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He sustained minor injuries to his legs, back and hand in an intentional collision with a brick wall while making the 12th series of Top Gear in The first season was made available worldwide in The show had previously been presented by Chris Tarrant. Clarkson is in favour of personal freedom and against government regulation , stating that government should "build park benches and that is it. They should leave us alone. He often criticised the Labour governments of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown , especially what he calls the 'ban' culture, frequently fixating on the bans on smoking and ban on fox hunting.

In an attempt to prove that the public furore over the UK child benefit data scandal was unjustified, he published his own bank account number and sort code, together with instructions on how to find out his address, in The Sun newspaper, expecting nobody to be able to remove money from his account.

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He envisions the European Union being turned into a US-like "United States of Europe", with one army, one currency, and one unifying set of values. Clarkson's comments have both a large number of supporters and opponents. He often comments on the media-perceived social issues of the day such as the fear of challenging adolescent youths, known as ' hoodies '.

In , Clarkson was cleared of allegations of assaulting a hoodie while visiting central Milton Keynes , after Thames Valley Police said that if anything, he had been the victim.

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As a motoring journalist, he is frequently critical of government initiatives such as the London congestion charge or proposals on road charging. He is also frequently scornful of caravanners and cyclists. He has often singled out John Prescott the former Transport Minister , and Stephen Joseph [50] the head of the public transport pressure group Transport for ridicule.

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In September , a tweet proposing that he might stand for election as an independent candidate in Doncaster North , the constituency of the then Labour leader of the opposition, Ed Miliband , was retweeted over 1, times — including by John Prescott. Clarkson is critical of the green movement and groups such as Greenpeace —he has called them "eco-mentalists" and "old trade unionists and CND lesbians" who had found a more relevant cause [58] —but "loves the destination" of environmentalism and believes that people should quietly strive to be more eco-friendly.

Clarkson rejects the scientific consensus on climate change , believing that anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions do not effect the global climate. Switzerland loses its skiing resorts? The beach in Miami is washed away? North Carolina gets knocked over by a hurricane?

Anything bothering you yet? Cambodia was undergoing a severe drought during the show's filming. Whilst Clarkson states such views in his columns and in public appearances, his public persona does not necessarily represent his personal views, as he acknowledged whilst interviewing Alastair Campbell saying "I don't believe what I write, any more than you [Campbell] believe what you say". Clarkson has been described as a "skilful propagandist for the motoring lobby" by The Economist.

By , Clarkson was perceived by the press to have upset so many people and groups, The Independent put him on trial for various 'crimes', declaring him guilty on most counts. Responses to Clarkson's comments are often directed personally, with derogatory comments about residents of Norfolk leading to some residents organising a "We hate Jeremy Clarkson" club. In The Guardian's 'Media ' list, which lists the top most "powerful people in the [media] industry", based on cultural, economic and political influence in the UK, Clarkson was listed as a new entrant at 74th.

Some critics even attribute Clarkson's actions and views as being influential enough to be responsible for the closure of Rover and the Luton manufacturing plant of Vauxhall. The BBC often played down his comments as ultimately not having the weight they were ascribed. In , they described Clarkson as "Not a man given to considered opinion", [32] and in response to an official complaint another BBC spokeswoman once said: "Jeremy's colourful comments are always entertaining, but they are his own comments and not those of the BBC.

More often than not they are said with a twinkle in his eye. On his chat show, Clarkson , he caused upset to the Welsh by placing a 3D plastic map of Wales into a microwave oven and switching it on. He later defended this by saying, "I put Wales in there because Scotland wouldn't fit.

By the time it closed, it had attracted 49, signatures. Clarkson later commented he would be a rubbish Prime Minister as he is always contradicting himself in his columns. In response to the reactions he gets, Clarkson has stated "I enjoy this back and forth, it makes the world go round but it is just opinion. Clarkson was ranked 49th on Motor Trend Magazine's Power List for , its list of the fifty most influential figures in the automotive industry.

Clarkson has a keen interest in the British Armed Forces and several of his DVDs and television shows have featured a military theme, such as flying in military jets or several Clarkson-focused Top Gear spots having a military theme such as Clarkson escaping a Challenger 2 tank in a Range Rover , a Lotus Exige evading missile lock from an Apache attack helicopter, a platoon of Irish Guardsmen shooting at a Porsche Boxster and Mercedes-Benz SLK , or using a Ford Fiesta as a Royal Marine landing craft. Clarkson visited British troops in Baghdad , in October At the end of , Clarkson became a patron of Help for Heroes , [79] a charity aiming to raise money to provide better facilities to wounded British servicemen.

