced by members of Mormon Fundamentalist splinter groups.

    To this day, Utah allows condemned murders to face execution by firing squad rather than methods that do not shed the criminal's blood, such as lethal injection or the electric chair. Publishes the Solar Space-Letter. Book of Changes: See I Ching. Born Again: Biblical term used to describe regeneration John Some New Age followers teach that the term was Christ's reference to reincarnation or rebirthing. In context, Jesus was speaking of a spiritual event effected by God through the Holy Spirit see verses to restore a sinful, fallen human to right relationship with Him see verses See Gospel.

    Brahma: The creator and first member of the triad of demigods in Hinduism , including Shiva and Vishnu. Brainwashing: Forced indoctrination using various techniques to cause a subject to abandon basic political, social, or religious ideas or beliefs and replace those ideals with a contrasting belief system. A translation of a Chinese word xinao, "brainwashing" became a popular term to describe the phenomena of radical change in behavior and core beliefs that took place in some prisoners of war held in Chinese camps in the mid-twentieth century.

    In a more general sense, the word is sometimes used to describe any form of persuasion perceived to be unethical that results in a radical and negative change in personality. See Lifton, Robert , Mind Control. David Koresh A. Vernon Howell was leader from to He and many of his most devout followers were killed when their headquarters near Waco, TX, was destroyed by fire in during a government raid. Taught knowledge of the Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation brought salvation.

    Many followers still believe Koresh's messianic claims and expect him to be resurrected soon. Branham, William, : Oneness Pentecostal preacher who claimed he received healing and prophetic powers from an angel. Denied the Trinity , taught the serpent seed doctrine, and rejected other Pentecostal and traditional Christian churches.

    The group requires renouncing both family and worldly possessions in order to earn salvation see Salvation by works. Members travel nomadically, earning their nickname because of their practice of eating discarded food. Family members note that Roberts hides relatives, moving the individuals to avoid familial contact.

    Note: This group is not affiliated with the Church of the Brethren, an Anabaptist denomination. Brinkley, Dannion: As chronicled in his bestseller Saved by the Light, Brinkley allegedly underwent a near-death experience after being struck by lightning. He teaches people to perform "life reviews" to enhance their perception of life and death and to find their life missions.

    The monarchs of England sit on the throne of David. See Christian Identity Movement , Serpent seed doctrine.

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    Also known as Center of Light and Life. Brotherhood of the White Temple, Inc. The Bruderhof Community: A communal society started in Germany in the s and based on the sixteenth-century Moravian Anabaptist sect of Jacob Hutter, which was part of the Radical Reformation. The group is also called the Society of Brothers and the Hutterian Brethren.

    The basic theology of the group is Protestant but, according to former members and other critics, the group exercises inappropriate control over the members and practices shunning and other forms of spiritual abuse. Buddha: Siddhartha Gautama Buddha "enlightened one" was born about BC in northeastern India and, according to legend, received spiritual enlightenment through meditation.

    During his lifetime, his spiritual insights and teachings became a major alternative to Hinduism throughout India. Diverse versions of his teachings can be found worldwide today. See Buddhism. Buddhism: World religion based on the spiritual teachings of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha. There are a number of versions or sects of Buddhism generally teaching paths to Nirvana enlightenment or bliss though the four noble truths recognizing existence and source of suffering and the eightfold path correct understanding, behavior and meditation.

    The name comes from the culmination of the festival, in which a wooden man with outstretched arms resembling a crucifix is burned by the crowd. Cabalah: See Kabbalah. Caelum Moor, Arlington, TX: Private park now closed containing menhirs large upright stones similar to those found at Stonehenge.

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    Newspaper reports claim trespassers have used the site for pagan ceremonies. See Stonehenge. Very influential in the public school arena. He helped popularize Native American shamanism , the hallucinogenic peyote , and New Age occultism. Publishes the Castle Rising newsletter. Catholicism: See Roman Catholicism. Celestine Prophecy, The: A best-selling New Age book by James Redfield that teaches enlightenment through the fictional "Nine Insights" contained in secret manuscripts written by Maya natives in the jungles of Peru.

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    Celticism, Celts: The Celts were a group of related tribes whose territory extended throughout Europe early in the first millennium AD , but who are most commonly associated with the British Isles. The Celts worshipped local deities frequently associated with nature , often served by a priestly class of Druids. Human sacrifice was important to Druidic religion. Modern neo-pagans frequently claims to be Celtic, although the modern beliefs and practices bear little resemblance to ancient Celticism.

    Celtic Christianity: Augustine of Canterbury evangelized England in the late 6th? His work was later taken by Patrick to Ireland, who is largely credited with establishing the Celtic church. Celtic Christianity was heavily influenced by the Roman Catholic Church, to which it was allied, although many individuals claim a greater reverence for nature in the Celtic tradition.

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    Differences in practice within the Celtic church were gradually eradicated during the Middle Ages as the Roman papacy asserted its authority over Ireland. Modern groups that claim to revive Celtic Christianity are frequently a mixture of Protestantism and Roman Catholicism , with few legitimate ties to the early Celtic church. Nonetheless, these groups should not be confused with neo-pagan groups that also claim to be Celtic. He and his work, which is frequently supportive of new religions, are often used by alternative religious groups to support their activities when pursuing governmental recognition.

    Publishes the Interconnections newsletter.