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Michael Bronski points out that "gay-male-themed books received greater critical attention than lesbian ones" and that "writers such as Gore Vidal were accepted as important American writers, even when they received attacks from homophobic critics. A key element of Allen Drury 's bestselling and Pulitzer Prize -winning political novel Advise and Consent is the blackmailing of young US senator Brigham Anderson, who is hiding a secret wartime homosexual tryst. For a public official to be identified as gay in the Washington of the 50s and 60s meant not only career suicide but also potentially actual suicide.

Yet Drury, a staunchly anti-Communist conservative of his time, regarded the character as sympathetic, not a villain. The senator's gay affair, he wrote, was "purely personal and harmed no one else. Drury later wrote about the unrequited love of one male astronaut for another in his novel The Throne of Saturn , [87] and in his two-part tale of ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten 's attempt to change Egyptian religion— A God Against the Gods and Return to Thebes —Akhenaten's romance with his brother Smenkhkara contributes to his downfall. James Baldwin followed Giovanni's Room with Another Country , a "controversial bestseller" that "explicitly combines racial and sexual protests A Single Man more fully develops the context of gay oppression than do [Isherwood's] earlier novels To portray homosexuals as simply another tribe in a nation comprising many different tribes is both to soften the stigma linked to homosexuality and to encourage solidarity among gay people.

And by associating the mistreatment of homosexuals with the discrimination suffered by other minorities in America, Isherwood legitimizes the grievances of gay people at a time when homosexuals were not recognized either as a genuine minority or as valuable members of the human community.

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Presaging the gay liberation movement, A Single Man presents homosexuality as simply a human variation that should be accorded value and respect and depicts homosexuals as a group whose grievances should be redressed. The novel was met with considerable acclaim, and The New York Times critic Anthony Boucher wrote, "This is a detective story, and unlike any other that you have read.

No brief review can attempt to convey its quality. I merely note that it deals with a Manhattan subculture wholly devoid of ethics or morality, that said readers may well find it 'shocking', that it is beautifully plotted and written with elegance and wit In his controversial satire Myra Breckinridge , Gore Vidal explored the mutability of gender-roles and sexual-orientation as being social constructs established by social mores , [96] making the eponymous heroine a transsexual waging a "war against gender roles".

Though Thomas Pynchon 's Gravity's Rainbow was unanimously recommended by the Pulitzer Prize fiction jury to receive the award, the Pulitzer board chose instead to make no award that year. It explores adolescent homosexual relations and includes a fictional first-person account, written in , of a brief tragic encounter between a young soldier and a bakery apprentice in rural France.

In the 21st century, much of LGBT literature has achieved a high level of sophistication and many works have earned mainstream acclaim. Greer, an openly gay man, won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for Less. Becky Albertalli 's teen novel Simon vs. Gay pulp fiction or gay pulps, refers to printed works, primarily fiction, that include references to male homosexuality , specifically male gay sex , and that are cheaply produced, typically in paperback books made of wood pulp paper; lesbian pulp fiction is similar work about women.

Michael Bronski , the editor of an anthology of gay pulp writing, notes in his introduction, "Gay pulp is not an exact term, and it is used somewhat loosely to refer to a variety of books that had very different origins and markets" [] People often use the term to refer to the "classic" gay pulps that were produced before about , but it may also be used to refer to the gay erotica or pornography in paperback book or digest magazine form produced since that date. Homosexuality in speculative fiction refers to the incorporation of homosexual themes into science fiction , fantasy , horror fiction and related genres which together constitute speculative fiction.

Such elements may include a lesbian , gay , bisexual or transgender LGBT character as the protagonist or a major character, or exploration of varieties of sexual experience that deviate from the conventional. Science fiction and fantasy have traditionally been puritanical genres aimed at a male readership, and can be more restricted than non-genre literature by their conventions of characterisation and the effect that these conventions have on depictions of sexuality and gender. By the s, blatant homophobia was no longer considered acceptable to most readers. Ethan Urquhart, whose dangerous adventure alongside the first woman he has ever met presents both a future society where homosexuality is the norm and the lingering sexism and homophobia of our own world.

The book covers science fiction literature published before 2nd edition, , providing a short review and commentary on each piece. As speculative fiction gives authors and readers the freedom to imagine societies that are different from real-life cultures, this freedom makes speculative fiction a useful means of examining sexual bias by forcing the reader to reconsider his or her heteronormative cultural assumptions.