Clarkson is passionate about engineering, especially pioneering work.

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  • In Inventions That Changed the World Clarkson showcased the invention of the gun, computer, jet engine, telephone and television. He has previously criticised the engineering feats of the 20th century as merely improvements on the truly innovative inventions of the Industrial Revolution.

    He cites the lack of any source of alternative power for cars, other than by "small explosions". In Great Britons , as part of a public poll to find the greatest historical Briton, Clarkson was the chief supporter for Isambard Kingdom Brunel , a prominent engineer during the Industrial Revolution credited with numerous innovations.

    Despite this, he also has a passion for many modern examples of engineering. In Speed and Extreme Machines , Clarkson rides and showcases numerous vehicles and machinery.

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    Clarkson was awarded an honorary degree from Brunel University on 12 September , partly because of his work in popularising engineering, and partly because of his advocacy of Brunel. He cited the Concorde crash as his inspiration, feeling a sadness for the demise of the machine as well as the passengers. Clarkson was a passenger on the last BA Concorde flight on 24 October Paraphrasing Neil Armstrong he described the retirement of the fleet as "This is one small step for a man, but one huge leap backwards for mankind".

    The Lightning was subsequently removed on the orders of the local council, which "wouldn't believe my claim that it was a leaf blower", according to Clarkson on a Tiscali Motoring webchat. In building such an ambitious machine, Clarkson described the project as "a triumph for lunacy over common sense, a triumph for man over nature and a triumph for Volkswagen over absolutely every other car maker in the world.

    I'll never experience that power again. Clarkson was able to secure a place on the shortlist for the few cars that would be imported to Britain to official customers, only through knowing Ford's head of PR through a previous job. After waiting years and facing an increased price, he found many technical problems with the car. After "the most miserable month's motoring possible," he returned it to Ford for a full refund. After a short period, including asking Top Gear fans for advice over the Internet, he bought back his GT. He called it "the most unreliable car ever made", because he was never able to complete a return journey with it.

    In August , he sold the Gallardo because "idiots in Peugeots kept trying to race [him] in it". You can't be a true petrolhead until you've owned an Alfa Romeo. Of the Monaro he said, "It's like they had a picture of me on their desk and said [ Australian accent ] 'Let's build that bloke a car! I've fallen in love Clarkson dislikes the British car brand Rover , the last major British owned and built car manufacturer.

    This view stretched back to the company's time as part of British Leyland.

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    • Describing the history of the company up to its last flagship model, the Rover 75 , he paraphrased Winston Churchill and stated "Never in the field of human endeavour has so much been done, so badly, by so many," citing issues with the rack and pinion steering system. In the latter years of the company, Clarkson blamed the "uncool" brand image as being more of a hindrance to sales than any faults with the cars. On its demise, Clarkson stated "I cannot even get teary and emotional about the demise of the company itself — though I do feel sorry for the workforce.

      Clarkson has also criticised Vauxhalls [] [] and has described Vauxhall's parent company, General Motors , as a "pensions and healthcare" company which sees the "car making side of the business as an expensive loss-making nuisance". I've always hated it because I've always felt it was designed in a coffee break by people who couldn't care less about cars" and "one of the worst chassis I've ever come across. After a Top Gear piece by Clarkson for its launch in , described by The Independent as "not doing [GM] any favours", [] Vauxhall complained to the BBC and announced, "We can take criticism but this piece was totally unbalanced.

      Clarkson's comments and actions have sometimes resulted in complaints from viewers, car companies, and national governments.

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      In a later incident during a Top Gear episode broadcast on 13 November , Clarkson, while talking about a Mini design that might be "quintessentially German", made a mock Nazi salute , and made references to the Hitler regime and the German invasion of Poland by suggesting the GPS "only goes to Poland". In November , Clarkson attracted over complaints to the BBC when he joked about lorry drivers murdering prostitutes. It's the 21st century, let's get our sense of humour in line. Although several newspapers reported that he had subsequently argued with BBC Two controller Janice Hadlow , [] who was present at the recording, the BBC denied that he had been given a "dressing down".

      In July , Clarkson reportedly angered gay rights campaigners after he made a remark on Top Gear that did not get aired on the 4 July episode. But guest Alastair Campbell wrote about it on Twitter.