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It was the first piece of case law, anywhere in the world, which prevented discrimination in employment or vocational education because someone is trans. Ben Bradshaw , also openly gay, is also elected just 21 minutes later. However, a month later the House of Lords defeats the clause.
Timeline of LGBT history in the United Kingdom
After a campaign by Outrage! The attack kills three people and wounds at least The bill is defeated. Scotland abolishes Section It remains in place in England and Wales. Group sex between men is also decriminalised.
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On their return, their same-sex marriage is not recognised under British law. All votes about equal gay rights : On 18 Jul Andrew Mitchell voted to legalise abortion in certain circumstances in Northern Ireland as soon as the act comes into force, to enable two persons who are not of the same sex to be eligible to form a civil partnership in Northern Ireland and make a wide variety of other amendments to the Bill.
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Show vote On 5 Mar Andrew Mitchell voted to enable the courts to deal with proceedings for the divorce of, or annulment of the marriage of, a same sex couple. Show vote On 5 Mar Andrew Mitchell voted in favour of various amendments to acts of Parliament in light of the introduction of same sex marriage.

Show vote On 5 Mar Andrew Mitchell voted to make same sex marriage available to armed forces personnel outside the UK. Show vote On 21 May Andrew Mitchell voted in favour of allowing same sex couples to marry. Show vote On 5 Feb Andrew Mitchell voted in favour of allowing same sex couples to marry.
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Show vote On 10 Mar Andrew Mitchell voted to require reports on the impact of repealing a ban on the promotion of homosexuality in schools. Show vote On 10 Mar Andrew Mitchell voted to repeal a ban on the promotion of homosexuality in schools.
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