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It has also been claimed that LGBT readers identify strongly with the mutants , aliens and other outsider characters found in speculative fiction. James Jenkins of Valancourt Books notes that the connection between gay fiction and horror goes back to the Gothic novels of the s and early s. James R. Keller writes that in particular,"Gay and lesbian readers have been quick to identify with the representation of the vampire, suggesting its experiences parallel those of the sexual outsider. LGBT themes in comics is a relatively new concept, as lesbian , gay , bisexual and transgender LGBT themes and characters were historically omitted intentionally from the content of comic books and their comic strip predecessors, due to either censorship or the perception that comics were for children.

Independently published one-off comic books and series, often produced by gay creators and featuring autobiographical storylines, tackled political issues of interest to LGBT readers. Comic strips have also dealt in subtext and innuendo, their wide distribution in newspapers limiting their inclusion of controversial material. The first openly gay characters appeared in prominent strips in the late s; representation of LGBT issues in these titles causes vociferous reaction, both praise and condemnation, to the present day.

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Comic strips aimed at LGBT audiences are also syndicated in gay- and lesbian-targeted magazines and comics have been created to educate people about LGBT-related issues and to influence real-world politics, with their format and distribution allowing them to transmit messages more subtle, complex, and positive than typical education material.

Since the s, LGBT themes have become more common in mainstream US comics, including in a number of titles in which a gay character is the star. European comics have been more inclusive from an earlier date. The lack of censorship, and greater acceptance of comics as a medium of adult entertainment led to less controversy about the representation of LGBT characters. The popular Japanese manga tradition has included genres of girls' comics that feature homosexual relationships since the s, in the form of yaoi and yuri.

These works are often extremely romantic and include archetypal characters that often are not identified as gay. Since the Japanese "gay boom" of the s, a body of manga aimed at LGBT customers has been produced, which have more realistic and autobiographical themes. Pornographic manga also often includes sexualised depictions of lesbians and intersex people.

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Compared to gay and lesbian teen fiction , sales of gay-themed books for younger children, and availability of these books in public and school libraries remain "very dicey and very different. Controversy and politicization followed its publication.

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Both books discussed same-sex parenting and attracted criticism and controversy. The American Library Association ranked Heather Has Two Mommies as the third and second most frequently challenged book in the United States in and , respectively. The book is about a prince uninterested in princesses, who eventually falls in love with another prince. In , parents sued a Massachusetts school district after a teacher read the book to their son's second grade class.

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While it has been banned [] and debated [] many times, it has been awarded and noted by the American Library Association on their Rainbow Book List. A more extensive list of gay children's literature includes: []. In July , Singapore's National Library Board NLB , a state-funded network of 26 public libraries, confirmed it would destroy three children's books with pro-LGBT families themes for being "against its 'pro-family' stance[,] following complaints by a parent and its own internal review. Two weeks after a gay rights rally, these books "sparked a fierce debate" between the religious conservatives, who opposed the rally, and Singapore's growing gay-rights lobby.

As of , there have been no explicitly bisexual characters—either children or adults—in children's picture book fiction.

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According to a NPR story, hundreds of books featuring transgender characters have been published since Although a vast majority of them tend to be targeted to a teenage audience, these self-publications also consist of picture books for younger children. Transgender teenage girl Jazz Jennings co-authored a children's book called I Am Jazz about her experience discovering her identity. In the past few years, transgender women have been finding publishers for their own picture books written for transgender kids.

Some of these books include:. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Literary genre. See also: Homoerotic literature in ancient Rome. Main articles: Gay male pulp fiction and Lesbian pulp fiction. LGBT portal Literature portal. Julie has been wearing men's clothing to avoid being recognized. A middle-aged man who has on occasion followed her invites her to share his umbrella.

Startled by her voice when she accepts, he runs away. Archived from the original on May 28, Retrieved February 6, Yale University Press. Fone Anthology of gay literature. Columbia University Press. This anthology offers a chronological survey of writing that represents, interprets, and constructs the experience of love, friendship, intimacy, and desire between men over time--that is, what most readers would call gay male literature.

Archived from the original on August 31, Retrieved June 17, Archived from the original on April 15, Retrieved February 5, Harvard University Press. Alexander the Great: the story of an ancient life. Cambridge University Press. Archived from the original on December 2, The Myrmidons.

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Radt, Stefan. Archived from the original on February 6, Achilles in Greek Tragedy.

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Perseus Project. Project Gutenberg. Retrieved February 4, Lines — Journal of the History of Sexuality. Gendered Dynamics in Latin Love Poetry. Johns Hopkins University Press. University of Michigan Press. The Daily Telegraph. Archived from the original on December 18, Retrieved January 30, The Tale of Genji. Translated by Tyler, Royall.

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